Prologue: Killed by a Big-Eared Freak

Haunted. { A Chansoo Halloween Fic }

Do Kyungsoo always thought he'd go out with a bang.

He thought he'd die in an amazingly spectacular way--but he didn't. 

Kyungsoo met his end in the most dull, uneventful way. And it was all thanks to an annoying, obnoxious, giant loser. With stupid big ears. coughParkChanyeolcough.




It happened on a Saturday morning. The members of Exo were free that day--no concerts, interviews, or anything, as Halloween was drawing near and they wanted to celebrate. Chanyeol, Sehun, and Jongdae had decorated their entire dorm (Kyungsoo had tripped over several streamers and plastic pumpkins during the process) and now all the rooms were garnished in orange and black. 

Kyungsoo had made his way to the kitchen, absolutely groggy and in desperate need of Captain Crunch cereal. He pulled out the milk and a cute little pumpkin-shaped bowl and resisted the urge to gag. In all honesty, Kyungsoo truly, sincerely, genuinely disliked Halloween.

The intense hatred may or may not stem from a certain big-eared man forcing him to dress up in ridiculous costumes every year. 

As he neared the pantry, drooling a bit at the thought of some yummy cereal, Chanyeol bounded into the kitchen, his sock-covered, huge feet sliding across the tiled floor before he regained his balance.

"Don't open it!"

But it was too late. The pantry door was opened, and dozens and dozens of strawberry-flavored bubble tea tumbled down on Kyungsoo's unsuspecting form.

And that was how Do Kyungsoo died. Poof. Gone. 

But he was not going to die just like that. He was gonna haunt that annoying, obnoxious, giant loser until God forced him into Heaven. Boo yeah.

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this was the fic that got my friend hardcore shipping Chansoo. Thank you.
LisaDo #3
Hi :) First time talking to you. My name is Lisa Do, and I am a Vietnamese Chansoo shipper. I've read your story Haunted LOL Seriously it was sooooo funny, so cute and interesting. I just couldn't help but die laughing reading it :))))
Well, I would like to thank you so much for the amazingly "haunted" story :) Also, I have a favor to ask of you. Could you please give me permission to translate this fiction of yours to Vietnamese so my fellow Vietnamese Chansoo shippers could read it as well? I promise to give you your rightful credit. I will indicate your AFF ID as the author, and attach a link to the original fiction to the translated version (that I will post in my wp). And of course, I will send you a link to the translated version after posting it.
Thank you so much for the fic and I hope to hear from you soon :) Have a nice day ~
P/s: I've also sent you a private message talking about the same issue ^^ (just in case you didn't receive it)
Chapter 4: Sorry Soo baby. You got your revenge but you have to spend your afterlife with Park Dobby.

Nice one, author-nim! :D
Chapter 4: Love the story and the ending, it's hilarious had me laughing till the end. :)
Chapter 3: Awww man this story is hilarious love the chapters I look forward to your future updates. ^^