Chapter 5


Luhan knock the front door and a maid opens it.

“Oh, Miss Lu, Mistress isn’t awake yet.” The maid says.

“Please come in,” The maid moves aside to let her in.

“Well, I’ll just go wake her up,” Luhan smiles.


His footsteps stops as he hear the female voice, he makes eye contact with the maid that was mending the flowers in the balcony.

“Hurry, come here, it’s probably Miss Luhan.” The maid motions him to the balcony.

He rushes over and hides in the tool closet as instructed, he could hear Luhan’s voice talking to a maid and slowly disappears

“You can come out now, sir.”

“Does she always come like this?” He sighs.

“Sometimes, you should get going now before Miss Lu sees you.” He nods and rushes out of the house.


“Wake up princess!!” Luhan opens the curtains of the large room.

“Go away,” Joonmyeon groans and rolls on her bed.

“Someone had some fun last night,” Luhan smirks.

“Ugh, shut up,” Joonmyeon gets up with her covers wrapped around her body.

“Poor Yixing...” Luhan sighs.

“Can you stop,” Joonmyeon groans.

“No, like the boy is like waiting on you to notice him,” Luhan sits on a chair.

“It’s not like I don’t notice him, I see him, and I notice him.” Joonmyeon slams the bathroom door close.


Luhan watches as Joonmyeon walks out of the bathroom after taking a shower and already wearing her clothes, she looks mad.

“What’s wrong? Why are you mad?” Luhan asks.

“When you guys talk about Yixing, I feel guilty.” Joonmyeon sighs.

“Then, don’t make the boy wait, if you like him tell him if you don’t tell him, stop torturing him.” Luhan says.

“Easier said than done,” Joonmyeon sighs.


“Sorry I’m late!” Yixing rushes into the kitchen.

“You’re never late,” Chanyeol eyes Yixing weirdly.

“Why are you late hyung?” Jongin asks him.

“Left the house late.” Yixing lies.

“Why are you still wearing the same shirt?” Baekhyun asks.

“I’ll get started on the –umm.....”  Yixing looks around, everything looks fairly done.

 “I’ll let it slide,” Baekhyun walks away.


Tao walks into the kitchen with a notebook, she just got down from Sehun’s office. Apparently some famous artist is begging him to make their wedding cake for the wedding. They only gave them a week notice. The design was already in her hand and being a certified master sugar artist, she was assigned on this cake along with Baekhyun but she was leading.

“So, how extravagant is it?” Baekhyun snort.

“Too much,” She shows the older female the sketch.

“Five tiered? And flowers...” Baekhyun sighs.

“It’s a lot of gum paste.” Tao shrugs.

“A week to pull this cake off, are you ready sister?” Baekhyun winks.

“Please, I’ve make wedding cake before.” Tao snorts.


“So when were you planning to tell me hyung?” Sehun looks sharply at the male in front of him.

“When I decide whether to take or decline the job.” Chanyeol shrugs.

“Just go if you want to, I won’t hold you back. This shop is a little low for your talents.” Sehun says.

Chanyeol smiles warmly.

“What were you and Baek noona talking about? What stays in Paris should stay in Paris? What’s all that about?” Sehun says.

The smile falls from Chanyeol’s lips.

“Maybe I’ll you on my death bed.” Chanyeol says.

Sehun gives him the blank face.

“Joking, I’m never telling anyone.” Chanyeol chuckles bitterly.

“I’m going down.” He adds.

“Something happened between you and Baek noona right?” Sehun says.

Chanyeol looks back to Sehun and shrugs.


Chanyeol goes to the kitchen, checking up on some things and ponder whether he should make some ganache or not. Sehun then comes in with an unsatisfied expression. He walks up to Chanyeol and pokes his side.

“What do you want?” Chanyeol sighs.

“What the hell happened in Paris 4 years ago?” Sehun says.

Chanyeol turns around fully to face his friend, Baekhyun stands at her station stunned. She turns to his with eyes that pleaded him to shut his mouth. Tao nudges her; she then turns away from him.

“What happened there doesn’t concern you!” Chanyeol yells.

The whole kitchen looks at Chanyeol with wide eyes; he was never the one to yell even if he was angry.

“Sorry,” Chanyeol says softly and walks out of the kitchen.

The kitchen stood still for a second before Baekhyun runs after him after much hesitation.

“Yeol,” Baekhyun chases after him.

“Can you leave me alone for a minute,” Chanyeol says softly.

“Sure...” Baekhyun turns around and walks back to the kitchen.


