The Grand Finale

Haunted. { A Chansoo Halloween Fic }

October 31

It was the night.

Do Kyungsoo was going down in history. Well, not really, but you get the point. It was Halloween, and he was about to scare the hell out of one not-so innocent Park Chanyeol. He was going to regret ever piling all those bubble teas in the pantry. 

Because no one can kill Do Kyungsoo just like that. No, he was going out with a bang.

His partially visible frame glided along the hardwood floors, towards the voices of his fellow members. The eleven full grown men were all in the living room, terrified, as both Baekhyun and Chanyeol had informed them of their earlier encounter with the "demonic force", as they kindly referred to him as. At first, the others hadn't believed them, but when the doors locked on themselves as Junmyeon tried to leave to get groceries, they knew.

A motherin demon was trying to kill them all.

Making himself completely invisible, Kyungsoo entered the living room with an insane smile on his heart-shaped lips. Jongdae, Baekhyun, and Tao were hidden away in Chanyeol's fort, but their obnoxious sobbing  was very noticeable. The other members had taken to lighting sage (don't ask how they got it) and drawing "demon repelling" symbols all over the walls. It looked like a horror story.

That was when Kyungsoo decided it was time to make his move.

His hands rose from his sides and he closed his eyes, concentrating. The shelves and pictures on the wall began to shake, thus beginning a chorus of different pitched screams and yelps. The pots and pans that were left on the counter in the kitchen began to clang around, too, before falling to the floor with a bang; the cupboards opened and closed loudly and repeatedly. Pictures fell from the walls, and by then, all of the members were huddled in the makeshift fort (he could make out Chanyeol yelling something about his fort being useful in an "I-told-you-so" tone). 

Kyungsoo, now hovering several feet above the ground, regained his visibility and spoke, "Peasants!" Eleven heads snapped towards him, eyes wide in either fear or shock. It only lasted for a moment, however, as their faces almost immediately contorted into confusion.

He continued, "Park Chanyeol," the large-eared man perked up, "I have been murdered, and for that, I must avenge myself!" 

A laugh. Kyungsoo's eyes flicked to the sound, only to be awarded with the smiling face of Kim Jongdae. "You sound like some super villain or something, Soo."

Scowling, he made a flicking motion with his fingers, sending Yifan barrelling into the chuckling Jongdae, effectively silencing him. He cleared his throat and continued, the large eyes of the members (minus Jongdae and Yifan, for obvious reasons) staring up at him.

"Before I move on to the afterlife, I must get my revenge," he said, his hands shooting up, and, like a ing airbender, the two couches in the room, along with anything light enough, slowly lifted from their positions and were suspended in the air. The members, excluding Chanyeol, jumped away from the upcoming catastrophe, knowing it was not them he was after. The airborne objects began rotating around Chanyeol, trapping him.

Eyes wide, he tried to console the raging ghost, "H-Hey, Kyungsoo-"

"-that's King Kyungsoo to you," he interjected.

"-King Kyungsoo," Chanyeol corrected himself, "I-I'm..sorry..?"

"Sorry? You're sorry? I'll have you know-"

"Hey, Soosoo!" Soosoo? The kind of name is that? He turned to the voice. Jongdae. 

"Oh, you're awake," Kyungsoo deadpanned, eyes narrowed. He had really gone crazy.

", you smell! A-And Baekhyun and I are better singers than you!" Jongdae continued like this, irritating the hell out of the little ghostie, who had failed to realize that while his attention was on Jongdae, Chanyeol was working on getting out of the mini hurricane surrounding him.

Minseok was trying to help, with little success, "you're just going to have to run through it," he yelled over all the noise. Chanyeol paled, eyes growing wide. "Just do it!" Minseok pleaded, nervously glancing over at Chen and D.O, "Jongdae can't hold him off for that long, just go!" 

Chanyeol nodded, arranging his giraffe legs into some odd stance. He took a deep breath, looking as if he were about to begin a race, not jump through a whirlwind of couches traveling at inhuman speeds.

Finally, Chanyeol took two quick steps, and leapt--only to get hit by a couch. Minseok screamed and all attention was on him.

And just like that, Park Chanyeol was killed by a flying couch. At least he got to die in a cool way. 

Everything dropped back to its original place. It was silent as they stared and Chanyeol's body.

"Totally dead," Yixing murmured, poking at the body with his finger.

"Don't touch it!" Momma Junmyeon screeched, taking Lay and guiding him to the kitchen to wash his hands, muttering something about germs.

"Wait-wait-wait. I think he's moving," Luhan said, gesturing to Chanyeol. He was right, his fingers were twitching a bit. Kyungsoo groaned and drifted back to the floor--he knew what was coming. 

Without warning, Chanyeol sat up abruptly, causing everyone (minus Kyungsoo) to jump back in alarm. He stood up and immediately floated over to Kyungsoo with a grin large enough to challenge his height; Kyungsoo grimaced and shied away from the older member.

Yep. Park Chanyeol was a ghost. And Kyungsoo most likely had to spend the rest of eternity with the annoying, big-eared freak.

"Heeey, Soooooo~" 


I knew I wouldn't finish this by halloween, haha~ I hope everyone enjoyed though! I might post an epilogue, uhu~

Happy Halloween! Thank you for reading my story! <3

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this was the fic that got my friend hardcore shipping Chansoo. Thank you.
LisaDo #3
Hi :) First time talking to you. My name is Lisa Do, and I am a Vietnamese Chansoo shipper. I've read your story Haunted LOL Seriously it was sooooo funny, so cute and interesting. I just couldn't help but die laughing reading it :))))
Well, I would like to thank you so much for the amazingly "haunted" story :) Also, I have a favor to ask of you. Could you please give me permission to translate this fiction of yours to Vietnamese so my fellow Vietnamese Chansoo shippers could read it as well? I promise to give you your rightful credit. I will indicate your AFF ID as the author, and attach a link to the original fiction to the translated version (that I will post in my wp). And of course, I will send you a link to the translated version after posting it.
Thank you so much for the fic and I hope to hear from you soon :) Have a nice day ~
P/s: I've also sent you a private message talking about the same issue ^^ (just in case you didn't receive it)
Chapter 4: Sorry Soo baby. You got your revenge but you have to spend your afterlife with Park Dobby.

Nice one, author-nim! :D
Chapter 4: Love the story and the ending, it's hilarious had me laughing till the end. :)
Chapter 3: Awww man this story is hilarious love the chapters I look forward to your future updates. ^^