The First Song

Silent Love

Yoochun and Junsu walked out of the elevator, arriving at the first floor of the academy. Junsu stuck close to Yoochun, grasping the elder’s shirt tightly in his hands as he looked down at the floor, averting his eyes from the people giving them a passing glance.


“Junsu-yah, are you okay?” Yoochun asked worriedly, feeling the other tighten his grip on his shirt.


“Y-Yeah,” Junsu answered in a whisper.


“I’m here,” Yoochun assured. He took the younger’s hand in his own, squeezing it to assure the other. “I’m here.”


“I know,” Junsu said. He squeezed back lightly, smiling at the gesture. “Let’s get started.”


Yoochun smiled at the enthusiasm, feeling his heart lighten at how hard Junsu was pushing himself for this. Somehow, Yoochun knew from the start that Junsu would like this, so he set it up before he even told him. Junsu was open to new things and he knew that Yoochun only had his best interests at heart, so he accepted and he vowed to himself that he would do his best to make the older proud.


“Let’s start,” Yoochun nodded. He didn’t let go of Junsu’s hand, only tightening his grip as he pulled Junsu to the left.


“H-Hyung,” Junsu stammered.


“What is it?” Yoochun asked, turning his head slightly to look at him.


“How do you know this place so well?” Junsu questioned. He had noticed that Yoochun didn’t ask for directions and he was the one who volunteered to show him around, not Jungsoo or Ryeowook who worked in this place.


“My uncle owns this place and my cousin is the one in-charge right now, so I visit this place a lot,” Yoochun said.


“Why?” Junsu couldn’t help but ask as his curiosity was stirred.


 Yoochun smiled softly. “It’s good to see how much the students want to improve. They lost something, but as they continue to go here, they become stronger and they learn to be happy. They want to be able to live as normally as possible, but their disabilities aren’t hidden. I’m inspired by the people in here.”


“Do… Do you think I’ll be fine here?” Junsu asked.


Yoochun turned to face him, a frown settled on his face. “Why wouldn’t you be? You’ll fit in here quite well, Junsu-yah. I’ll be here to help you step by step, so will everyone else.”


Junsu nodded, accepting his words. Yoochun turned back around and stopped, prompting Junsu to look up. He saw closed doors and he looked at Yoochun in confusion. Yoochun only grinned, opening the doors and revealing the music room.


A gasp left Junsu’s lips as he stared inside. There were all sorts of instruments in the spacious room. A grand black piano was situated in the middle with a white version opposite of it. There were a couple of drum sets on the corners and keyboards were opposite of it, while shelves full of smaller instruments – flute, violin, ukulele, etc. – were pushed to the wall. Guitars were hanging on the walls or set on stands all around the room. There were also stereos and other musical equipment within the room. Chairs were neatly stacked on one side, probably used during practices or classes. There was also a huge bookshelf stacked with folders of compositions and music sheets pushed to the middle of the wall, lined up with the pianos. It was a musical haven.


A girl was sitting on the grand black piano, playing a song that was unfamiliar to Junsu. It had a beautiful but sad melody and Junsu wondered what song it was. The music coated the entire room, filling it with serenity. As the song ended, Junsu took a step closer, alerting the girl of his presence. She abruptly turned to the door, standing up hastily and bowing in greeting.


“Umm… Annyeonghaseyo,” Junsu greeted shyly, bowing at the other.


He was confused when he received no response, only a smile and a slight wave. Yoochun chuckled from behind him. He watched as the elder took long strides across the room and stood in front of the girl, taking him into her arms in a gentle embrace.


“How are you, Mirae?” Yoochun asked.


The girl pulled back, moving her hands around her in a pattern. I’m okay. Who is he?


“Junsu, come here,” Yoochun called, turning back to him.


Junsu walked over to the duo, standing close to Yoochun. He met Mirae’s gaze, both of them sending each other confused glances.


“Mirae, this is Kim Junsu, the guy I talked to you about. Junsu, this is Jung Mirae. She’s been here for over a year,” Yoochun introduced.


Mirae smiled at him. She moved her hands around her, pouting when she received a confused frown. Yoochun laughed at the interaction.


“She’s asking how long have you been here,” Yoochun said.


“Umm… Just today,” Junsu answered. “Are you…?”


The rest of his sentence lingered in the air, but the other two occupants of the room caught the silent question. Yoochun turned to him in alarm, about to reprimand him for the reckless yet innocent question. But Mirae waved her hand at the air dismissively. She turned to Junsu once more, nodding her head in reply. Her hands moved, directed at Yoochun. Tell him.


Yoochun sighed at the command, complying easily. “Mirae lost her voice on an accident more than a year ago. She’s been here since she recovered.”


“I’m sorry,” Junsu said.


Mirae shook her head, deepening her smile to assure him that it was okay. She turned to Yoochun again, asking another question. Is he going to attend here?


“Yeah, he is. I’m showing him around so he’ll have some knowledge about the place before he moves tomorrow,” Yoochun answered.


Is this the first place you went to? Mirae signed with a knowing glint in her eye.


