Broken Pasts

Silent Love

Mirae bit her lip, hesitating on whether or not she should write the answer. With a gentle sigh, the pen was pressed to the paper and she showed it moments later. Boa unnie used to date Yoochun oppa. They broke up a few months ago. They have rarely spoken to each other since.


“They dated? But they don’t seem to be on good terms,” Junsu pointed out.


Mirae shifted nervously, not knowing how to answer. With a sigh, she started writing. No one really knows what exactly happened. I don’t really know the story but I know that they were both hurt by the breakup. Just ask Yoochun oppa for the rest.


Silence fell between the two as they continued their trek to the music room. After a few moments, Mirae showed her notebook to the other once again. Do you play?


Junsu stopped in his tracks, reaching up a hand to touch the outer layers of his ear.


Mirae turned to him in confusion, blinking at the sight. Sadness seemed to radiate from the other, worrying her. She tapped his arm softly, holding up her notebook with a pout. I’m sorry. Did I say something wrong?


Junsu shook his head, unable to form a smile to reassure the other. “No, you didn’t. It’s just… Yes, I used to play the piano. Yoochun hyung taught me.”


Mirae easily caught the response, deciding not to ask about the other’s decision to stop playing. It must have been a difficult time for him, judging by the way he seemed to reach for his ears after she asked the question. Well, considering he was losing his hearing slowly, the guy must also be losing hope.


“You play beautifully,” Junsu commented, remembering how Mirae had been playing the piano when they first met.


Mirae smiled at the compliment. Thank you. My mother taught me. She used to be a musician.


Junsu bit his lip nervously, debating on whether to ask or not. However, his curiosity soon won. “Did you also want to be one?”


Mirae nodded enthusiastically. When I was younger, I wanted to follow in my mother’s footsteps and more. I wanted to become a singer and a musician, so I trained from an early age.


“I’m sorry,” Junsu murmured, not knowing what to say. She had such high hopes for herself and she had already been working on them, but her voice was taken away.


Don’t worry about it. Just because I lost my voice, doesn’t mean that my dream is gone. Mirae wrote. She pushed the doors open, slipping inside.


“That song…” Junsu said. Within his mind, the composer and lyricist for the song that he heard flashed in his mind. She made that song. “Is it the only song that you’ve written?”


Mirae shook her head. There’s one more. Yoochun oppa is a composer himself. He taught me a few things last year.


“Yoochun hyung composes?” Junsu exclaimed, astonished by the fact.


Mirae nodded, blinking at him innocently. Didn’t you know it? It’s because of him that I started composing.


“Can I see it?” Junsu requested meekly.


Mirae smiled. She crossed the room and grabbed a folder from the shelf, flipping it open. She beckoned Junsu towards her, giving him the sheet for her other song.


“Stand Up?” Junsu read.


Confidently look at the sky

This is only the beginning, widen your shoulders

The same you is inside of you

Though it’s hard, don’t give up your future

Stand up and take my hand and have the world


Mirae scribbled an explanation on her notebook as Junsu skimmed through the lyrics, feeling the hope and strength that it was conveying. After Junsu finished, she gave him her notebook. I wrote it when my brother got into an accident and he couldn’t move his legs. While he was going through rehabilitation, I wanted to give him support and this song came to be. I gave it to him as a gift. I’m just sad that I couldn’t sing it for him.


“It fits well,” Junsu said.


I think you need that song too. Mirae wrote, looking at him gently.


Junsu looked at her in shock, trying to understand her words.


If I could use my voice, I’d sing it to you. Don’t stop believing in yourself just because you lost something. Get up and make it better. Fighting! Mirae encouraged with a smile. She even made the ‘fighting’ pose at the end, successfully making Junsu smile.


Even if Junsu couldn’t find it in himself to believe, he wanted to try. At least, he could try for the people who believe in him. He didn’t know if he could, but just as how he took this step for Yoochun. He’ll take another step for the people who keep putting their faith in him. As he stared at Mirae, the girl who dreamed of being a singer and obviously had a passion for music, he couldn’t help but feel awed. She had lost something more than Junsu, but she was still strong. ‘Just how strong have you been and how strong can you still be,’ Junsu thought to himself.


With Yunho and Yoochun (after separating from Junsu and Mirae)


“Are you sure about this? I thought you didn’t want to talk to her after you found out,” Yunho said.


Yoochun released a sigh, shifting his gaze to his feet. “Honestly, I’m not sure. But I’m going to give her a chance.”


“Why? You’re having a change of heart. I thought you wouldn’t talk to her anymore after what happened. After you broke up with her, I thought that would be the end,” Yunho commented.


“I thought so too,” Yoochun agreed. “But for the last time, I’m going to give her this one chance.”


“Are you sure it’s the last chance?” Yunho asked pointedly.


Yoochun kept quiet, not knowing how to answer. The breakup had been hard on both ends. Yoochun had been in too much pain to continue the relationship, but he also knew that Boa was devastated after he initiated the breakup. He didn’t understand why Boa would act like that. After all, didn’t she cheat on him? But during those days, Yoochun didn’t ponder on that. He had wanted to move on from the pain that she inflicted upon him after he saw someone kneeling in front of Boa, offering her a ring as if he was proposing to her. It didn’t help that Boa was smiling so warmly that time. He might have jumped to conclusions easily, but he was hurt by the entire ordeal, so he acted without thinking much.