“Where is he?” Sehun asks.

“Just wanted to be alone...”

“4 years has passed, scars are still there.” Sehun says.

Baekhyun couldn’t help but to feel guilty.


“So tell me, how was the date?” Joonmyeon asks.

They were still in her room, although clearly avoiding sitting on the bed as Luhan called it tainted.  To which Joonmyeon rolls her eyes.

“It was nice, he was nice and thoughtful.” Luhan smiles shyly.

“Oh Sehun is thoughtful?” Joonmyeon snorts.

“Yea, he was.” Luhan nods.

“That’s something.” Joonmyeon winks.

“But I can’t.” Luhan say.

“Ugh, you’re single go and mingle, there’s no harm to it.”

“Scandals...” Luhan shakes her head.

“Who cares about scandals?”

“My boss would,” Luhan sighs.

“True...but come one just a little fling. The boy isn’t the type that likes a long relationship.” Joonmyeon shrugs.

“No strings attached eh?”  Luhan chuckles lowly.

“Exactly, but who knows maybe he changed?” Joonmyeon smiles at Luhan.

“Hey, do you know about that Tao girl?” Luhan asks.

“Changing subject...” Joonmyeon rolls her eyes.

“I’m being serious here.” Luhan deadpans.

“What about her? I don’t know her that well yet.” Joonmyeon takes her tablet, doing more work Luhan guesses.

“She seems familiar; I think I saw her while filming with Wu Yi Fan.” Luhan gets up and walks to Joonmyeon’s manga collection.

“How does that concerns me? Leave my collection alone,” Joonmyeon says without looking up.

“I think their dating.” Luhan pulls out a manga.

“Aren’t you close with Yi Fan?” Joonmyeon looks at her.

“He’s been busy, and people are making nonsense about us.” Luhan frowns.

“Top stars,” Joonmyeon scoffs.

“What about you? Who was that man? One night stand?” Luhan jumps back to the couch with a manga in hand.

“Not really,” Joonmyeon whispers.

“So you’ve been sleeping with him for some time?” Luhan winks.

“Oh, shut up. He’s really sweet but we don’t know if we should date or not yet.” Joonmyeon sighs.

“Who would want to date workaholics like us.”



Tao sighs as she and Baekhyun walks out of a meeting room after meeting with a client, they were just confirming the details on the cake and having some taste test.

“So picky,” Baekhyun huffs out.

“Thank god she’s a client. I would have just chopped her head off if she wasn’t” Tao says.

“And feed her body to the sharks.” Baekhyun adds.

“You girls are scary.” Jongin says.

“Do you want die?” Baekhyun glares at him.

“Nah, I’m already on Sehun’s killing list.” Jongin shrugs.

Speak of the devil, Sehun walks into the kitchen with a letter.

“Tao, it’s for you.” Sehun hands her the letter.

“Who is it from?” Tao takes the letter.

“I don’t know it came in the mail.” Sehun shrugs.

Tao nods and open the letter.

“I’m sorry, I’m coming soon. It’s been hectic since you left, I trust you have been well and probably have a job, how’s the house? Is it okay? I’m coming to you soon babe. Wait for me, I won’t be long and keep working hard. Love ya.”  Tao giggles as she read the letter.

“Is it your boyfriend?” Baekhyun gives her a look.

Tao blushes and tucks the letter away. She needs to clean the house later, and maybe buy a little more groceries too. The smile doesn’t slip off easily.

“Good for you, to be loved and to love that easily.” Baekhyun nudges her.

“He’s a busy man.” Tao sighs.

“Don’t take him for granted. Forgive his little mistakes, and love him. Nothing’s going to go wrong if you love him.” Baekhyun smiles lovingly.

“Things could go wrong even if it mutual, Baek...” Chanyeol sighs.

“I know so shut up!” Baekhyun rolls her eyes at him.

“So when are we going to have the farewell party? Yeol hyung...” Sehun says.

“What farewell party?” Jongin asks.

“My farewell party,” Chanyeol smiles sheepishly.

“What the hell!” Baekhyun shouts.

“You already knew so stop over reacting.” Chanyeol says.

“But you didn’t exactly tell me that you’re taking it.” Baekhyun pouts.

“Sorry,” Chanyeol pats her head.

“I’ll have it at my house tonight,” Chanyeol says.

“Are you going for good?” Yixing asks.

“Not yet, I’m just going to check the place out and look for a house.” Chanyeol says.


“Is the airport full with fans?” He asks.

“No, no one seems to know that you’re here.”

“Good, take me to her house.” He says.


