Chapter 20


“Are very sure this is you?” Luhan is shown a picture of her and Sehun.

“That is me, I’m very sure of it,” Luhan can’t deny since it’s very clear that it’s her.

“What are we going to do? Can you contact him?” Her manager sighs.

Luhan looks down and leans her head on the wall, “We broke up.” She closes her eyes.

“Of course you did, I guess we can’t do anything, you should keep your mouth shut about this. This time let the company handle it.” Luhan nods.

“Even if it doesn’t make sense or it’s the same old thing.” Luhan says.

“What choice do we have right now?”

Luhan shrugs and open her eyes, she props her chin on her hands, and “Can I see my schedule?”

“Sure, it’s in the car. Anyway we have to go to the photo shoot now.” Her manager tilts his head.

Luhan gets up and gets her handbag and sunglasses, before she walks out the door, her hand brushes against a pendant, it’s missing it’s other half.

She was clueless on how big this scandal could be until a week passes by and ever since everywhere she went there were reporters waiting for her. They wanted to catch a glimpse or her, wanted to interview her. They shouted their questions at her as she tries to make her way through the crowd and with the crazy schedule she is given, Luhan gets tired easier than usual. Her company makes a decision to move her to her house that’s outside of central Beijing. It’s very far from most of the places she had to go for her schedule but her safety is important.


“Luhan, smile,” The photographer says as he keeps taking photos.

Luhan pulls away from what was pushing her focus out the window and pulls a smile up. She was never the type to hold on this long. Career came first to her for a long time. The camera flashes continue and wardrobe changes are made. It’s exhausting for her, everything is just weighting her down and it’s hard for her to smile. And it’s just been two weeks that she’s been away from Sehun, since she ended it with Sehun. During the makeup touch ups, Luhan looks at herself in the mirror, with all the make ups on her face, the fancy hairstyles. Luhan feels like she lost herself in the process. The shoot wraps up hours later, and she can finally relax a little bit.

“Good job, let’s go home now.” Her manager says after she changed into her own clothes.

She nods without a word, she’s tired and all she wants is to curl up in bed and sleep. And even though she doesn’t want to admit it, she wished that when she reaches home, and curl up in bed, she could curl up against Sehun.


“How are you feeling?” Luhan looks away from the road that she was staring at and stares and the trees.

“Like dying,” Luhan says weakly.

“Luhan,” Her manager didn’t sound pleased.

“I’m tired, don’t talk to me.”

“Is it because of the dating scandal?”

“It’s not a scandal, we did date.” Luhan sighs.

“You genuinely liked him didn’t you?” They turn at a corner.

“Like, a lot. Obviously, Hao, we did date for some time.” She says weakly.

Hao looks at her for a brief moment, “Why did you run then?”

“I don’t think I could commit to a relationship with this career. You know in this industry everything could just be knocked down by a simple thing.”

Hao sighs and doesn’t comment on what Luhan said.

“Anyway, you have a gig tomorrow. You’ll have to sing ‘Our Tomorrow’ there.”

“Alright, wake me up when we’re there.” Luhan closes her eyes.



Yifan sits in his living room alone, Tao is at work. So he sits alone, pondering about the future. The craziness died down, some fans were mad and said that they won’t ever support him again, not that it mattered. He got some many wishes from his fans, congratulating him on his engagement and wishes him a happy marriage. He’s very thankful for those fans and those wishes. He’s just worried about Tao, what if the comments get to her? What if she can’t handle the pressure? He knows it’s not easy since he’s been in some scandals before, total hoax that out to destroy his career and he barely made out of it. But this is just because he is used to people saying things about him but Tao. She’s a different story. And just like that he drifts into a series of darker thought as his fingers play with each, soon enough he falls asleep.

Tao comes back home to find the living room dimly lighted and the TV isn’t even on. The house is oddly quiet. She puts her bag down on the coffee table and chuckles when she sees her fiancé sleeping on the couch. Instead of waking him up from his peaceful sleep, she takes a picture of him sleeping for the fun of it. She kneels on the floor close to his face, she softly caress his cheeks.

“Ge, wake up. You won’t be able to sleep later.” She says.

Slowly Yifan wakes up; he silently sits up and looks at her, “When did you get back?”

“Just arrived, how was your day?” She stands up.

“Fine, just been thinking about some things.”

