
Team B stands for BIHAYI

   B.I arrived safely at their dorm. And as soon as he saw the maknae, he abruptly gave it to him.

   “Gomawo~” Junhoe smiled widely when he received his MJ album.     

  “Yah. Where’s your honorifics?” B.I glared at him.

“Uh?” he had earphones stuck on both ears when the leader said something, so he didn’t quite hear it.

But then suddenly he smiled at an empty space and thought about what happened earlier.

“Hyung?... “The maknae had his eyes open wide and stared at the leader. He wiggled his head in confusion. “Weird.”

“WEIRD?!” he exploded.

“A-aniyo. Kamsahamida lida-nim.”  He bowed one hundred eighty degrees and placed his hands on his lower stomach. “You left frowning but you got here smiling? Just…”

“Stop minding my face and go catch the bus you little-- thank you too. ” B.I halted for a second and smiled weirdly.

“Something’s wrong with you hyung, get away from me!”  Junhoe had a fake startled face and tried to run.
“Esssh!” B.I automatically smacked the maknae’s head before he could escape.

“A-a” junhoe quickly put his hand on his head when he felt the pain. He headed to the door and turned the knob when the leader called him.

“Wait, where is everybody else?”

“You haven’t met at the cafeteria?”

“I didn’t know th...” Oh maybe they actually were and I didn’t notice, I was too preoccupied by something else no someone else  B.I thought.

“Hyung, are you there?” junhoe waved his giant hands in front of his hyung’s eyes.

“Just go.” He snapped back and did a little goodbye.

“ Okay see you soon. “ They both bid farewell and waved their hands coolly.

   Then B.I pivoted softly and made his way to the rooms.

“Oh and one thing…” the maknae made him stop and turn. He lifted his eyebrows and motioned him to continue to speak.

“Don’t stare at an empty space too much hyung. You’re being obvious.” Junhoe smiled widely at him showing his whole teeth.

“Y-Ya…” before he could say anything, the maknae already left. He just wiggled his head and went to the bedroom.

   Bobby knows and so does Junhoe.


B.I fell to his bed dramatically and sighed. Then he gets his phone and tries to entertain his own self with the internet. He’s all alone, and he got nothing else to do but search his name on Google.

[ B.I                        ]Q     

He typed his stage name and the results spread out. He clicked the first link and found out that it was his profile.

“This is wrong. I’m taller.” He talked to his phone. “How did they know about my birthday?” he continued to scroll down. “And my blood type—wow. They’re a high class stalker.” Stalker.


He erased his previous query and eagerly typed another one.

[ Lee Hi                 ]Q    

  To his surprise, tons showed up. He was quite stunned, because it’s his first time stalking searching idols who debuted. He clicked the first link, Wikipedia.

He squint his eyes to see the small words clearer and realized something after comparing his profile to her.

“Blood types A and B. Ninth and tenth month, 22nd and 23rd day.” he calculated. “Odd.”

After knowing basic infos, he then clicked for the images.  It was classified. There were 1234, It’s over, Rose, Cute and Pre-debut.

He chose the ‘cute’ one. And then 100+ more showed up.

He clicked the first picture and quickly swiped it to the next one. It was too much for him to handle.  He continued to scan all the pictures, he found the best ones and was about to save it to his phone. But then he remembered, his phone is for public use. Most of them are very nosy. Even if they have their own phones, they still borrow someone else’s just to check their browser history, call logs, text messages and to tease them from it.


“Hanbin-ah~ Eodiya~~ We brought you pringles~~~” Jinhwan sung while he searched for B.I right when they arrived from the cafeteria.

 To his surprise, nobody answered. He went to the small kitchen and he wasn’t there, he went to the bathroom, and he was still not there. He got nothing else to search for except for the bedrooms. He immediately turned the knob then went in without knocking and found out that the leader fell asleep.

 He minced his steps on the way to the charismatic drooling leader and slowly peeked at the thing he’s holding. B.I had a tight grip on his phone, and Jinhwan targeted to get it from him.

He begins with holding the upper sides of the phone and pulled it slowly but surely. He stopped a little when B.I twitched. But he continued when he fell deep into his sleep again. He pulls it slowly and then gets it successfully without waking him up.

*silent evil laugh*

Then he began the ‘snooping-on-someone-else’s-business’ project. He pushed the button on the upper-right corner of the phone and made the thing light up. His small eyes went wide when he found pictures of a girl. He turned to look at B.I and smiled widely then immediately went outside.

He was half-panting when he stopped by the living room.

“Hey guys, look what I found.” Jinhwan announced with a proud face. They only look at him briefly and then turned to watch television.
“B.I’s phone? Yeah what about it?” yunyeong asked half interested.
“No.” he pushed the button again to show them what’s with the leader’s phone. “THIS.” Their attention quickly transferred to the phone’s screen. And when they saw it, their faces unite with a wide grin.

“What is Lee Hi sunbaenim doing there?”  Donghyuk asked with an amused look on his face.

“He searched for her. ” the eldest smirked and eventually smiled.

“Well somebody’s not gonna stay single for 18 years.” Yunyeong added and they all chuckled together.

“Since when hyung?”  Donghyuk asked curiously again.

“Maybe the other day? ” Bobby chorused and showed his rabbit teeth.


“Cafeteria—Wait. What’s up with the questions?”

“Well I guess he likes her too.” Yunyeong went in.

“W-What? No.”


“Just curious.” He reasoned out.

  Jinhwan left them and went back inside to the leader. He tucked the cell phone back in, before he could wake up. After he successfully did, he gently stepped outside.



*planning something*

*laughing quitely*

Now everybody knows.


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baby1988 #1
Chapter 9: Upppdddaattteee
iiroyalangel #2
xxxggom #3
Chapter 9: love ittt!!! please update soon authornim <3
fifi0711 #4
Chapter 9: Thx for updating. Bi so cute
Chapter 9: Loving this a heck lot!! Yoyo u did well saranghae
remiyum #6
Chapter 9: It didn't open normally like before. It opened very dramatically in slow motion..... Hanbin-nah what the heck??? You are totally a love sick puppy. Jinhwan&Suhyun was too cute (cute+cute=double cute)
Chapter 9: Yay!! An update! It's GOOD! Thank you. *bows*
Chapter 8: omg jinhwan, yoyo and kimbab you guys are naughty! I cracked up at "we have fans, Song Yunhyeong. We have fans."
Thank you for updating, no thank you for the cliffhanger. Update soon please ^^
Chapter 8: So mean u left us all hanging
remiyum #10
Chapter 8: Authornim you cant break your bones and be in hospital because we need you to update your story ^^