The truth

The Magical Dance

                Changjo’s POV

Today I really don’t feel well since from the start of the day the whole school was talking about Minhee. I really don’t know how I didn’t kill someone until now. Ah it is probably because Minhee would hit my leg or squeeze my thigh at class every time I hear someone insult her and because I promised her to not say anything so I suffered all day. Why would I be mad? They are insulting MY girl after all.

Anyway, the classes ended like that and I was kinda excited for the dance class since I will be having some time to talk with Minhee but it’s been half an hour now in the dance studio and she didn’t come. I am not stupid; I know what does that mean. After she asked me that favor last night about not telling them the truth about her absence yesterday, I understood that she was thinking about quitting this class and not attend it again, I understand too that she do that to make them at ease and because she feels guilty because she disappointed them, but what I can’t understand is that she isn’t at fault because fainting isn’t anyone’s fault so why is she feeling guilty? And why doesn’t she want me to tell them all the truth?

A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts and it caught all my classmates’ attention. Minho hyung went to the door to see who is interrupting our lessons but before I could see the person on the door I knew really well who it was just from my friends’ expression which changed from curious to really furious and when they started their hateful comments they just confirmed my guess. Then I heard that familiar voice.

Annyohaseyo Mr. Choi,” she started and from then I was sure about her not attending this class anymore since we made a deal to call each other oppa, unnie, noona, hyung so Minhee should call my brother 'Minho oppa' but instead she called him 'Mr. Choi' which had too much formality and distant and I knew that my brother didn’t like that.

“So I am Mr. Choi again?” he asked and when he didn’t receive any respond just Minhee lowering her head he continued “I am sad about that. I really liked when you called me oppa” he patted her head which made her lower her head even more –if that is even possible- “anyway, I assume you aren’t here to attend this class, so can I know what do you need here?” he asked her again

“Mr. Yoon asked me to call you since he needs you for some issues” she answered quietly

“Ok, I will go see what he needs” he declared “and you, I think you should stay and talk with them a little, don’t you think so too?” he said again to Minhee

“I-I don’t think there is something to talk about Op__ I mean sir” she answered again and when she was going to leave Hyoyeon decided to open to talk

“Of course she doesn’t have anything to say, how can she? After all what she did to us?”

“I will leave now. Don’t be too harsh with her and listen to what she has to say” Minho spoke before anyone else could open there mouths to probably insult Minhee again

And like that he leaves us with Minhee standing in the middle awkwardly. It remind me of the first day she attended this class but it is different this time since everybody had bad things to tell her

“Woah! How dare you come here? Didn’t Changjo tell you what you are? Do you wanna die or what?” I was sad hearing this because I remembered what I told Minhee yesterday but since we resolved that no need to think too much about that, what hurted me more is that who said this was one of my best friend C.A.P

“I-I am s-sorry, I didn’t mean to come here, I know you all don’t want to see me but I was obliged since it is my teacher who send me here” she said lowering her head and it is really painful seeing her this weak “but don’t worry I will leave now.”

“How dare you answer C.A.P oppa when he is talking with you ” this time it was Hyoyeon who talked and she went to slap her but since I couldn’t stay still any longer I went to stop her


“B-But oppa she is the one who didn’t come yesterday and we almost lose because of her” Hyoyeon dared to reply me

“DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHY SHE DIDN’T COME?” I asked again gritting my teeth from anger “DO YOU FREAKING KNOW WHO SHE IS FOR ME??” I yelled at all of them

“Please oppa don’t say anything, you promised me last night, remember?” she said panicked but when they heard her they were all confused

“Did she just call him oppa?” Ricky asked

“But didn’t she call Minho hyung Mr. Choi. I thought she was going to call us like before?” Chunji asked again

“Last night? I thought you saw each other when he slapped you” Niel asked her but of course she didn’t say anything

“Who she is for you, Changjo?” now it was L.Joe’s turn to speak


“I am sorry Minhee-ah but I can’t take this any longer so I am going to tell them everything” I informed Minhee who looked down knowing this would happen

“So the thing is that yesterday Minhee didn’t come because she fainted and was in the hospital but she still run away from there to just attend the competition so don’t judge her” I said glaring to everyone in the room

“FAINTED?!?!?!” they all yelled shocked.