“Of course it is,” Yoochun chuckled. “Oh, I think Junsu had something to ask.”


Mirae’s eyes widened in curiosity and she titled her head, silently gesturing him to ask.


“Oh, umm… Yeah… I was wondering about the song that you played. I don’t think I’ve heard it before. What is it?” Junsu asked.


Mirae grinned at the question. She turned around and grabbed the music sheet on the piano, offering it to him. Junsu took it gratefully, flashing the girl a shy smile. He scanned the paper, reading the song title and its composer.


Missing You Like Crazy

Composed and Written By: Jung Mirae


His head snapped up towards the beaming female and he turned towards Yoochun, who was looking at Mirae with pride and curiosity.


“You wrote it?” Junsu asked in shock.


Mirae nodded. Her hands moved again and Junsu turned to Yoochun for translation. I wrote it a few months ago. I couldn’t sing it, so I asked for one of the other students to help me.


“Did you ask for Taeyeon sing this?” Yoochun questioned after telling Junsu her reply.


Mirae nodded. I did. I asked her to help me after I wrote the entire song. I wanted to hear how it would sound with vocals.


“It’s beautiful,” Junsu complimented.


Mirae’s lips parted, her form shaking, but no sound came out. The other two could see that she was laughing, though. You should hear it with vocals.


“Mirae!” a guy yelled from the door.


The trio’s heads snapped towards the door. They saw a tall guy standing there, smiling. His face morphed into shock as his eyes fell on Yoochun.


“Yoochun?” he asked, staring at the other in surprise.


“Yunho,” Yoochun smiled.


Finally, I'm updating, hahaha. Consider it an early birthday present from me since my birthday is coming up! ^^ I hope you enjoyed. Junsu is dependent on Yoochun, isn't he? Is it weird? Though, since Yoochun is his first friend and all, I feel like he'll be dependent on the person he first made a connection with and the one who helped him. Anyway, they finally meet~~! I'm sorry if the description of the music room is totally weird. I don't think I'm very good at describing things. I hope you understood it. If not, then I'm sorry T_T How was their meeting? How does Yunho and Yoochun know each other? Krstnclrssmtx unnie, you forgot who Yunho is~~ cute, HAHAHA! Please tell me your comments below and I hope you enjoyed that! Thank you for taking the time to read it. Also, thanks to everyone who has commented and subscribed to this fic. ^^


Also, the song "Missing You Like Crazy" is from The King 2 Hearts OST. Taeyeon of SNSD really did sing it. It was just a random song choice. Sorry if it doesn't go well with the scene or something, hahaha. Credits to the original writer, composer, and singer! 

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2030 streak #1
Chapter 14: Hello there author-nim ^_^ remember me? I don't think so... anyway, I finally caught up to your updates. Sorry I was too late. can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.
Chapter 13: Cliffhanger?! Are you freaking serious? Is she going to have her daily checkup or something? Oh, and you don't have to emphasize Junsu's "angelic" voice for like a page of this chapter. I mean, if you love his voice so much, why don't you stop denying that you have fallen in love with him in every single way possible? Eyy, it's okay. Nothing is stopping you, anyway. I get it that he is your bias. It shows in your writing style. Plus, you are the author.

I can't help but imagine you portraying the character of Mirae. I guess you got your inspiration back when you spent more time in listening to DBSK and getting to know Junsu. That's nice. You should probably do that more often since it is for the betterment of your writing capability.
Chapter 12: I'm trying to track down what chapter I haven't read yet after sometime since this brilliant and impressive author finally UPDATED! Congratulations! /claps boisterously/ I'm really happy because you are back on track! I also hope you compose the upcoming chapters during your short vacation! Find your inspiration! It seems like you have many fans~ Fighting! Oh, that YeWooo moment! Damn! That was too adorable! Shipping~~
Chapter 13: Omg recently I've gained an obsession with Butterfly <3 I feel like not not enough people know about it... Lol but I really liked this update, too bad yesung wasn't too weird! Haha
Chapter 12: Yup! I'm subscribed, this is sooo good~!
2030 streak #6
Chapter 12: Double update! Yay!!! Just finished reading them and my curiosity has perked up. Wonder what's going to happen next... and the 81cm reference in the previous chapter made me watch the EHB again. Please update soon author-nim :)
Chapter 11: 81cm dongsaeng, makes me smile
hope junsu can play piano n sing again
2030 streak #8
Chapter 10: Hello there author-nim ^_^ a new reader here. I just read your story so far and I'm really curious about how this story is going to develop in future. I like the way you described few characters like Yunho, Heechul, Jaejoong, Yesung... can't wait to read more. Please update soon.
Chapter 9: I really enjoyed reading your story.. Thanks for update and Please update soon ^^
Chapter 9: Thank you so much for everyyyyything!! Yah, it's not ALL your fault. I was the one who started that fight anyway. Well, I'm glad we fixed it! I'm turning 15~~ Does that mean 15 surprises? HAHAHAHHAA! Let's push this sleepover~ We really need some time to bond after what happened! Fighting!!