Interlude : A day in the Kim's household


“When will you be back?” Minseok hands Jongdae his bag.

“Before dawn, hopefully, don’t wait for me. Just go to sleep if you’re sleepy.” Jongdae smiles apologetically at her.

“Be safe, and do your job right so that you can come home early to help tame these wild children of ours.”Minseok pouts.

“And so I will,” Jongdae gives her a peck on lips and forehead.

“Daddy,” Their second child, Yuna walks out from her room with her blanket in hand.

“Why is my little angel up so early today?” Jongdae kneels on the floor as his daughter waddles towards him before throwing herself into his arms.

“Daddy, don’t go.” She pouts in the crook of his neck.

Minseok giggles at the side, looking at her husband and their child. Yuna has always been a little bit clingy to him which explains why Minseok herself was really clingy during being pregnant with her.

“I won’t take long, so you stay home with mommy and your brother, you'll be a good girl and I’ll come home before you know it. Okay?” Jongdae looks at his daughter and pats her head.

“Okay daddy,” Yuna nods.

“Have you brush your teeth yet?” Jongdae asks her.

She shakes her head.

“Alright why don’t you go to the bathroom first, mommy will be there in a second.” Minseok brushes away her daughter’s bangs.

Yuna nods and again she waddles beck to the way she came from, Minseok turns back to him with a smile.

Jongdae takes her hand into his softly, “Call me if anything happens,”

“Don’t worry too much,” Minseok pouts.

Jongdae presses a kiss on that cute little pout and wills it away.

“Come here.” He pulls her into a hug.

Minseok obliges knowing it’s just him being uneasy with leaving her alone while she’s pregnant, “I’ll call you okay, don’t worry.” She says.

He gives her a final kiss before going out the door and into his manager’s car. Minseok closes the door and locks it before going to her daughter.

“Mommy,” Her daughter hold up her tooth brush and wave it around.

“Alright, alright, be patient Yuna.” Minseok says and all she gets is a grin.

After she puts some toothpaste on it she hands it back to her daughter, awaiting the results of trying to teach how to brush her teeth on her own. Yuna is still clumsy but she’s getting there, Minseok only helps when Yuna is having trouble and soon they were out of the bathroom.

“My little angel, what do you want for breakfast?” Minseok walks with Yuna to the kitchen.

“Pancakes, mommy, I want pancakes!” Yuna chirps while jumping.

“Let me see if we have some mix,” Minseok checks the cupboard.

After making the kids breakfast, although Hong bin is still asleep but he would wake up soon as how she knows her kids weakness are pancakes and orange juice. She cuts up the pancakes to bite size pieces so it’s easier for Yuna to eat. Just like how she predicted, soon enough Hong bin walks out. Minseok pats the chair to the left of her as Yuna sat on her left.

“Good morning, did you sleep well?” Minseok asks him.

“Mmmm...” Hong bin nods still drowsy.

“Did you wash you face and brush your teeth?” Hong bin nods while rubbing his eyes.

“Good boy, now eat up. Make sure you finish it all.” Minseok says.

She thanks god and Jongdae for granting her obedient kids who could sit still when it comes to eating time, because she isn’t sure if she has the patience to teach the kids. Minseok is well known for having short temper when she’s directing.


Minseok pops her vitamins and swallows them with a bit of water. The kids were playing in the living room, they play well together. Minseok feels rather tired today, so she just watches the kids play. As long as they aren’t fighting she’s okay with it.

“Mommy, where’s Daddy?” Hong bin asks.

“Daddy had to go to work, he’ll be back soon. I hope.” Minseok sighs.

Hong bin nods, understanding what his father does for a living.


“Jongdae,” The photographer calls him.

The continuously change the poses. It’s been awhile since he has to get into the fancy clothes and pose for the camera, sure he still maintains his voice but what he is used to more is carrying his children and running around the house. Not the makeup and fancy clothes. It’s been like three hours and the shoot is said to last until after noon. It’s just noon, Jongdae is praying it to be lunch break soon. He’s tired and need to check up on Minseok.

“Okay, you can have a break first, we’ll continue in an hour.” Jongdae nods and thanks the staff before leaving to his changing room.

He changes into his clothes and sits down in front of a table that has food on it. Just when he was about to pick up his chopsticks his manager comes in.

“You might want to change into the next outfit; there are some reporters here for an interview.” Jongdae sighs.

“Alright, I’ll be out in a minute.” Jongdae nods.

And so back he changes into a pair of khaki pants, grey shirt and a leather jacket. Jongdae looks longingly at the food but right now, works comes first.

The interview lasted for half an hour and he only had about 15 minutes until his break ends. Jongdae just takes a quick bite of the food after losing his appetite.

Minseok sits on the couch watching over her children playing, and especially Hong Bin who is playing with her old camera.

“Mommy, look at this!” Hong Bin hands her the camera.

Minseok’s eyes widen when she sees the photos, he’s been taking picture of Yuna. And it looks like an amateur photographer’s work not a toddler.

“Honey, did you really take these pictures?” She asks her son.

He nods, “You saw me right?” He pouts.

Although flustered, she smiles and pats his head, “Yes, I saw you. Good boy, do you still want to play with my camera? If you don’t want to, make sure to place it back where it was.” Minseok says.

“Okay, I’ll just play with this a little while longer,” Hong Bin grins.

Minseok nods and lets him run off to other parts of the house to take more pictures; she turns to check on her daughter only to find her asleep on the floor. She grabs a pillow and her plush bunny that lay on the couch; she puts the pillow under her head and slips the plush doll in between Yuna’s hand.  She gets up slowly and goes to the toddler’s room to take her blanket. After the drapes the blanket over the toddler she starts feeling pain in her lower abdomen.

