chapter 2

Love You

You was already at the coffee shop near Han river where you two always met up. Waiting him while drinking your mocca latte. Smile formed on your face when you saw that familiar figure entering and waving at you.
"Sorry I'm late. I have to make everything done."
"I know. It's okay." As long as he came and smiled like that, you didn't want more.
"I miss you." An out-of-the-blue word that he said almost made you choked. You knew that you were dating, but he rarely said something like that.
He grabbed your hand because you just kept silent and didn't say anything.
"Are you okay?" He asked. You knew he was worry.
"I'm okay, Dae." You smiled. Silent again.
"Daehyun~ah." "Nana~ya." You shouted the other's name at the same time and then chuckled.
"Let's go walking around." He dragged you out of the cafe and walked slowly while holding your hand tight.
"Don't you afraid someone will recognise you?"
"Not many people want to walk here at this time." He chuckled.
It was already midnight.
"Why didn't you there?"
"What?" You asked confusedly.
"At the photo studio. You always watch us but this morning I didn't see you. You know how much I need to see your face to be able to make me smile."
"But you have that girl, right? Isn't it enough?"
He stopped his steps. "Soooo, my girlfriend was jealous?"
You turned your face so it didn't showed to him.
"Tell me! Are you jealous?"
"I, I don't. Why should I?"
Suddenly he hugged you. Brought your head to his chest so you could hear his heartbeat.
"You know that you have my heart, right?" He whispered in your ears then kissed your forehead.
"I don't know. I just can't stand there seeing another girl hold your arm. I'm sorry for being jealous of nothing."
"It's okay. It means you really love me." He hugged you again.
"By the way Daehyun~ah. When will we tell them about our relationship?"
"One day."
"You always say that. What if they find out before we could tell them?"
"Then we just tell them that time."
"Daehyun~ah..." you hit her chest powerlessly. "Be serious, please."
"I'm serious, Nana~ya. Can we just forget about it now? I want to enjoy this peaceful night with you without worrying anything. Just be with you."
Then you just continued walking still linking your fingers together.


sorry for the short chapter.

now you know who your boyfriend is.

do you like him?


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Chapter 9: Poor zelo.
Good job! n.n