Interlude: That time Yixing got sick


“I don’t think you should, Xing.” Joonmyeon says to her boyfriend.

“I’ll be alright,” Yixing reassures her.

“But it’s in the winter, you’ll get a cold.” She puts her book down and stares at him with a sharp look.

“I won’t,” She rolls her eyes thinking there he goes again not listening to her.


And the next day all she wants to say is, ‘I told you so,’ but right now of course she doesn’t, well not right now that is. Yixing is on his own couch, wrapped up in his blanket but still shivering and his nose is runny. He has gone through a few boxes already, she can tell because his house is a mess with tissues all over and some spilling out the bin. She sighs and shakes her head at him.

“Have you eaten your medicine yet? Open up.” Joonmyeon taps his cheeks softly and put the thermometer in his mouth and he shakes his head, Joonmyeon stares at him with narrow icy eyes.

“Have you eaten anything at all?” He shakes his head again and at the same time the thermometer beeps.

Joonmyeon takes the thermometer out, he has a cold. She places it down on the table. She stares at Yixing who’s staring back at her before she takes his blanket off of him and turns around and goes to his room.

“Where are you going with my blanket? I’m cold,” Yixing sniffles and rubs his cold arms.

“You don’t seem like you plan to move from the comfort of your couch but you should be in bed, so come on.” Joonmyeon extends her hand to him.

Yixing gets up from his couch and follows her into his room.

“Lie down for a while; I’ll go make some food.” Joonmyeon takes his blanket and drapes it properly on him.

“You’re not going to say ‘I told you so’?” Yixing asks as he lies down.

“I’m just waiting for you to get better, you know, saving the pleasure of telling you I was right, babe.” She smiles like an angel but word like a devil.

Zhang Yixing you got a scary girlfriend here, he shivers.


Joonmyeon then goes to his kitchen and fill the kettle with water before putting it on the stove. As the water boil she goes to his fridge and takes out whatever is in there to make chicken congee for the sick man.  She starts with putting the ingredients into a medium saucepan; she waits for it to boil over medium heat. And once it has boil she lowers the heat and let it simmer until the water is absorbed. She stirs it and adds a little bit more water and leaves it for a while. The kettle already turned off, she takes a tray and places a mug with bag of Chinese tea and pours the hot water in.

Once the congee is done, she transfer it into a bowl, dropping a few drops of sesame seed oil in it before grabbing a spoon and carrying it to Yixing in the bedroom. She places the tray on the bedside table, while Yixing sits up.

“Eat; I’ll go get your medicine.” Joonmyeon gets up again.

“Careful it’s hot,” She adds before she slips out of his room.

Yixing carefully takes his mug and sips the hot tea, sighing in pleasure as he feels a little better with the warmth of the tea. He places it down and his mouth waters at the sight of the congee cooked for him.  He cools it down before he starts eating the food. And by the time Joonmyeon came back with his medicine and a glass of water, Yixing looks up at her with a bowl of half eaten congee. He likes it, Joonmyeon knows.

“Slow down, there’s more. And not one is going to steal it.” Joonmyeon shakes her head.

“I was hungry,” Yixing smiles sheepishly at her.

Joonmyeon rolls her eyes and watches him eat, “Do you want some more?” She asks when he places an empty bowl down.

“Not right now,” Yixing leans on the headboard of his bed.

“Aren’t you busy with work? You should go,” Yixing pulls the covers closer to him.

“It’s okay, I took the day off.” Joonmyeon shakes her head.

“Can you get me the books on my work table?” Joonmyeon walks over to his work table, his notebook and a book about chocolate in on the table.

“You’re reading about chocolate?” Joonmyeon looks at Yixing.

He nods, “We don’t have a chocolatier anymore, so I should get myself a little bit more educated on them. Cause’ you know I’m not as certified as the others.” He shrugs.

Joonmyeon smiles and takes the books, she joins Yixing on the bed, “And I’ll help you.”

The couple spends the rest of the day, pressed against each other while reading the same book and Yixing takes some note or writes down some of the recipes that he wants to try soon after he’s feeling better, while Joonmyeon just reads along and explains anything that the latter doesn’t understand or anything that she knows further than the book states.

“Why don’t you take a shower? I’ll go clean up for a while.” Joonmyeon whispers as her head in on his shoulder after a few hour of reading and both of them quitted.

“I should, and you better get something to eat,” Yixing pinches her nose.

“Alright,” She sits up.


“How’s your body feeling? Still tired or are you getting better?” Joonmyeon asks him when they were yet again on his bed.

“Feeling better,” He nods.

“You should go home, it’s getting late. And I’m getting sleepy.” Yixing mumbles against the skin of her neck.

Joonmyeon freezes, even when he’s sick this guy is a tease, “Don’t do that,” She whines.

“Do what?” He does it again.

She lets out a small noise, “That,”

“Don’t do that, it makes me go crazy.”

“You’ll go crazy over anything I do.”


The next day,

“Joonmyeon, don’t move.” Yixing flips any page of his notebook; he gets up from his bed and quickly takes his pencil.

Joonmyeon who is confused just does as he says and stay lied down on his bed with her book on her chest; he then sits on the bed again. She laughs; he’s going to try to draw her again. Yixing is great with many things that he likes to do, and it shocks her that even his name means that he’d be great in arts, which is what Yixing loves to do, art.

