The Behind The scene: Friendships never fades

"Its their third day in Taiwan and they planned to go somewhere where they can enjoy while spending time together...

"It was early in the morning all of them woke up early and excited for their stroll.. since they are not familiar with the place they rented a van to guide them to where they can go..They asked the driver to drive them on a tourist spot....The driver suggested some places..since they went before in taiwan language barrier isn't a problem they understand a bit of it....the driver give the boys some choices and said: Sir, do you want to go with a lot of flowers or with the rides? Then Young Saeng answered: eo! a lot of flowers, i want to go there....But Hyung jun insist to go with the rides....So they decided to go with the rides first and then at flower farm...

"So the driver drove them at leofoo village where there are rides and its a 

good place...

"They fell asleep while on their way because the travel is an hour from taipei....

"After an hour  they arrived at destination,,,,so they get off the van and buy entrance ticket...

"They walked a little from the entrance and Jungmin amazed with what he saw...Its another entrance but its like castle...They want to get picure from it and asked an ajumma  who is passing by  to help them take a picture and so ajumma did...

"They walk a few more steps to get inside...there are lots of rides inside and ride all they wanted..without knowing they separate their ways since they want to ride on different rides....hyung jun wants to ride jungle boat so jung min accompany him....Kyu jong, hyun joong wants to ride a more interesting one,,, its the space shuttle so they did, young saeng were looking around and taking pictures around him..he saw a theatre so he went inside to watch....foreign dancers performing, dancing monologue and singing...

"After they got tired they meet at the souvenir store but hyun joong notice that young saeng is not around..All of them were looking around... they were worried so they look for him..

@Young Saeng P.O.V

"The show is done so he went out...he look to his brothers but seems he cant find them and wandering around to know where he is and which way he gonna take, left or right?...he think a bit and start to walk, he take left way....

"On his way while looking on his camera he accidentally stepped someone foot, its a highschooler and apologize, but the person he stepped in and her friends recognized him,

HIGHSCHOOLER: Ahhh its young saeng, said with a high sound of voice...And

her friends were screaming and ask for the autograph..

"Young saeng gave them the sign but he got afraid because he might create a he run fast to avoid them.....

While he was running he bumped into hyun joong...

KHJL: ahhh YAIshhh!!! (hyun joong and young saeng both fell on the floor)

KKJ: eo! its young saeng hyung..

KHJL: Yah! you otter where did you go? he asked youngsaeng angrily..

PJM: we ere worried with you,, did you lost your way..

KHJB: chamkan...hyung why are you running?

*Hyun joong and Young Saeng stood up immediately*

"Young Saeng suddenly grab Hyun joong hand and pushed kyu jong back....jung

min and maknae followed them..

"Hyun joong Ask him again...waeyo,, where will you take us...?

"Then young saeng replied worriedly and said..there are highschooler who recognized me...they surely chasing me now so lets go...let's just go some other place......

"So they were shocked and they rushing to get out of the place...


@the van

"they were tired and their heart beats faster...the driver ask them:

DRIVER: excuse me sir, where do we go now, shall we go home now, what

happen why you were running?, its too early, dont you like the place?

PJM: no its not like that....we enjoyed but we got a problem...never mind lets

just go to other place...

HYS: mister, the one you told us,, is it a flower farm...

"so the driver drove over there..its 2 hours traveling from leofoo village to

flower farm...

"While on their way...Kyu Jong break the silence when he said thay he is hungry...

KHJL: ah matta! we havent eaten yet... and ask the driver to drop into a food


"But the driver told them that there is a eat all you can in the flower farm

itself so they can eat there..

"Its a bit far so they still stop by at a mini-stop to buy drinks and some snacks to eat while on their way....

"After a 2 hours long of travel, at the front of the farm you will see all the

flowers inside from afar...

"They go inside,,have a look for the view a while.. but because they were hungry

they decided to eat first....its a self service,you have to pay then take whatever

you want and grilled it to they did..

"Ther grilled and cook while eating.. they enjoy the food until they felt full..

KHJL: ahhh massitda...its really delicious.. how bout you?

"And they agreed with hyun joong...and decided to go and see the view...

"There are lots of flowere inside.. different colors, and different kinds,,roses

tulips,and a lot more...

