The Behind The scene: Friendships never fades

As they were busy doing solo activities,,,and they were able to do compilations of duets and

recording of some of their previous songs...They were ended up in a shocking and surprising

news from each of their companies,,,

"Hyun joong called everyone to meet up after each schedule...In a hotel they meet up, Hyun jong

then told them to follow him,,,Where will you drag us again? why are we here in this hotel, a

voice of young saeng from the left side of hyun joong ask..

"Just follow me and you'll gonna find an answer,, hyun joong response unaccurately..


"They followed him, walking a little bit inside heading somewhere,, its a conference room...they

look each other except hyun joong..


"As they enter the conference room, they saw each member's company representative,, they

didnt talk but they give each managers  glare just like asking what is happening here?


"Dont just stand up there take your seat, hyun joong said..

"Shall we ask what are we doing here? is there any problem? Jungmin ask all of a sudden..

"Yes there is, so listen carefully,, one of the representative replied...

"We are here now, as hyun joong already have the knowledge about this, we, considering all of

your company's decision, planned to have such event where all of you needs to participate...one

of the manager added..

"The reason why we were entitled to have the vacation as we all had a month ago its because

of this...i didnt knew it at first but after we came back from vacation they suddenly called me up

to inform bout it..ive been being busy right? its because they ask me to helped them prepared

for this,, since we dont want to create any broadcasting about it and to avoid any conflict to

each everyone, they told me to keep it as secret,,,hyun joong explained in detailed..


"Even with us you need to keep it from us? young saeng ask..

"Yes, since you were all busy with your schedule, and we gave you lots of schedule in order for

you to appear in any shows and avoid the suspicions of the media...managers added..

"But how about the recordings we had, the duets with hyun joong hyung? we thought that we will

just participate in his album and have guestings in his concert,,,kyu jong ask.

"Well as instructed to him, we told him to tell you that it goes like that but the truth is those

recording will considerately be your album as 5 of you. and your solo recordings will appear in

the album too...,manager said..

"Mianhada for telling you lies but we need to hide it first to make sure it will not create any

dissappontments,,,its a long proces since you are all came in different agencies...but because

you wanted it and your fans longing this too much...we were able to do it...Managers explained


So starting tomorrow you will go on a practice but still you need to continue with your solo schedule...they added..


So after the meeting and long conversations and explanations about the plans, the five guys

went out for a luch together before they proceed on their own schedule...

While eating hyung jun told his brothers something... "hyung you know what i cant beleive that

my dream will gonna be true.

"dream? what dream? hyunjoong said...

"Ani the last time while waiting for the air of mnet countdown i fell asleep,,then i dreamt that i

was dragged by my manager and went in a stadium where all of us are there...and they told us

to dressed up, and go to the stage,,while on the stage hyun joong told us that it was his

surprised for us,,, we sang lots of songs and fans chanting with our names etc. etc. etc.  

hyungjun said in detailed story..

"Eo jinjjaya? what a coincidence,,you have the best dream you had,,, hyun joong complement..

anyway its already here and set, we need to do our best..this might be the chance to get us

back as a group or this could be just a last moment for us to be together...he added..

"Whatever it is,, im so happy that we could get back together.. its really tiring being alone..Jung

min commented...

"Let's just do whatever we can do for this just for the fans...Youngsaeng said..

***Then all of them give each other "HWAITING" sign...


While on their practice which is on Hyung jun's company in the practice room Jung min saw

someone on the mirror....

PJM: eo, that girl (pointing from the mirror)..

HYUNJOONG: what girl?

JUNGMIN: that one, the one walking behind us...(Then they Look behind and saw the girl)

YOUNGSAENG: ah matta...i know her too...

KYUJONG: agassi, excuse me...(he called)

"The girl face them up and greet them, annyeong haseyo sunbaenim....she said and introduce

herself for the 2nd time...

"How have you been doing, why are you here, you're working here? hyun joong ask.

"Ah de i am a trainee here...the girl replied hesitated..and ask permission to leave...

"Do you know her? hyung joon ask curiously, she's a new trainee here maybe less than a month

already..he added..

"Yah hyung jun ah, you are really so stupid,,,did you already have alseimer's deasease?

Jungmin said with tease..

"Eh waeyo? hyunjun ask surprisingly of what jungmin was reacted..

"Ani, you really dont recognize her,,kyu jong said.

"We met her in taiwan remember at the flower farm, and you met her again in the airport,,

hyunjoong added.

'You seems to forget her but you two always bump to each other and she is even a trainee

same company as yours,, isnt that faith,, young saeng tease hyung jun,,,

"aehhhh what faith,,, it was just a coincidence, hyung jun disagree,, but why i keep forgetting his


'Kaja that's enough, come on let's practice again we just have 2 weeks remaining....