Tao sighs and sits down beside him; she holds his face and pulls him closer to her.

“What were you thinking about?” She asks softly.

He looks away from her to which he makes him look at her, “Just some things.”

“Ge,” She says in a strict tone but still loving.

“I was thinking about what if you can handle the pressure of all this?

 Tao scoffs, “We’re going to talk about this just let me get change alright.”

“Alright,” Tao softens up and kisses him.


Yifan watches as Tao goes to their room, he sighs. Maybe his fiancé isn’t as weak as he thinks she is. They’ve been together for some time now and he should know better after the years she has been putting up with not seeing him a lot and not being able to do what normal couples do and having to keep her relationship in the dark.

“You’re thinking again,” Tao’s voice pulls him away.

“I can’t help it.” Yifan says.

“Ge, don’t worry about it. You said it yourself that we’re going to get through this together.” Tao says.

“But you don’t know how it is when you’re known as my fiancé, I’m afraid that people might threaten you. What if...” Tao stops her fiancé from continuing his sentence.

“You’re thinking too much, I’ll make sure not to stand out too much. I’ve been your secret lover for years now. I think I’ll rather be in the dark, even when I’m your wife.” Tao says.

“I’m not that weak ge.” She adds.

He pulls her close, “I’m sorry.”

She laughs, “You’re silly. Don’t be sorry. Nothing comes free in life.”

“You could be having a comfortable life right now but,” Yifan frowns.

“God dammit, Wu Yifan, I love you. Why does it matter, I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you. So shut up.” Tao says.

Yifan couldn’t speak after hearing her words, what did he do to deserve this girl, “I don’t deserve you.”

“You’re spitting nonsense.” She laughs.

“Why did I even worry, you’re capable.” He rests his head on her shoulder.

“I’ll be alright, you were thinking too much.”

Yifan hugs her waist tightly and breathes in the smell of her. The side of his face is buried against her neck.

“We’ll talk about the wedding later,” He whispers.

“Isn’t it too early?”

“Let’s just plan when I have the time to,”

“Alright then, how about we talk about it tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow sounds fantastic.”


Luhan sits in her bed that night, its 1o’clock in the morning. She can’t sleep and she should be awake in three hours later. But sleep just won’t come to her so she gets up and takes her cardigan. Luhan gets in her car and drives out in the wee hours of the night. She drives to a bridge and it’s very vacant at this hour. She steps out of her car and stands at the side of the bridge, summer is on its way so it is hot in the day but the breeze comes at night. Luhan takes a deep breath, god she misses Sehun so much.

She looks down to her phone in her hand; it shows her Sehun’s caller id. She really wants to call him and hear his voice. She really wants to press the call button but she cowards out and closes her phone. Her hand forms a tight fist. You can’t be like this she tells herself. She gets back into her car and drives back to her house. Although she still couldn’t fall asleep so she just opts to reading.

At 4 in the morning, she was already leaving her house, going to get her makeup done and then to the broadcasting station. Luhan puts on her professional smile once she reaches the studio, as if nothing had happen to her or it’s as if her heart wasn’t hurting. The live broadcast starts, when she is asked questions she answers it professionally and doesn’t get taken aback with the questions asked to her and thankfully the scandal hasn’t been brought up.

“Now, we all know our dear Ms. Luhan here is a great singer, how about we hear her beautiful voice once again?” Luhan smiles brightly and nods.

“We’ll be right back after her song.”  The Mc says.

Luhan takes a deep breath as he stands on the podium that is placed there for her, her hands slowly grasp the mike on the stand. She takes it off, in front of a full audience and the ones at home, she’s afraid. She starts off normally, calm and focused on singing, good, just the way she wanted it to be. But once she got into it and closes her eyes, the flashes of Sehun’s face and laughter along with all the people she was surrounded around for the last months, overwhelmed she opens her eyes again but the sight of the full seats scares her. On the last verse her voice wavered and on the last line she broke into tears.

The hand holding the microphone drops to her side so does her eyes, she wipes her tears and bites her lips, and she couldn’t believe she broke into tears on TV. Thankfully, it’s a time for commercial breaks. She goes behind and her makeup is touched up. Hao didn’t say anything to her and then she’s back out to the front. She gets back on set and sits on the couch facing the Mc who gives her a smile.

“And we’re back after that wonderful performance.” The Mc says.