What made my heat soften is that my friends didn’t want to hear any other explanation but instead they run to Minhee and checked if she was alright and apologized to her

“Minhee-ah, are you okay??” Chunji asked with his motherly tone

“N-Nae oppa” Minhee answered, she was a little surprised because of the sudden surrounding.

“Are you sure you’re alright and you don’t need to go to the hospital?” Niel asked just after.

“Ani Niel oppa I am really okay now so don’t worry” Minhee replied again with a small smile

“emm… you know, Minhee, we are really sorry. We shouldn’t judge you before knowing what really happened. We should suspected something bad happened to you since you would never abandon us” C.A.P said feeling guilty “I am sorry”

“Yeah that’s right, we are really sorry” L.Joe apologized this time

“Noona~ you will forgive us right~?” Ricky asked with aegyo trying to lighting up the mood

“ANI” Minhee yelled suddenly and we were all shocked “I-I mean I should be the one who apologize because I still didn’t come” Minhee said and relieved everyone.

“Yah! I told you to stop apologizing since it wasn’t really your fault” I told her and she glanced at me before she continued

“I am not even mad at you oppas so you don’t have to apologize too” she said this time with a smile

“YEAAHH!! So everything is okay now right?” Ricky asked happily

“yes,” Minhee answered “but I will still not attend this class anymore”

“WHAT?!? WHY?!?” we asked in unison even I was surprised from her decision since she didn’t told me that

“Minhee, they forgave you so you don’t need to quit this class, nae?” I asked her since I want her so badly to attend this class with me, not because I want to spend more time with her as my girlfriend but because of her talent, I really enjoy seeing her dance and enjoy it more when we dance together

“aniyo oppa,” she refused “I will not attend this class anymore since I don’t want what happened yesterday to happen again”

“whyyy~~?? I will take care of you so that doesn’t happen again” I said this time using aegyo without knowing it and before she could say anything my friends talked

“Changjo-ah did you just used aegyo?!?” Niel asked a little shocked since I never ever use aegyo but when I am with Minhee I don’t know how it just appear

“I thought I heard wrong, so Choi Jonghyun just used aegyo?!?!?” Chunji asked this time and when I heard that I slapped myself in my mind for showing that in front of the entire student.

“Why would you take care of her alone? What about us?” L.Joe asked

“You said before ‘you don’t know who she is to me’. So who is she to you?” Ricky asked remembering what I said before and I felt Minhee’s grabbing my arm and lowered her head with a blush since she knows there is no escape to tell them the other truth.

Before I could explain the whole situation C.A.P hyung yelled at me again “AISH! AGAIN WITH THE QUESTIONS! JUST PLEASE EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY AFTER WE LEFT”

“Mian Minhee-ah I couldn’t keep my promise again and I don’t want to hide that from anyone especially my friends” when I told her that she just nodded shyly and I wanted so badly to pinch her cheeks

“So the thing is that…” I paused a little before continuing “me and Minhee are dating” I announced and there were half a minute of silence before a “WHAT?!?” echoed in the room

“Wait,” C.A.P hyung started not sure about what to say after “by dating you mean Minhee is your girlfriend?” he continued

“Yes, Minhee is my girlfriend now,” I said again “so be careful what you say and what you do to her” I continued the last part while staring at all the students who were in the classroom (it was kinda a glare)

“Why are you so surprised C.A.P hyung?” Chunji asked dumbfounded

“Yes that’s right, why are you so surprised?” L.Joe asked again the same question

“It is not like we didn’t expect that from the first time” Niel said this time and I didn’t really understood what he means before Ricky spoke

“We knew this will happen from the first day Changjo brought Minhee here since we could feel there is that some between them”

Hearing that I and Minhee blushed but I tried to cover it with a question

“What are you talking about? What do you mean by that s-some?” I slapped myself for stuttering

“Stop trying to deny it, we all knows that from the start you liked Minhee because you were all around her and didn’t stop talking about her” C.A.P hyung answered my question and I really regretted asking in the first place. I wanted to stop this topic but Minhee choose to open her month and ask them

“He was talking about me?” I swear that I saw that little smirk in her lips for half a second. Aish this little girl is enjoying embarrassing me so much but of course it is this side of her that let me fall for her in the first place

“ANI! I WEREN’T!” my answer came so quickly that I was sure it sounded like I was laying or hiding something

“Don’t believe him,” Chunji started “he really was talking about you before, A LOT”

