
Haunted. { A Chansoo Halloween Fic }

A year passed since the incident, and Halloween was quickly approaching. Things had gone back to normal for the most part (with the occasional Kim Jongin sobbing in the bathroom), and the idols went back to their lives. 

But little did they know, a little ghostie was hidden away in the dorm, lurking in the darkest corners; his hatred for an annoyingly big-eared man growing stronger by the minute. He was ready to strike.



October 25th.


"Let's make some jack-o-lanterns!" 

"We don't have any pumpkins, Jongdae," Baekhyun said, his cheek resting in his hand. He, and most of the members, were seated in random places in the living room, all trying to come up with ideas to liven their day. Their Halloween vacation had been quiet, and none of them knew what to do with themselves.

Jongdae grinned his cheshire grin before picking up a decent-sized pumpkin that had been hidden from view behind the couch, displaying it for all to see.

"There's more in the kitchen," he announced, sparking a little explosion; the members--who were grown men, mind you--jumped from their seats and bolted to the kitchen with whoops and hollers, fighting for knives and pumpkins.

Jongin stood behind, wiping at his teary eyes, before whimpering, "Kyungsoo liked making jack-o-lanterns.." Jongdae sighed and pat his friend's back, knowing that in actuality, Kyungsoo hated the activity--there were several times when he threatened other members (Chanyeol) with a butcher knife, claiming that he'd "carve them (Chanyeol) like a pumpkin".



The members were situated at either the dining table or the kitchen floor, haphazardly carving up their pumpkins and talking amongst each other, with Mother Junmyeon watching over them with a worried gaze (those knives were way too sharp).

Yixing was carving the "tree of life" into his (it was beginning to look more like some weed), Luhan's had a figure on it that looked suspiciously like Minseok, and the other members were carving the usual smiling face onto theirs. Pumpkin seeds surrounded them with a radius of at least ten feet; the orange goop had even managed to find its way onto the ceiling, much to Junmyeon's chagrin.

Finally, the little ghost found his opening. It was time to begin his reign of terror. 

Kyungsoo stood in the kitchen, invisible to all, his small frame standing over an unsuspecting Chanyeol. An almost-insane smile painted his lips and he brought his foot back and then forward, knocking over Yeol's pumpkin. Chanyeol responded with a not-so-manly screech, jumping back and hitting his head on the wall. Zitao glanced over at his frightened friend, curiously, only to see him mumbling incoherently and pointing at his tipped-over jack-o-lantern. He went back to work on his own pumpkin (which had the Gucci logo carved into it), questioning Chanyeol's sanity.

Chanyeol eventually calmed down, rubbing the bump on his head and dismissing the event as a freak incident.

Kyungsoo, hoping to further frighten him, grabbed some of the pumpkin goop from the counter. It became invisible in his palm, and he hurled it at his big-eared friend, the orangy substance regaining visibility as it collided with its target. It slid slowly down the horrified man's face, before landing with a plop in his lap. A few of his friends looked up, some scrunching their brows in disgust, some laughing, thinking he did it to himself. 

"What're you doing?" Baekhyun asked inbetween laughs, his hand raised to his mouth.

"I'm being attacked by a demon!" He near screamed, leaping to his feet and into a defensive, crouched position, regarding Baekhyun with wide eyes. Remaining glops of pumpkin goo fell from his cheeks and face.

Baekhyun blinked once, and then another time, before erupting into laughter. "The Halloween spirit's really getting into you, I guess," he choked out between chuckles.

Chanyeol huffed angrily, wiping the left-over goop from his face and flicking it at Baekhyun, which immediately ceased his giggling and instead made him shriek in disgust, catching the attention of the other members. 

Kyungsoo, who was standing off to the side, grinned and laughed maniacally. He gathered up another pile of the pumpkin goop in his hands and proceeded to inconspicuously toss it onto Zitao.

And thus begun one of the biggest pumpkin goo fight the world has ever seen.

Later that night, as Chanyeol, who felt like he still had pumpkin seeds on him, was bundled up in his blankets and half-asleep, he came to a realization. His dorm was haunted, and whatever was haunting it was out for blood. 

Of course, being Park Chanyeol, he was too naive to put the pieces together and realize that it was Kyungsoo who was determined to make his life a living hell.

Well, he'd probably find out soon enough.

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this was the fic that got my friend hardcore shipping Chansoo. Thank you.
LisaDo #3
Hi :) First time talking to you. My name is Lisa Do, and I am a Vietnamese Chansoo shipper. I've read your story Haunted LOL Seriously it was sooooo funny, so cute and interesting. I just couldn't help but die laughing reading it :))))
Well, I would like to thank you so much for the amazingly "haunted" story :) Also, I have a favor to ask of you. Could you please give me permission to translate this fiction of yours to Vietnamese so my fellow Vietnamese Chansoo shippers could read it as well? I promise to give you your rightful credit. I will indicate your AFF ID as the author, and attach a link to the original fiction to the translated version (that I will post in my wp). And of course, I will send you a link to the translated version after posting it.
Thank you so much for the fic and I hope to hear from you soon :) Have a nice day ~
P/s: I've also sent you a private message talking about the same issue ^^ (just in case you didn't receive it)
Chapter 4: Sorry Soo baby. You got your revenge but you have to spend your afterlife with Park Dobby.

Nice one, author-nim! :D
Chapter 4: Love the story and the ending, it's hilarious had me laughing till the end. :)
Chapter 3: Awww man this story is hilarious love the chapters I look forward to your future updates. ^^