Baekhyun walks into Chanyeol’s house along with her friends. Joonmyeon and her friend, Luhan is there too. Sehun and Luhan seem to be flirty towards each other.

“You should thank me for this offer,” Joonmyeon says.

“Thank you very much.” Chanyeol bows to her.

“Man, I was kidding.” Joonmyeon laughs.

The party then started as Chanyeol brings out the beers and the snacks were already on the tables for them to eat.

“Hey didn’t think I’d see you that soon.” Sehun sits beside Luhan.

“Me too,” Luhan smiles a little bit too brightly.

“Do you want a drink?” Sehun asks her.

“Sure,” She nods.

“Great, leave me and go flirt with the boy.” Joonmyeon pouts from the other side of couch when Sehun gets up to get some drinks.

“You set me up with him so shut up.” Luhan rolls her eyes.

“Don’t worry Unnie, you got me.” Baekhyun comes to Joonmyeon.

“You’re all I have Baekhyun,” Joonmyeon hugs her.


“Here you go,” Sehun hands her the drink with a smile.

“Thank you,” She takes it.

“Get a room already,” Baekhyun says.

This makes the two blushes brightly.

Baekhyun smiles, she feels happy, for him and probably because she’s cuddling with Joonmyeon and feels warm. Chanyeol was all smiles and laughing the whole time, but he was avoiding her. So once he walks to the kitchen for a second she tails.

“Congrats,” She says.

“Oh, thanks.” He gives her a stiff smile.

“Are you really giving me that stiff smile?” She sounded hurt.

“Baek,” He turns to her.

“Yeah,” She nods.

“Stop wearing that.” He pulls the pinwheel pin out of her hair.

“Give it back,” Baekhyun says.

“Baek, the jewels already fell out.” Chanyeol looks at the pin.

“Yeol, give it back.” Baekhyun yells.

“How long are you going to hold on to that?”

A loud sound was produced as Baekhyun slaps him hard across the cheeks. The pin drops to the floor.

“That’s for me to decide.” She picks it up.

“It’s time to let go, Baek.” He whispers.


Baekhyun walks back to the living room feeling dizzy and her hand grips on the pin hardly. She takes her bag, the others looks at her weirdly.

“I have to go.” She walks out of his house without another word.

“Chanyeol, I wonder how you can still like her.” Yixing sighs.

“I don’t like her....”

“I might just be in love with her.” He rubs his sore cheek.

“Just let her go,” Yixing pats his back.

“That’s for me to decide.”


Tao unlocks her door at exactly 12 am. The living room light were on; her eyes widen thinking of something. It couldn’t be could it?

“You’re home late.” It was him.

She drops her bags and runs to him happily jumping into his wide arms.

“I missed you.” She smiles brightly.

“Me too, panda,” He smiles at her.

“I was at a farewell party for a colleague.” She explains.

“Are you drunk?” He asks smelling some alcohol on her.

“Not that much,” She says.

“Let’s go to sleep then.” He lifts her up to the bedroom.

“I'm so happy that you’re here, Wu Fan...” Tao kiss his cheeks.


He smiles as he was carrying her to the bedroom.

“I’m glad to be with you,” He kisses her on her lips.



Here's chapter 5 for you guys and ummmmm.... Sorry? for the lateness of this chapter? Anyway hope you enjoy this and comment below don't forget to subscriber although I'm a lazy writer~ :D Also thank you for subscribing to this word vomit of mine. 

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I was planning on updating yesterday but chap 14 isnt complete haih sorry guys, hopefull by this week end.


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 29: That was great :d
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 29: Thiis is a great exo story. Love them all.
mayday16 #3
Chapter 29: Aweeeee. Thank you for writting this storyyyyy. Such a beautiful strory hereeeeee
Chapter 27: taoris :))) wedding :)))
mayday16 #5
Chapter 25: Urhmmm. I dont understand 25th chapter. Is it from the time when they were still dating?
baekyeolmaniac #6
Chapter 24: Can't wait for baekyeol's married life....hehehe
Your french gave me so much feels !!! It's has been so long since I red a frensh fic !
KouAkira #8
Chapter 24: Luhan......!!!orz huhhhh still poor Sehun T^T
And TaoRis is gonna talking about ceremony~~~!!! *dance*

Fight authornim. take your time lol be waiting just, please finish this story eventually~... ><
mayday16 #9
Chapter 23: Waaaaaaaaaaaa. Baekyeol. Finallyyyyyyyyy
mayday16 #10
Chapter 22: Why. You. Luhan?