She blushes for a second; there is two type of art to Yixing. One where he doesn’t mind anyone seeing while the other one, she shivers. The second type is where he makes sure that only he can see it. She subtly touches her neck, and then she looks at him. He’s smirking, he knows what she’s thinking about.

 “Stay still Baobei,” He stares at her.

Joonmyeon averts her eyes away from him and feels her body freeze in place from the tone he used. He doesn’t use that tone often with her, only on some nights. Yixing keeps on drawing, while Joonmyeon enjoys staring at her boyfriend focusing, he looks so hot. Joonmyeon thinks she might be ually frustrated.


Yixing throws aside his notebook and instead he lies next to her, his stained fingers about to touch her face but then, they were dirty, so he doesn’t touch her. Joonmyeon also throws her book away and rolls closer to him.

“You must be tired, taking care of me.” Yixing whispers.

“Two days off of work, taking care of you is much better than paper work, Xing.” Joonmyeon says.

“Baobei,” Yixing sits up.


“Sing for me,”

Joonmyeon stares at him like he just said the weirdest thing ever, “What,”

“Sing for me, please,” Yixing begs.

Yixing pouts and tilts his head, Joonmyeon rolls her eyes. So she ponders around to come up with a song to sing to the man, maybe even sing something that she’s been meaning to say.

“Come on, Baobei, any song.” Yixing says.

“Shush, I’m trying to recall another song.” She waves her hand and rolls to her side.

She smile, she know just the song but this is quite embarrassing for her.  So she sits up too, she hugs her knees for a moment before she lets go and finally decides to sing.

“This is so embarrassing. You really like to make me do this thing don’t you?” She pouts.

“Just this once, I’m sick, please.” Yixing gives her the puppy eyes.

“Fine, but don’t laugh.”

“I won’t.”

Joonmyeon takes a breath, “Although I miss you; although I want to hold you, As if it was a habit to back off when someone approached me, I’m someone who did that to everyone,” She starts off.

Yixing smiles sweetly and happily at her, “You’re different this time, you’re a different person somehow, listen, I don’t want to lose you, I don’t think you’ll ever come back again,”

The smile on his face couldn’t get any wider hearing the words she’s singing.

She looks away as a blush creeps up her face, “So tell me what’s up, to have my heart, without having to hide, with a little more love, I want to deliver my heart, and tell you, looking straight into your eyes, so into you,”

“There,” Joonmyeon whispers.

She lets out a small yelp when Yixing pulls her to him and hugs her from the back; she’s now sitting in between his legs.

“Sing more, Baobei.”

“Fine, but after this no more,” Yixing nods quickly.

“Everyone says, ‘Girls are prideful,’, so to you too, even if you try to protect me, I need you, I want you.” Her face becomes redder.

Yixing’s hold around her waist tightens, “These words are hard to say, but I’ll find the courage to say them, oh, I don’t want to lose you, I don’t think you’ll ever come back again,”

Her voice becomes shaky when Yixing buries his face into the crook of her neck, she can feel the warmth, “ So tell what’s up, to have my heart, without having hide, with a little to love, I want to deliver my heart, and tell you looking straight into your eyes.”

“I love you Baobei,” Yixing whispers.

“I love you too,” Joonmyeon who’s as red as a tomato touches his hand and leans into him.


That night she stayed as she planned to, just spending some time with him feel nice. Sometimes she wishes she wasn’t a workaholic, so she’d have more time for him. But then again, he is a workaholic too, in some ways that worked for them. Perhaps that is what makes times like this when they were just lying around, talking about silly stuff, golden.

“You have to come around when I’m not sick.” Yixing says.

“I’m planning too, since you’re a tease.”  Joonmyeon pokes his cheeks.

“You like me teasing,”

“I like you calling me Baobei too.”

“Baobei, get some sleep.”

“Good night babe,”


The next morning she is woken up by a kiss on her neck, shoulder and cheeks, and that’s when she thinks, ah, he’s fine again. So she can say ‘I told you so’.

“Morning, I’ll all better now!” Yixing says happily.

“Xing,” She calls him groggily.

“Yes, Baobei,”

“I told you so.” 

Second update for today but it's so short T-T But I hope you guys like it! Comments are loved, subscribe if you want to~ See you guys in the next update :D

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I was planning on updating yesterday but chap 14 isnt complete haih sorry guys, hopefull by this week end.


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 29: That was great :d
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 29: Thiis is a great exo story. Love them all.
mayday16 #3
Chapter 29: Aweeeee. Thank you for writting this storyyyyy. Such a beautiful strory hereeeeee
Chapter 27: taoris :))) wedding :)))
mayday16 #5
Chapter 25: Urhmmm. I dont understand 25th chapter. Is it from the time when they were still dating?
baekyeolmaniac #6
Chapter 24: Can't wait for baekyeol's married life....hehehe
Your french gave me so much feels !!! It's has been so long since I red a frensh fic !
KouAkira #8
Chapter 24: Luhan......!!!orz huhhhh still poor Sehun T^T
And TaoRis is gonna talking about ceremony~~~!!! *dance*

Fight authornim. take your time lol be waiting just, please finish this story eventually~... ><
mayday16 #9
Chapter 23: Waaaaaaaaaaaa. Baekyeol. Finallyyyyyyyyy
mayday16 #10
Chapter 22: Why. You. Luhan?