"They keep practicing and always give time for the practice everyday because they want to do

their best for the show....


@After 2 weeks..

A day before their concert the news about their concert spread on all station,, its a big question

to all why and how did they produce the concert apparently without any commotions and

rumours that went out on any news...there are some gossips but not as wide as when they

broadcast it 3 days ago and release the album at the same time...because exclusive reporters

only knew about it,no one kows about it and the said event is a big question to all...


"On the day of the event, special concert, all of them were busy, it comes out good because lots

of fans attended the concert...

"They were really shaking and their heart palpitates hard because its been a long time since

they were on stage with a lot of fans...They were praying so hard....


"The show starts,,, screen on stage plays, screaming and chanting was heard,, They start to

walk towards the stage til reached the back stage...the first music starts, more intense on their

feelings...They entered one by one while singing their parts on the song WINGS OF THE

WORLD which dedicated to the fans...after the first song, they introduce their self considering

their part as SS501 member, tearful moment from both members and fans,,,,the show went

well, some speech, cries, emotional at first but in the middle they were able to laugh and played

some moments to the lucky fans who went on stage with,,,


"But things always has an ending,,,After 3 hours longer of entertaining the fans, they come to an

ending speech,,,emotional again but happy as well....


***after having concert inside country they went to japan and some other places where TS are

longing for them, they did made a tour for only a month, but each performance went well and



"Lights off on stage,,A month of stress is over they need to go on with the reality, a reality where

they need to continue their lives as a solo performer.

"Hyun joong having his 2nd mini album and having his first asia tour as a solo artist...

"Young Saeng with his currently planning 2nd comback and his musical on theatre..

"Kyu jong in some T.V apperances and drama..

"Jung Min continue with his carreer inside and outside the country.

"And Hyung Jun doing MC in some music shows...

*****Each of them having been successful as a solo artist leads them to be very busy..


@Hyun Joong POV

" ahhhhh im so tired....i want to rest for a while,,,,he was resting in an high class hotel after the

fanmeeting when he suddenly thought of his dongsaeng...he closed his eyes, its been a long

time when we had that concert..happiness really has a sadness at the end,, i just wish we can

do that again,,, young saeng ah, kyu jong ah, jungmin ah, hyung jun ah,,, i think im crazy calling

their names,,i want to see them, if we were just in a group, they are able to be with me even

overseas i am not here being alone..i sighed and to lessen m boredom i decided to search

channel online, i found korean stream...


@Young saeng POV

After my practice for the theatre and while walking outside the company,,,someone called

me,,,oppa, a voice of a girl i heard... i looked at her,,oh its my ex-gf, my mind said,,eo its you,

what are you doing here, i asked to her,,i've been waiting for you, she replied, i ask her why and

she said that she wants to formally apologize of what happen to us,,,i didnt allow him to talk too

much instead i just told her that i am ok now and i am already moved on and one thing, no need

to worry..and she said she's thankful that i am ok now, well probably i am already moved

on....then she left me,,,,,,haizzzzt..i suddenly thought of my brothers i looked at the sky and said 

to myself...what a tiring day if my brothers were here i might not sad like this....i stop by a coffee

shop, i ordered, the T.V is on so i watched...


@Kyu Jong POV

While doing a shoot for the drama, the director called me for a break..so i decided to just walk

around,, as i am walking i bumped into someone's shoulder,, eo choisonghamnida, i apologize

and looked at her,,, eo Ana right, the one at the bar? i said to the girl.. Ah ye kyujong ssi, what

are you doing here, are you alone? she asked,,,, Ani im with the staff i was in a shoot but its

breaktime so i walk for a while,,,i replied,,,how about you what are you doing here, i asked back

and look around,,, Nope i am with my boyfriend, she said, and her boyfriend came and

introduce him to me,, we greeted each other, then they left,,,,I was a bit dissappointed......i

sighed and walk again as i remember the times we were together having fun,,,i just wish they

were here cheering me up coz im dissapponted and a bit bored....though young saeng is with

me at the same company we werent able to see each other most of the time....i kept walking til i

saw someone greeting me on from T.V screen.


@Jung Min POV

ahhhh going overseas again,,,giving autograph to the fans on airport,,,,ok kamsahamnida

kamsahamnida, repeatedly say thank you to fans, waving and even bow to them,,,,hayyyyy

events really makes my head hurts but i need to do it,,, i need to earn more money for my

living,,,,im sitting at the waiting area,, waiting for my manager while checking in our luggage..i

was stressed., a fan came over me asking for an autograph,, i signed it, as he left i thought to

my self, if other members were with me i am not the only one being chased by the fans....well

surely they were also chased by the fans,,,,then i laughed to myself,,,i want them here so that i

can have someone to bully,,, especially hyung jun,,,i laughed again when i notice i am laughing

alone, pabo, so crazy,,its really hard being alone,,,then i sang my song "not alone",,i saw the

screen on the side of the waiting area, its airing...it's hyung jun...