“We were even tired of the non-stop talk about you” L.Joe said this time with a little wink at the end

“HYUNG WHAT ARE YOU ALL TALKING ABOUT??” I decided to join the conversation before more secret of me will be revealed

“Why? Weren’t you like ‘Minhee did this to me today’ ‘Minhee said this and that to me’ ‘we fought about that again’…” Niel hyung answered me this time

“Oh jinja?” Minhee said happily

“No, that is another story,” I answered before any of my hyungs could say anything “it was when we were fighting so it doesn’t count” I explained to her and when I thought this topic was over Ricky talked again

“Even tho you were fighting, we never saw you talk about the ones you tease that happily

“What Ricky mean is that you liked teasing Minhee a lot and you didn’t bully her like you do to others” Chunji explained to me and I couldn’t deny or answer that so I just lowered my head to hide my blush and embarrassment

“Anyway the reason why I was shocked,” C.A.P said “isn’t because of their dating news since I knew this will happen but because our maknae have a girlfriend before us” he continued faking a sob

Ah! You are right hyung,” Chunji said “why didn’t I think about this before?”

“We are the eldest and are still singles” L.Joe said with a fake sadness

“It is a shame for us that we don’t have a girlfriend when our youngest have one” Niel decided to join this stupid topic and I was speechless because of my hyungs’ stupidity

“We just have to search and find girlfriends for us too” Ricky said brightly with a ‘fighting’ pose

After he said that the studio was filled with:

“YEAH!” –Niel-

“You are right Ricky” -L.Joe-

“My Ricky is all grown up now” -none other than Chunji hyung-

“We should do that, yes” –C.A.P-

And they all embraced each other while wishing each other ‘fighting’

“stupids” this time it was Minhee who talked using English

“What? Did you just called us stupids aka pabo?” Niel asked her shocked

“You all are really dumb and dumber” she said again in English laughing

“DUMB AND DUMBER?!?” L.Joe was the only one to understand and repeated what she said in shock too “Yah how can you call your brothers-in-law like that, plus in English?”

“Tsk, what brother-in-law?” Minhee murmured under her breath but I caught what she said since we were close and I caught the blush that run to her cheeks even tho she lowered her head. I found it so cute how she reacted to what L.Joe said to her

“YAH! Jonghyun-ah I think you better think again about dating her,” Chunji said and we both looked at him shocked “she can insult you every time you are with her without you knowing that since you don’t know English” he continued and my friend agreed laughing all together and I decided to join them and tease Minhee a little

“I think you are right Chunji hyung, I should think again and carefully this time” I said and Minhee’s reaction was priceless that I couldn’t stop myself from laughing with my friends

“YAH!!! HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT OPPA??” she yelled at me, hitting my chest playfully and broke in laughing too

“What’s so funny in my class when I am not around?” Minho arrived at that moment “I thought I will find the 3rd world war but I see the opposite, I am glad tho” he said again and Minhee stopped hitting me and lowered her head a little embarrassed

“Minho hyung there is so much interesting news in here” C.A.P started and I send him a pleading look to not say anything but of course no one can stop my friends

“Yes, Minho hyung there is really good news today” Niel joined

“Our little Jonghyun-ie is old enough to have a girlfriend” Chunji said like a proud mother

“he is dating Minhee” L.Joe annoced the big news and Ricky cheered a “CHANGJO AND MINHEE ARE A COUPLE”

Both me and Minhee blushed and averted Minho’s eyes while waiting his response but his answer surprised all of us

 “Is this the news you were talking about?” Minho asked “I knew this already”

“You already knew? When? How come? We never talked about that to anyone until now” we all started to ask him question

“I knew it from yesterday; now that I think about that I am the first one to know that you are officially dating” he answered

“Changjo oppa did you tell him yesterday?” Minhee asked me and I just shook my head not remembering mentioning this to my brother or to anyone yesterday

“No, he didn’t” Minho hyung answered instead of me

“So how did you know?” Niel asked this time

“I saw you in the rooftop yesterday when I came to take you both home but I found you busy so I just left” he answered amused this time with a smirk

No, no, NOOOOOO!!!!! That can’t happen. He didn’t saw us when we kissed right?!?!

Minhee had the same shocked and embarrassed expression as mine, she is probably thinking like me.