Minseok takes a seat, her hands holding her stomach. She takes quick breathe, this is normal for her, she’s been getting this by her four week mark with both of her older children but by no means is she used to it. Pain is still pain, it hurts and this thing shouldn’t be taken lightly, it could mean miscarriage.


Jongdae thanks the staff again, this time the shoot it done and it’s already 5 O’clock. Jongdae quickly changes into his clothes before getting ready to leave. Just when he exited the building, a group of his fan gathered out front, he smiles and waves at them. It used to be crazier before he got married but now that he’s a father of 2 they cooled down.  Maybe he lost a couple hundreds of fans but he doesn’t mind, he had some left that loved him and his family. Minseok doesn’t really mind the fans, as long as they don’t go too far.

“Oppa, when are you going to release a song?” A fan asks.

“I don’t know,” Jongdae says.

“How’s Minseok Unnie? Oppa, could you pass this to her? I heard that it’s good for pregnant women.” A fan extends her arm out while holding on to a paper bag.

Jongdae takes it kindly,” Thank you, I’ll make sure to give it to her.” Jongdae gives a final wave to them before Jongdae get into the van.

Once he settled in his phone rings, it’s Minseok. He frowns, but picks it up.

“Hello,” Jongdae says.

“Daddy, it’s me. I think Mommy is in pain.” Hong Bin says.

“Mommy’s in what?” Jongdae yells.

“Mommy’s been holding her belly and frowning.” Hong Bin says.

“Hong Bin, can you go to Mommy, stay by Mommy. Daddy will be there in a short while.” Jongdae says before he hangs up.

“Hyung, step on the gas. Hong Bin says Minseok is in pain.” Jongdae says.

“What, I hope she’s okay.” His manager drives faster.


Jongdae kicks off his shoes and places his things in a haste before running to the living room, but his worries were put down to rest when he sees Minseok asleep calmly, Hong Bin sleeping by her while Yuna just plays by herself with her bunny plush.

“Hello, Daddy.” Yuna grins.

“Hey, my little angel, what are you doing?” Jongdae sits by Yuna.

“I’m bored, Mommy and Oppa has been sleeping.” Yuna pouts.

“Let’s play.” Jongdae smiles


Minseok wakes up by the sound of her daughter giggling. Minseok sits up slowly and rubs her eyes, Yuna playing with Jongdae? She glances to the clock. He’s back early. Jongdae gives her a sly grin, his eyes focus on her but not her face. She looks down, oh, she pulls her shirt back up of her shoulder, looks like it slide off one of her shoulder. She then proceeds to throw a cushion at him

“Come on, let’s take a shower.” Jongdae says to his kids.

Hong Bin who is still half asleep follows Jongdae to the bathroom, along with Yuna. Minseok goes to the kitchen to whip up Jongdae’s favourite dinner.


After the kids were bathed and have clothes on, Jongdae goes to the kitchen; he wraps his arms around Minseok.

“Thank god you’re okay.” Jongdae lets out a relived sigh.

“Why would I be?” Minseok frowns.

“Hong Bin called me saying you were in pain.” Jongdae says.

“Oh, that, it was just the same old thing,” Minseok says.

Jongdae rests his head on her narrow shoulders, “Can I get a kiss?”

“That’s kind of stupid for you to ask, you’re usually the one jumping at me for kisses.” Minseok rolls her eyes.

“Answer me,” Jongdae says.

“Of course you can.” Minseok turns her head to the side.


Later that night after he put the kids to sleep, she pulls him away and shows him the camera.

“Your son took these pictures.” Minseok says.

Jongdae checks it out with a proud smile on his face, “It’s in his blood I guess.”

“I didn’t know he could take picture like this, I’m really happy.” Minseok grins.

“You could give this to him, if he wants it. We can sharpen his skills for now.” Jongdae places the camera back.

“I’m not using it anymore,” Minseok ponders.

“But he still wants a box of crayons.”

“A box of crayon it is then.” Jongdae smiles cheekily.

Minseok just waves him off and walks to their bedroom until she is being lifted by Jongdae. 

Double update! ~.~ Here is some Xiuchen family cuteness~ Please do comment down below and click subscribe if you like this story~ *whispers* Chapter 13 might be very eventful (who wants ?) *coughCough* Until the next chapter~ :D :D :D 

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I was planning on updating yesterday but chap 14 isnt complete haih sorry guys, hopefull by this week end.


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 29: That was great :d
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 29: Thiis is a great exo story. Love them all.
mayday16 #3
Chapter 29: Aweeeee. Thank you for writting this storyyyyy. Such a beautiful strory hereeeeee
Chapter 27: taoris :))) wedding :)))
mayday16 #5
Chapter 25: Urhmmm. I dont understand 25th chapter. Is it from the time when they were still dating?
baekyeolmaniac #6
Chapter 24: Can't wait for baekyeol's married life....hehehe
Your french gave me so much feels !!! It's has been so long since I red a frensh fic !
KouAkira #8
Chapter 24: Luhan......!!!orz huhhhh still poor Sehun T^T
And TaoRis is gonna talking about ceremony~~~!!! *dance*

Fight authornim. take your time lol be waiting just, please finish this story eventually~... ><
mayday16 #9
Chapter 23: Waaaaaaaaaaaa. Baekyeol. Finallyyyyyyyyy
mayday16 #10
Chapter 22: Why. You. Luhan?