"Well so far no one recognize them because they are wearing caps and shades


"They take pictures around and fully enjoy the scenery...they even take

self taken pictures on their phone,...

"Hours passes really fast....Its already 5:30 in the afternoon and the sun seems

to be setting and ask some one to help them take a picture with the sunset...

"a girl help them take it and when the girl return the camera she talked: hanguk


"The guyz shocked and took a glace at the girl and said, Ne?

"then the girl speak again: Neo double S og gong il am i right?

"Hyun Joong talk and say: you know us?

"Ne of course im a fan, but dont worry i wont make any commotion here... i wont

ruined your vacation..the girl said.

"And they thank the girl, kamsahamnida agassi,,, you want to take pictures with

us, Hyun joong suggest,,

"Ah ye kamsahamnida oppa...

"And they took picture with the girl...and after they decided to go home...they

even say goodbye to the girl....

"While on their way home they stop by with the souvenir store they were seen

on the street and they bought some souvenirs for their family..

"Its already late at night when they arrived they enter the door they

all tired and sit on the sofa,  and rest a awhile...

"'They were talking the things happen to them the whole day:

KHJL: ahhh my arm hurt,,he complained,,,and scold youngsaeng, yah young saeng

you bumped me hard huh ishhhh..

HYS: mianhae hyun joong eotteokaji, fans were chasing me...if they caught

us we are dead meat..if we created commotion our company will scold us to

death...mianhae,,,(he go near hyun joong and he take the arm,hold and touch it

and says with a worried face): apa?

KHJL: just hurt a little bit but its not serious

anyway...(they look so sweet while talking about hyun joong arm...

"Then others look at them and Kyu jong say: Aiya! are you a couple why you act

like that (and he immitate young saeng) apa?

"Jung Min and Hyung jun just laugh" and young saeng speeak: ani i am just

worried that it might get serious anyway its because of me thats why his arm


KKJ: Ara! ara! (with an annoyed tone) isshhhhh...

PJM: wait.. i remembered. the girl at the flower farm...ive been speechless

when she said she knows she a triple s?

KHJB: maybe she is.. she speak korean well? and she looks koean anyway...

KHJL: maybe yes she is........*sighed deeply* and suddenly stand and say: kaja

let us washed up and sleep.. this day is so tiring....

"So they washed up and take their sleep...


"They spent their remaining 2 days in taiwan in bar hopping strolling before

going back to korea and so far they didnt had any scandal or trouble while in





..........................tour ends here........................thank you for going along with my tour...

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Chapter 13: i wanna cry... really love this story... and it really make me cry... sorry.. i'm a bit emo..
sus501 #2
Chapter 13: yah SS-OH-GONG-IL BOGOSHIPPEO !!! palli palli!! i'm dying to see you all together again... T.T this fanfiction is will be my all time favorite :) at least here, in a ff, i can see my dreams come true :)
sus501 #3
Chapter 8: yah sis~~~ i miss our boySS even more~~ really missing these adorkable dorks more than anything... and yeah, i wasn't able to stop my tears the whole time i was reading this ff TT.TT i seriously want to see this precious moment again.... really really soon :'(
Chapter 13: I'm listening to Ss501's songs while reading this fic.
Green Peas. Again. 세상의 날개. 우리 함께라면. 지울수없는 사랑. Love Ya. Let Me Be The One. Deja Vu. Find. Fighter. 내 머리가 나빠서. 널 부르는 노래. 넌나의천국. 경고. Snow Prince. Ur Man. 하루만. Everything. 영원토록. Love Like This. Unlock. 4Chance. etc.

I miss them so so much!! T.T
The Handsome Leader Kim HyunJoongie, Cute Otter Prince Heo YoungSaengie, The Sweetheart Centre Kim KyuJongie, The Charismatic Horse Park JungMinnie, and The Innocent Baby Kim HyungJunnie..
I miss Ss501..

wish they'll comeback soon. I really wanna see those 5 bright stars shine as 1 again..
i miss them together... ss501 forever...<br />
Heys so sorry for only reading this now,I got directed here by lonelygurl501. yups I just finished reading this..haha I'm so touched by it.. Emotional outburst. ^^ Really greeeaaattt story, wish for the best for the 5 of them too! :)
awww..<br />
its the end ):<br />
i really hope they will get to perform as 5 again..<br />
gomawoyo @lonelygurl501, i wish it come true too...