The First Step

Silent Love

Junsu trailed behind Yoochun shyly, keeping close to the elder male as they walked through the doors of SM Academy. He looked around him in awe but he also felt fear as he saw the people walking around. It was the first time that he was interacting with people like this and he felt dread filling his system.


“Don’t worry, Suie, the people here are nice,” Yoochun said as the younger gripped the back of his shirt.


“I… I’m just nervous,” Junsu replied.


Yoochun turned around, giving the younger a smile and an encouraging pat on his head. “I’m here. Don’t worry about it; I’ll be with you, alright?”


“Promise?” Junsu asked like a child.


Yoochun grinned, nodding his head. “I promise.”


He turned around again, feeling Junsu’s hand clutch the back of his shirt once more. He continued walking, tugging the other towards the direction of the receptionist desk. He saw Ryeowook and greeted him, one of the academy’s workers.


“Hey, Ryeowook, is hyung in?” Yoochun asked.


Ryeowook looked at them and smiled, nodding his head. “Yeah, he is. He told me you were coming.” He looked at the nervous teen shuffling behind Yoochun with a curious glance and a warm smile. “Hello, I’m Kim Ryeowook. What’s your name?”


“Kim Junsu,” he answered softly.


“That’s a nice name. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Ryeowook said warmly.


“Nice to meet you too,” Junsu murmured.


“You can go in now,” Ryeowook said. “I’m sure you already know the way.”


“Thanks, Wookie,” Yoochun grinned, patting the younger male’s shoulder as he passed by. He started walking in the direction of the headmaster’s office, grabbing Junsu’s hand and leading him towards the office. He knocked on the door as they arrived.


“Come in,” someone called from the other side of the door.


Yoochun pushed the door open, walking inside with Junsu. “Hyung, we’re here,” Yoochun announced.


The guy sitting by the desk raised his head and smiled warmly, his dimple showing. Junsu’s nervousness lessened as he looked at the older man’s warm and caring face.


“Yoochun-ah, welcome,” the guy responded, standing up to hug his cousin. He then turned to the teenager behind his cousin. “You must be Kim Junsu?” However, his tone of voice showed that he already knew the answer.


“I-I am,” Junsu nodded.


“No need to be shy. I don’t bite,” the guy laughed. He stretched out his hand. “I’m Park Jungsoo, Yoochun’s cousin. You can call me Jungsoo hyung or Leeteuk hyung, anything’s fine.”


“N-Ne, hyung,” Junsu replied.


“Let’s sit down,” Jungsoo said, gesturing to the round table in his office. He pressed an intercom on the wall as he walked towards the table. “Ryeowook, bring in some snacks and tea, please.”


“Right away, hyung,” Ryeowook answered.


Jungsoo smiled and took a seat opposite of Yoochun, while Junsu sat next to the younger Park. He looked at the two males opposite of him with a curious glance. They waited until Ryeowook brought in a tray of snacks and some tea.


“Thanks, Ryeowook,” Jungsoo grinned.


“No problem, hyung,” Ryeowook nodded. “Should I stay or go now?”


“Just stay, we might need you later,” Jungsoo answered.


Ryeowook nodded and he sat down beside Jungsoo. He shot Junsu a reassuring smile in an attempt to calm the younger’s nerves as he locked eyes with the other. He could see the younger shifting in his seat anxiously, probably nervous about the entire ordeal. He only received a shy smile in response.


“So, hyung, you said that Junsu can enroll here, right?” Yoochun asked as he took his seat.


“Yes, he can. We’ll teach him sign and other things that he would like. Of course, he’ll have to stay here throughout the time that he’ll study, if that isn’t a problem,” Jungsoo answered.


Junsu nodded as Jungsoo looked at him questioningly, agreeing with the idea silently.


“I was wondering if you could also teach him music. Is it possible to help him learn how to play without depending on his hearing?” Yoochun questioned, knowing that the younger had a huge passion for the art. He didn’t want Junsu to stop playing just because his hearing was slowly deteriorating.


“I don’t think it’ll be a problem if Kim Junsu-ssi puts in effort. Since he can still hear, even if he does need a hearing aid, it’ll be easier. There are other students in the academy who also love music but have damaged a special sense that they need for the art. There’s one student who dreamed of being a singer, but lost her voice,” Jungsoo explained.


“Will… Will it be hard?” Junsu asked, speaking for the first time since the introductions.


Jungsoo turned to him with a warm smile. “Yoochun mentioned that you already know how to play and that you can sing, so it shouldn’t be too hard. You just have to get used to playing without depending too much on your hearing, so that’s where most of the difficulty will lay. If you put in a lot of effort and patience, I’m sure you’ll do great.”


Junsu nodded, contemplating the answer as he nibbled on a cookie silently. The room was filled with silence after that, which was quickly broken as Junsu spoke again. “Uhh… Where’s the bathroom?”


The other three looked at him in amusement, grins breaking out on their faces. Ryeowook stood up, walking over to Junsu and offering him a hand, which the younger accepted after a moment of hesitance.