Yoochun had been a wreck during the first few days. He refused to talk or see anyone, but Yunho had gotten through to him. Yunho brought him back to the world and Junsu’s constant need for him gave him a reason to continue. Gradually, he pushed the failed relationship to the back of his mind and had made a decision to ignore and avoid everything that was linked to Boa.


“Look, I have to go. Jaejoong’s waiting for me. Good luck,” Yunho said.


“Yeah,” Yoochun muttered.


Yunho squeezed his shoulders encouragingly, before running off. Yoochun sighed, fidgeting around with his hands as he arrived at the rooftop. He stood by the side, overlooking the courtyard with sad eyes as memories of his past flashed in his mind.


Yoochun froze as he saw Boa sitting by the window of a restaurant, a smile plastered on her face. In front of her, a guy was kneeling with a smile, a ring in his hand. He could see the guy speaking, and Boa nodded, never losing her smile. A second later, the ring was slipped into Boa’s finger.


“Was I wrong?” he murmured to himself.


Boa unnie? Mirae signed, tilting her head to the side in confusion. Boa unnie hasn’t been fine the past few days, oppa. Why? She’s always depressed. I want to ask her what’s wrong, but I feel like it isn’t my place. Do you know?


“Why were you so pained?” Yoochun questioned.


“No, Yoochun oppa, you can’t!” Boa cried, clutching onto his arm. “Why are you breaking up with me?”


“You cheated on me! I trusted you!” Yoochun exploded, pulling his arm out of Boa’s hold.


“I didn’t do that!” Boa exclaimed. She crumpled to the floor in a heap of sobs, staring up at Yoochun’s angry face helplessly. “You have to believe me. Please. Oppa, I love you.”


“Well, I don’t,” Yoochun hissed as he left.


“Should I not have let you go?” Yoochun sighed.


I finally updated! I'm sorry for the late update. I wasn't feeling well the past few days and preparations for Christmas have been taking my time. I'm so sorry about that. But here it is! I hope you enjoyed! Consider it an early Christmas gift, hahaha. Junsu and Mirae are spending some quality time with each other and getting to know each other a bit more. Just small details about their life and such. There's also some backstory about Yoochun and Boa's relationship. I hope that cleared things up. Each of the characters has definitely gone through quite a bit in their lives. They all had to go through some pretty hard things and they are all coping in different ways. What do you guys think will happen next? Thanks for reading! Also, thanks to everyone who has subscribed and everything! Thanks for all the support! Leave your comments below~ ^^


Also, the song Stand Up is an OST from To The Beautiful You. It's sung by J-Min. I thought that the lyrics fit well into the story and all. Credits to the owners of that song and the singer. 


Advanced Merry Christmas to everyone who will be celebrating it! Enjoy the holidays! ^.^ 

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2030 streak #1
Chapter 14: Hello there author-nim ^_^ remember me? I don't think so... anyway, I finally caught up to your updates. Sorry I was too late. can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.
Chapter 13: Cliffhanger?! Are you freaking serious? Is she going to have her daily checkup or something? Oh, and you don't have to emphasize Junsu's "angelic" voice for like a page of this chapter. I mean, if you love his voice so much, why don't you stop denying that you have fallen in love with him in every single way possible? Eyy, it's okay. Nothing is stopping you, anyway. I get it that he is your bias. It shows in your writing style. Plus, you are the author.

I can't help but imagine you portraying the character of Mirae. I guess you got your inspiration back when you spent more time in listening to DBSK and getting to know Junsu. That's nice. You should probably do that more often since it is for the betterment of your writing capability.
Chapter 12: I'm trying to track down what chapter I haven't read yet after sometime since this brilliant and impressive author finally UPDATED! Congratulations! /claps boisterously/ I'm really happy because you are back on track! I also hope you compose the upcoming chapters during your short vacation! Find your inspiration! It seems like you have many fans~ Fighting! Oh, that YeWooo moment! Damn! That was too adorable! Shipping~~
Chapter 13: Omg recently I've gained an obsession with Butterfly <3 I feel like not not enough people know about it... Lol but I really liked this update, too bad yesung wasn't too weird! Haha
Chapter 12: Yup! I'm subscribed, this is sooo good~!
2030 streak #6
Chapter 12: Double update! Yay!!! Just finished reading them and my curiosity has perked up. Wonder what's going to happen next... and the 81cm reference in the previous chapter made me watch the EHB again. Please update soon author-nim :)
Chapter 11: 81cm dongsaeng, makes me smile
hope junsu can play piano n sing again
2030 streak #8
Chapter 10: Hello there author-nim ^_^ a new reader here. I just read your story so far and I'm really curious about how this story is going to develop in future. I like the way you described few characters like Yunho, Heechul, Jaejoong, Yesung... can't wait to read more. Please update soon.
Chapter 9: I really enjoyed reading your story.. Thanks for update and Please update soon ^^
Chapter 9: Thank you so much for everyyyyything!! Yah, it's not ALL your fault. I was the one who started that fight anyway. Well, I'm glad we fixed it! I'm turning 15~~ Does that mean 15 surprises? HAHAHAHHAA! Let's push this sleepover~ We really need some time to bond after what happened! Fighting!!