@Hyung Jun POV

The manager called me,,,hyung jun ah its your turn, get ready on stage, he said, ok im coming, i

response,, i am on stage im the MC for todays Music bank,,stretching out my mouth and jaws

because being an MC needs to talk too much when camera is focus on you....The show starts

we called for the first performer,, while waiting for the performance end i thought of my

brothers,,, what are they doing now, are they still busy, are they done overseas,, are they still on

a shoot,,,lots of things came on my mind,, ahhh im hungry i remember i havent eaten yet, i dont

have my appetite,,eating alone makes me loose my appetite...oh are they watching now, should

i greet them....ahhhh hyung Bogoshippeo....making a sad expression on my face and pouted all

the time..as if i dont care if someone making a fancam for me...the performance ended,,,,talk a

bit before introduce the next performer... yeahh before having our next performer i want to greet

my SS501 members,, annyeong haseyo i want to see you soon, then they laugh,,After the airing  

i went off the stage,, i checked my phone...i have messages...

***************from: hyun joong

                        yah! you look good on todays music bank,, im here overseas but able to watch  

                        you through the internet...take care.


***************from: young saeng

                       i went to my practice and having a coffee at a coffee shop then i saw you on 

                       TV...have you been well. you look cool on todays show..see you soon..


***************from:Kyu jong

                         im walking while having breaktime from the shoot and i suddenly saw you on tv at

                         the store near here,,you always pouted, the camera caught you,, are you sad?

                         take care..


**************from: Jung Min

                        yah,, what's with you, greeting us on tv?...im on the airport now i saw you in a

                        monitor, im going overseas again,,

                       you're missing us,,dont deny it...ok ill go now just give you a call when had a



"I cant hold my tears i cried when i saw this messages,,, im missing my hyung always....but i need to be brave enough for my job as a solo one like them...."HWAITING>>


************This could be my last chapter hope you enjoyed the story...it was just a story where a fan could ever wished to come true,,,as we all know a fan fiction is just  fan fictions so it was just a story that a story teller made just for the entertainment...


                 "Frienships never fades with the friends whose true to you...based on my experience, there are friends whom you be apart but still make you in touch with each other inspite of distance, but there are some after being distant they will lead to ending a friendship...There are old friends who forgets you, and there are new friends who comes and been close to but true friends dont come and go whenever they want....because a true friend will always be with you no matter what,, distance and trials will not be a hindrance to make your frienships grow....

                 "And so for this 5 lovely guys as a fan of them, hoping them to be friends forever inspite of being busy with carreers and some stuffs, i dont exactly wish them to comeback as 5 but rather wishing them to grow their friendships together in any ways.....


************************************THANK YOU FOR READING THIS**************************************


                           SS 501 HWAITING!!!!!!

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Chapter 13: i wanna cry... really love this story... and it really make me cry... sorry.. i'm a bit emo..
sus501 #2
Chapter 13: yah SS-OH-GONG-IL BOGOSHIPPEO !!! palli palli!! i'm dying to see you all together again... T.T this fanfiction is will be my all time favorite :) at least here, in a ff, i can see my dreams come true :)
sus501 #3
Chapter 8: yah sis~~~ i miss our boySS even more~~ really missing these adorkable dorks more than anything... and yeah, i wasn't able to stop my tears the whole time i was reading this ff TT.TT i seriously want to see this precious moment again.... really really soon :'(
Chapter 13: I'm listening to Ss501's songs while reading this fic.
Green Peas. Again. 세상의 날개. 우리 함께라면. 지울수없는 사랑. Love Ya. Let Me Be The One. Deja Vu. Find. Fighter. 내 머리가 나빠서. 널 부르는 노래. 넌나의천국. 경고. Snow Prince. Ur Man. 하루만. Everything. 영원토록. Love Like This. Unlock. 4Chance. etc.

I miss them so so much!! T.T
The Handsome Leader Kim HyunJoongie, Cute Otter Prince Heo YoungSaengie, The Sweetheart Centre Kim KyuJongie, The Charismatic Horse Park JungMinnie, and The Innocent Baby Kim HyungJunnie..
I miss Ss501..

wish they'll comeback soon. I really wanna see those 5 bright stars shine as 1 again..
i miss them together... ss501 forever...<br />
Heys so sorry for only reading this now,I got directed here by lonelygurl501. yups I just finished reading this..haha I'm so touched by it.. Emotional outburst. ^^ Really greeeaaattt story, wish for the best for the 5 of them too! :)
awww..<br />
its the end ):<br />
i really hope they will get to perform as 5 again..<br />
gomawoyo @lonelygurl501, i wish it come true too...