chapter 8

Love You

Two days later...

It was the day when you were allowed to go home.

“Why I never see Zelo here?” you asked while Himchan tidied up your stuff.

“He was waiting outside. Let’s go!”

You jumped from your bed and followed him. As soon as you arrived in the lobby, you saw him.

“Wow! You are absolutely tall!” you commented and smiled.

“H..Hi, Nuna.” He looked nervous.

“Nuna? We must be so close because you call me that way.”

“Yes, you are.” Himchan said. “Let’s go!”

You didn’t talk too much in the van because you were too curious about Zelo and Daehyun’s gaze on you. They brought you to Himchan’s house because there were no one in your house. Your parents still in another city and Himchan didn’t let you being alone at home.

“What’s the difference if I stay in your house? You are busy. How can you monitoring me all time? Why don’t you just bring me to your dorm?”

Himchan seemed thinking a few seconds. “That’s a good idea.” He smirked. “So, you want to be in one room with who? Me? Daehyun?”

You hit his arm. “Stop joking!”

“You are the one who started it!” he ruffled your hair.

“Ah, Oppa!” you pouted while fixing your hair.

“We should back to our practice room, hyung.” Youngjae came.

“Come with us!”

So here you were, in their practice room. You felt something different while entering it. Seemed like it was not your first time there. You were mesmerized as soon as they started to move their body through the rhythm. You couldn’t blink an eye from Zelo’s move. He was a good dancer.

You automatically clapped your hands when they finished the practice.
"Uwaa!" That's all you could say while clapping your hands, turned them blushed.
They sat around you and drank from the mineral water bottle. That time Daehyun who sat beside you accidentally touched your hand when he put the bottle. You felt something in your heart. Seemed like your blood flew faster.
"Is it okay if you can't remember anything before?" Youngjae asked you.
You nodded. "Everytime I tried to remember, my head was hurt. As long as I can live happily now, it doesn't matter." You smiled. You didn't notice their strange gaze of your answer.
"Ja, Let's find something to eat." Yongguk dragged Zelo and Jongup.
"But I want to stay here, hyung!" Zelo said.
"Let's go!" Jongup dragged him.
"I'll go to toilet." Now Youngjae also left you.
"I'll go somewhere." Himchan followed Youngjae out of the room.
"Ya! Why everyone leave me?" You shouted.
Now, it was only you and Daehyun.
"You don't wanna go too?" You asked him.
He shook his head. No one of you started another conversation until he asked you.
"Is it really doesn't matter not remembering your past year?"

You nodded. "Um."

"What if something or maybe someone important for you exist in that period?"
"I don't know. Maybe I'll remember one day."
'Then I'll wait till that day come.' That was what went through his mind.
Silent again.
"Is there something important that I forget?"
He didn't answer your question.
"May I ask you something? It really bother me."
"Yes, please."
"Did we close before?" You looked at his face.
Hearing that he turned his face to see you. Your eyes both met. There that feeling came again. You put your palm on his cheek.
"Did we have more than usual relationship?"
He kept looking at you.
You didn't know that Zelo was watching and hearing your conversation.



what will happen next?

will you really forget him forever?

Wow!! already 4 subscribers.

thanks so much^^

I'm back to update.

I'll finish it soon, guys.^^

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Chapter 9: Poor zelo.
Good job! n.n