“Someone got overwhelmed,” They laughed it off.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what got to me there,” Luhan laughs embarrassed.

“It’s okay isn’t it everybody. We all have those songs.” The Mc laughs it off.

“Maybe our little Miss Lu has been having a hard time with all the rumours around her.” One of the Mc says jokingly.

Luhan frowns, “I would like to address that scandal actually,” She looks towards Hao who’s looking at her, standing beside the camera director.

Hao shakes his head.

“But it seems it can’t.”


“What the hell was that? I know you’re the type to face things head on but you should know not to with dating scandals!” Her manager scolds her in the van.

“Hao I’m tired,”

“You’re in big trouble when the boss sees it!”

“I couldn’t care less about scandals!” Luhan yells.

“It’s true anyway,” Luhan breaks down again.

Luhan cries so bad that her shoulder jolts up and down and she wipes her tears that is only replaced with new ones. feels raw and it’s as if everything in her is letting out this frustration and sadness with this cry.

“Just cry, it’s no use to keep it inside.” Hao sighs.

It’s no use to scold her anyway, let her feel her own medicine.



“Are you really okay?” Jongdae’s mom asks her.

Minseok nods, “Yeah I’m fine, Mother.”

Jongdae and Minseok are getting ready to go to the hospital where her doctor already arranged everything for to have this baby. Jongdae is just checking everything, his mother offered to look after the kids for a while as he brings her to the hospital and after the birth he’s going to bring them to the hospital to see the baby.

Minseok suddenly stops her pacing around and holds her stomach before she knows it, her water broke.

“Jongdae,” She calls for him.

“Yea-” Jongdae stops when he sees that.

“Go hurry!” His mother says.


They arrive at the hospital and she’s quickly taken and changed into a patient’s gown. Jongdae is told to wait outside until they are sure she’s ready. It’s the third child but he is still nervous when it’s time, seeing pain etched on her face makes him feel the pain of it too.

“You can come in now, get him a scrub!” A nurse says.

Jongdae is familiar with these procedures and follows without any complains. When he enters the room he watches Minseok from the side. He quietly cheers her on in his heart. The tears that spill from the corner of her eyes make him sad. But it didn’t take more than 10 minutes for her to deliver and soon their baby is in her arms. Jongdae kisses her head.

“Thank you, I’m sorry.” Jongdae whispers against her.

“She’s so pale.” Minseok chuckles tiredly.

“Just like you.” Jongdae looks at the two lovingly.

Soon their child is brought to the infant room by the nurses and Minseok in then transferred to her room. Jongdae looks at his wife sleeping. He sits beside her and holds her hand softly, he kisses it softly. He caresses her knuckles and where their couple ring used to be worn, the years just fly by so fast.

They met as a director and a singer, and now their husband and wife. The shocking news of them being together hits the public when Minseok was on the peak of her career. And there’s a lot of thing Jongdae is sorry for towards her. He misses seeing her directing, although Minseok says its okay but Jongdae wants his wife to do what she loves again.

He still remembers when they were just two young people in love. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for taking so long to update TnT Noooo december is ending soon. I planned to end this story by the end of this year since next year I'd be busy :/ But idk if I'd be able to finish this before this year ends. Anyway subscribe if you like this story! Comment down below on how you think this chapter went! See ya guys soon (I hope) :D

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I was planning on updating yesterday but chap 14 isnt complete haih sorry guys, hopefull by this week end.


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 29: That was great :d
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 29: Thiis is a great exo story. Love them all.
mayday16 #3
Chapter 29: Aweeeee. Thank you for writting this storyyyyy. Such a beautiful strory hereeeeee
Chapter 27: taoris :))) wedding :)))
mayday16 #5
Chapter 25: Urhmmm. I dont understand 25th chapter. Is it from the time when they were still dating?
baekyeolmaniac #6
Chapter 24: Can't wait for baekyeol's married life....hehehe
Your french gave me so much feels !!! It's has been so long since I red a frensh fic !
KouAkira #8
Chapter 24: Luhan......!!!orz huhhhh still poor Sehun T^T
And TaoRis is gonna talking about ceremony~~~!!! *dance*

Fight authornim. take your time lol be waiting just, please finish this story eventually~... ><
mayday16 #9
Chapter 23: Waaaaaaaaaaaa. Baekyeol. Finallyyyyyyyyy
mayday16 #10
Chapter 22: Why. You. Luhan?