“emm…oppa? What did you saw yesterday exactly?” Minhee asked hesitantly

“ani, what she means is that we were at the rooftop for a long time so when did you came?” I tried to ask again to make the whole situation less suspicious

“When do you think I came?” Minho hyung asked teasingly with a slight smirk and how well I know my hyung that smirk is a bad thing for me and he didn’t take a lot of time to confirm that “I think I have a really good timing since I came exactly when you two love birds were kissing”

, , !!!! I KNEW IT!!!! But why did he have to say it in front of everyone; couldn’t he just hide that fact

“WHAAAAT?!?! THEY ALREADY KISSED?!?!?!” everybody in the room exclaimed in unison

“emmm…hehe…” I tried to say something to make the situation less embarrassing but failed because of everyone’s teasing

“aigoo! Out Jonghyun-ie is really grown up now” Chunji started

“oooooh! You are a real man Jonghyun-ah” L.Joe said patting my shoulder like a proud father

“How was it?” Niel said this time

“STOOOOP!!!” Minhee yelled all red, probably because of the embarrassment not because of the anger and she is really cute

“Congratulation Minhee, you are the lucky lady who had Changjo’s first kiss” Ricky told her and I swear I wanted only one thing at that moment: kill Ricky for embarrassing me more than I am already

“Yes good job kids” C.A.P said before Minho interrupted me from killing my hyungs

“Ok, ok, stop teasing the poor couple, it is already late and class is over for today, let’s meet again tomorrow, good night everybody”

“ayyy the fun was just about to start but ok we have a lot of time to tease them” Niel said sticking his tongue out

I am going to get my revenge soon my hyungs just wait MUAHAHA

Anyway so like that we all went home, of course I went with my brother in his car as always but this time we took Minhee with us since we pass by her place anyways. When we were finally there, I asked my brother if I could go with her until her appartement complex’s door, after teasing me for a bit he let me go but told me to be quick, that’s why I am now with Minhee in front of the complex

“Here we are,” Minhee announced “oppa, you should go now, Minho oppa is waiting for you”

“Nah, not yet, I want some time alone with you since today we didn’t spend too much time together” I said and Minhee blushed

“Tsk! What do you mean? Just go already Minho oppa is waiting” she told me again but I didn’t want us to be apart that quick

“Let him wait, this is my revenge for embarrassing me before” I said and she giggled

“Stop being childish and just go” she told me again while playfully pushing me

“Ok, ok, I will go but in one condition” I announced

“What condition?” she asked confused

“Tomorrow is Saturday, so I want a date with you” I said grinning and she nodded shyly which made my grin grow wider if that is even possible

“Ok,” she whispered but I caught it anyway “now go” she said turning around to leave but I stopped her and gave her a peck on the check

“Tomorrow at 6pm I will come to take you for our date so be ready;” I informed her and she nodded “good night sweetheart”

“Good night cheesy oppa” she said sticking out her tongue before running inside the building.

After I made sure she went inside safely I went back to my hyung who scolded me for taking a long time and we went home.

I fell a sleep thinking about our date of tomorrow and where I should take her.

A/N: So hi my dear readers. I KNOW I KNOW I deserve to be scolded for not updating for 4 months, I am such a lazyass and have 0 insperation so I took all that time just to finish this chapter

I hope I won't do that again in the future and update quickly but I can't promise cause like I said before I am lazyyyyyy hehe

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15lehna #1
Chapter 17: Too many confession in one chap my head just exploded
15lehna #2
Chapter 16: “I love you for what you are so I don’t care about if you live here or in some castles” this is so cute
15lehna #3
Chapter 15: changjo was so caring toward minhee it gave me butterflies and gaaaah the kiss was too much for my heart
Chapter 15: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!
swaggeyy98 #5
Chapter 15: This is soooo cheesy!!! Love it :3 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
yoonbora_96 #6
Chapter 14: Update please
gerlim #7
Chapter 14: Please update soon!!!!!
swaggeyy98 #8
Chapter 14: Update soon!!♥_♥ hehe so curiousss ㅋㅋㅋ
15lehna #9
Chapter 14: I know L Is your bias and all but i just urrg i swear if you put him and minhee i will kill you <3
Haha when i read her aegyos i can' t help but imagine you doing it.
Changjo slapping a girl Is not good *jung glare* especially when you see why she was late
gerlim #10
Chapter 13: Please update soon!! Huu huuu..