
Haunted. { A Chansoo Halloween Fic }

October 27th.

A few days had passed, uneventfully. Chanyeol had yet to re-encounter the wrath of Kyungsoo, but he lived in obnoxious fear, becoming a bit of a recluse and refusing to sleep anywhere but the fort he made in the living room--out of the couch cushions. The other members constantly made fun of him (cough, Baekhyun, cough), teasing him with jokes about ghosts and the paranormal, which only further scared the clumsy giant.

"Hey, Chanyeol, seen any ghosts lately?" Baekhyun asked with a cheshire grin, poking his head into the man's bedroom. Chanyeol had his duvet wrapped tightly over his shoulders, and he was hunched over what appeared to be a laptop. When he received no reply, Baekhyun, curious, edged closer to his friend, looking over his shoulder to inspect the computer screen.

"A Beginner's Guide to Demons and Expelling Them From Your Home...What the hell, Yeol! How many times have I told you, there are no ghosts, or demons, in this-" A loud creak from interrupted him, and both of their heads immediately snapped towards the source of the sound.

The closet.

Baekhyun slowly inched closer to his tall friend, who thus began whimpering in fear, as the closet doors slowly opened, inch by inch. Shaking now, both men stared, unmoving, as the door flew open, revealing... 

A humanoid figure, covered in a large white sheet, groaning and making noises similar to that of your stereotypical ghost. 

Baekhyun jumped up, his terror quickly morphing into anger, while Chanyeol huffed and rolled his eyes, annoyed at whoever decided to make fun of his fears, again.

"Hey, that's not funny! You scared the out of me!" Baekhyun approached the figure, who was snickering, but had yet to remove the fabric from his body. So Baekhyun did it for him, his small hands reaching up and pulling away the sheet, revealing nothing but air.

Baekhyun's scream was probably heard by all of South Korea. He didn't make fun of Chanyeol at all after that.

Meanwhile, Kyungsoo was celebrating his victory over a glass of ghost wine, or whatever ghosts drink after they've just scarred their friends for life.

this is literally such a y update otl

and there's only three days until halloween im sooo screwed bUT I hope you enjoyed it, if you've read up to this point!

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this was the fic that got my friend hardcore shipping Chansoo. Thank you.
LisaDo #3
Hi :) First time talking to you. My name is Lisa Do, and I am a Vietnamese Chansoo shipper. I've read your story Haunted LOL Seriously it was sooooo funny, so cute and interesting. I just couldn't help but die laughing reading it :))))
Well, I would like to thank you so much for the amazingly "haunted" story :) Also, I have a favor to ask of you. Could you please give me permission to translate this fiction of yours to Vietnamese so my fellow Vietnamese Chansoo shippers could read it as well? I promise to give you your rightful credit. I will indicate your AFF ID as the author, and attach a link to the original fiction to the translated version (that I will post in my wp). And of course, I will send you a link to the translated version after posting it.
Thank you so much for the fic and I hope to hear from you soon :) Have a nice day ~
P/s: I've also sent you a private message talking about the same issue ^^ (just in case you didn't receive it)
Chapter 4: Sorry Soo baby. You got your revenge but you have to spend your afterlife with Park Dobby.

Nice one, author-nim! :D
Chapter 4: Love the story and the ending, it's hilarious had me laughing till the end. :)
Chapter 3: Awww man this story is hilarious love the chapters I look forward to your future updates. ^^