“Come on, I’ll take you to the bathroom,” Ryeowook offered.


Junsu stood up and gripped the other male’s hand, following him silently as they left the room. The door closed behind them softly and the two cousins stared at each other, deciding to talk about the more serious matters while Junsu was gone. Jungsoo then turned to his cousin seriously.


“We can help him, Yoochun, but what will you do afterwards? It doesn’t matter if we can help him if you have no further plan for him after this,” Jungsoo stated, looking at his cousin curiously.


Yoochun sighed, nodding his head at the elder’s words. “Of course I know that, hyung. I’m going to see where this will take him before I make a decision. Maybe I can take him with me to Japan or America, but if he makes friends here or finds his passion again, then I’ll think about it.”


“We will try our best to help him, Yoochun-ah. I think that he’ll probably be a little freaked out at first with his background, but I promise that I’ll try my best to help him here. Besides, everyone here is nice, though some have weird personalities, as you already know,” Jungsoo said.


“He’ll be okay here, right?” Yoochun asked, utterly worried for the younger. He knew some of the workers and students from his frequent visits through the years, so he was concerned about Junsu’s well-being. Given Junsu’s background, he wouldn’t be used to a place filled with so many people with numerous personalities.


Jungsoo stood up, walking over to his cousin. He bent down and smiled, rubbing Yoochun’s arm in reassurance. “He will be okay. I’ll take care of him and you can visit whenever you want. I’ll take care of everything to make sure that he’ll have a great experience in here.”


The door opened once again and Jungsoo straightened as Junsu and Ryeowook walked in. They were both laughing and Yoochun felt happy that Junsu was slowly letting other people in. He could still see faint traces of fear in the other’s form, but he was slowly opening up to Ryeowook and that was okay.


“Alright, so everything is already settled. If you want to talk more about the school or anything else then just ask, Yoochun-ah,” Leeteuk said after they finalized everything.


Junsu looked up from his discussion with Ryeowook and turned to the two Parks.


“Can we go now?” Junsu asked softly, tugging on Yoochun’s arm like a child.


“Well, we’ll have to tour you around first, Suie,” Yoochun answered. “Then, we’ll go back and get your things. You can move in tomorrow.”


Here is chapter 3! Gah, I don't even know with the title T_T Is it weird? I really couldn't think of anything else. Anyway, their meeting is going to come very soon - the next chapter, hahaha. Hope you enjoyed reading this! Drop your comments below, ideas or criticisms, it's up to you. It'll help either way. Things are slowly building up~! Is it going too slow? >< Tell me your feedback! It's appreciated, hahaha. Thanks for reading and please wait for the next chapter! ^^

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2030 streak #1
Chapter 14: Hello there author-nim ^_^ remember me? I don't think so... anyway, I finally caught up to your updates. Sorry I was too late. can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.
Chapter 13: Cliffhanger?! Are you freaking serious? Is she going to have her daily checkup or something? Oh, and you don't have to emphasize Junsu's "angelic" voice for like a page of this chapter. I mean, if you love his voice so much, why don't you stop denying that you have fallen in love with him in every single way possible? Eyy, it's okay. Nothing is stopping you, anyway. I get it that he is your bias. It shows in your writing style. Plus, you are the author.

I can't help but imagine you portraying the character of Mirae. I guess you got your inspiration back when you spent more time in listening to DBSK and getting to know Junsu. That's nice. You should probably do that more often since it is for the betterment of your writing capability.
Chapter 12: I'm trying to track down what chapter I haven't read yet after sometime since this brilliant and impressive author finally UPDATED! Congratulations! /claps boisterously/ I'm really happy because you are back on track! I also hope you compose the upcoming chapters during your short vacation! Find your inspiration! It seems like you have many fans~ Fighting! Oh, that YeWooo moment! Damn! That was too adorable! Shipping~~
Chapter 13: Omg recently I've gained an obsession with Butterfly <3 I feel like not not enough people know about it... Lol but I really liked this update, too bad yesung wasn't too weird! Haha
Chapter 12: Yup! I'm subscribed, this is sooo good~!
2030 streak #6
Chapter 12: Double update! Yay!!! Just finished reading them and my curiosity has perked up. Wonder what's going to happen next... and the 81cm reference in the previous chapter made me watch the EHB again. Please update soon author-nim :)
Chapter 11: 81cm dongsaeng, makes me smile
hope junsu can play piano n sing again
2030 streak #8
Chapter 10: Hello there author-nim ^_^ a new reader here. I just read your story so far and I'm really curious about how this story is going to develop in future. I like the way you described few characters like Yunho, Heechul, Jaejoong, Yesung... can't wait to read more. Please update soon.
Chapter 9: I really enjoyed reading your story.. Thanks for update and Please update soon ^^
Chapter 9: Thank you so much for everyyyyything!! Yah, it's not ALL your fault. I was the one who started that fight anyway. Well, I'm glad we fixed it! I'm turning 15~~ Does that mean 15 surprises? HAHAHAHHAA! Let's push this sleepover~ We really need some time to bond after what happened! Fighting!!