Drabble 1

The Kaisoo Thought Bubble

Drabble 1

803 Words



“Kyungsoo, I’m back!”

Jongin enters the apartment smelling like pizzas and donuts and fizzy cola. He removes his leather jacket and hangs it on the coat rack.

“Soo? Kyungsoo hyung?”

No answer comes to greet him. Jongin walks further in until he reaches the one place Kyungsoo’s been spending all his time in: the study room. True enough, he finds the older male there, fast asleep over piles of papers, with books stacked everywhere in the room, and empty cans of coffee filling the little trash can.

Jongin smiles, bittersweet. Although he loves how wonderfully responsible and hard working his hyung is, he can’t help but worry about Kyungsoo sometimes, because nobody should have to study on a Friday night. He wishes the elder would loosen up a bit, and enjoy youth a tinge more. But then again, it’s not like Kyungsoo has much of a choice. Jongin just sighs because this is a crucial year for the small male, and there’s nothing he can do about it. Reports on various subjects plague Kyungsoo’s schedule, and then there also the thesis writing coming up. Not to mention, Kyungsoo is a constant honor student and won’t be stopping any time soon.

It’s a kind of pressure that Jongin doesn’t know, and probably might never know. His professors are all pretty relaxed guys, and the tests aren’t exactly easy but not difficult either. Jongin’s not running for honors; he’s just getting by casually. If he feels like studying, he’ll study. If he feels lazy, he’ll cram. If he happens to feel extra studious, maybe he’ll even try to score a hundred. But he’s not met with so much weight, unlike the heavy one that Kyungsoo carries on his narrow shoulders. Jongin’s only began his first year in college, but Kyungsoo’s already close to the finish line. And because of that, although Jongin terribly misses it when Kyungsoo had time to give him attention, he has to understand how much his best friend needs this—needs this time to just focus on studying, and graduating first in class, and making his parents proud. Jongin likes to think he’ll be the proudest one of all. He’ll think about all the times he didn’t want to be a burden; how he’d always be out partying in his spare time, not because he really wanted to, but because he didn’t want to be a distraction to Kyungsoo. Also, because his hyung can no longer pay him much attention, he tried to look for it from other people. He’ll remember all that when Kyungsoo receives his diploma; he’ll probably tear up a bit because even though the elder stopped hanging-out with him for a long while, Kyungsoo never forgot to cook Jongin’s three meals a day, and to keep the cupboard stacked with snacks. Kyungsoo never forgot to remind Jongin not to work too hard. Kyungsoo never forgot to make sure Jongin had all his school items in his backpack, or had a water jug in case he gets thirsty, or asked if he needed new dancing shoes yet, or prepared him warm chocolate milk on bad days. Through it all, no matter how busy, Kyungsoo never forgot—never forgets to love Jongin as much as he can every day.    


The small male is light on Jongin’s arms. Perhaps lighter, even. Is he getting thinner again? Jongin just shakes his head, and makes a mental note to tell Kyungsoo to eat more. Jongin places him gently on his bed and tucks him in. He hears Kyungsoo mutter something like a math equation as the small male turns on his side. Jongin snorts, ruffles Kyungsoo’s hair and gives his hand a tight squeeze.“Kyungie hyung, fighting,” he whispers.


Then Jongin closes the lights of the study room, and goes to bed. As he lies down and closes his eyes, he mentions the things he looks forward to in his prayer: how when work is finally done, he and Kyungsoo can have fun. He’ll bring the elder to parties—they’ll eat junk food late into the night, obnoxiously laughing with their friends without a care in the world. They’ll lie together in a makeshift tent (using a blanket; and yes, college students can still do that), talking about things of no particular importance until the sun rises. And Jongin will most definitely bring Kyungsoo to the dance studio his club uses—he’ll drag the little guy to the dance floor no matter what the retaliation.

As his prayer ends, Jongin’s brain lets dream land take over.

He dreams of Kyungsoo in his graduation attire, smiling—heart-shaped and all, with his eyes squinting into crescents. Jongin runs to Kyungsoo and engulfs him in a hug. “Congratulations,” he says, “Mr. Valedictorian.” Kyungsoo returns the hug with equal enthusiasm.

“Thanks Jonginnie. I really missed you.

 Now, let’s go out and play.”



Author's note:

First drabble out :D How was it?


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Nightfire #1
Chapter 6: ㅎㅅㅎ WHYYYYYYY? Chanyeol you horrible peep, you better treat him better. Jongin if he doesn't, know that you have a whole army of Kaisoo shippers who will help you steal Kyungie's heart. TT^TT WE WILL FIGHT WITH YOU TO THE VERY END ;________;
Chapter 6: :( (yeahhh there's no snow in the phil but the story's nice :D i love your ficsss <3
Nightfire #3
Chapter 5: D'awwww... *sniff* Kyungsoo you adorable little fanboy...
Chapter 4: hahax... jealous jongin is just cute!
Nightfire #5
Chapter 4: Aww Hongbin~ I saw them at Dream Concert, they were sho cuteeeee~ I personally ship Vixx and Kyungsoo quite a bit :D Thank youuuu!
caffeinatedletters #6
Chapter 3: asdfghjkl these two sweet hearts omg
Nightfire #7
Chapter 3: AFGTGXHSBAJAKSFXA the feels Kyungsoo you little cutie patootie
Chapter 2: so cuteeeeeeee!
Nightfire #9
Chapter 2: Why are all your fics sho CUTEEEEE... ㅠ.ㅠ I'll pray for him...;_;
Nightfire #10
Chapter 1: Aww... It's so cute! Really good, as usual~ XD