The Great Escape

Exploding Hearts

Pairing: Gyuri + Taeyang


"Gorgeous Gyuri! Now tilt your head to the left a tad." the photographer for Vogue Korea directed her.

Dressed in a long silk dress of bright, bold colors, Gyuri didn't fail to look stunning for her shoot in the Caribbean. 
Her make up was light, and with the glow of the sun behind her, she looked as natural as the beach behind her.

"Our flight leaves in 2 hours so we need to hustle to get your things packed, check out, and maybe grab some lunch, if not you can just eat the food on the plane back to Korea." her manager quickly said, power walking in her heels.

"What's the next schedule?" Gyuri asked tiredly. It wasn't that she didn't love her job of being one of Korea's top model, but all she wanted was a break, to experience a normal life like the one she had before they had scouted her."Also, have you found a replacement for you, Unnie?"

"It's a variety talk show. We need you to get out there more so people will recognize you. It's nothing hard, just sitting and talking to some MC's, while you give big reactions to their jokes." her manager smiled at her. "Still a work in progress..not just anyone could be a manager for Goddess Gyuri." her manager was 3 months pregnant and wanted to take care of her baby in a proper way so having a job where she must travel all the time was to much to handle. Gyuri was envious of her manager for being able to settle down with someone and raise a family together was something she always wanted.


The flight back to Korea had gotten better for Gyuri, since she's flown back and forth from Korea to places all around the world for shoots. The food was the same bland plane food, how she wished for some homecooked meal, or something even relatively close.

She finally arrived at the filming location and was taken to hair and make-up immediately. Her stylist unnie was getting her things ready when someone came up to her.

"Hello Gyuri-shii, my name is Youngbae and I will be your personal assistant while you are filming this variety show." he held his hand out for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you Youngbae-shii." Gyuri smiled, while shaking his hand.

"Please, call me Taeyang."

"Taeyang? Like the sun?"

"Yeah, an old friend gave me that nickname because my personality shone as brightly as sun."

Gyuri laughed. She couldn't remember the last time she had laughed as genuinely as she did then.

3 hours into the broadcast, Gyuri had asked nothing of Taeyang except a bottle of water.

"To think I thought this job was going to be more demanding because I was dealing with goddess Gyuri." Taeyang joked during the break of the show.

"So, I'm guessing it wasn't a job you were looking forward to huh?" Gyuri joked right back.

"Your different from what I expected, a good different."

"Gyuri! We're starting to film again in 5." the PD called for her back on set.


"Gyuri, were heading to the MBC building in an hour..they want to talk to you about a small role in an upcoming drama." her manager paused just before the exit of the building. "After I go to the bathroom, ever since I got pregnant my bladder's been uncontrollable."

The filming was done for the talk show and she was headed for another schedule in an hour. Gyuri let out a long sigh while waiting for her manager.

"Upcoming drama, huh?" Gyuri glanced up to see Taeyang with his hands in his pockets strolling towards her.

"Eavesdrop a lot?" she questioned him jokingly.

"No, I overhear things a lot." Gyuri laughed.

"Sometimes I wish I could just have a day to rest, just one day."

"Hmm.." Taeyang nodded his head and propped himself onthe wall next to Gyuri. "Follow me." he grabbed her wrist and lead her to his black Audi.

"What are you doing?!" Gyuri asked in surprise. He opened up the passenger door and set her in while he when around to the drivers side.

"I'm your genie." he said as he settled into the drivers seat.


"We are taking the next 24 hours off and doing whatever it is you want to do, as your genie I shall grant your wish."

"I don't think-" she was hesitant.

"See this is why you never get a day off, you always do what you're a rebel for once." he looked at her expectantly.

"I want..I want to go to the amusement park first." she said, finally deciding what to do.

Taeyang smiled. "Lotte World it is."


Together they played at Lotte World for the remainder of the day. Gyuri, with her respective face mask on, had the best time of her adult life being a kid again.

When they finally left, it was about 10 at night and her manager had called her about 40 times but by the 10th call, Gyuri had put her phone on silent. Gyuri started to fell the wariness of starting filming for the show at 5 a.m.

Taeyang took her to his apartment and offered her his giant king sized bed, while he slept on the couch. She slept for a good 12 hours, since she hadn't slept for about 2 days before.

"There's only 2 hours remaining in our great escape." Taeyang said form the couch. "What do you want to do?"

"Do you know how to cook?" Gyuri asked unsure if he was the type to cook.

He the couch to look at her. "Homemade breakfast?" he asked her.

She nodded.

"Homemade breakfast it is." he smiled.

The pancakes they decided to make were supposed to take about 10 minutes, but they took about an hour and a half to make enough for the two of them. Neither were cooks, but they enjoyed attempting the meal together.

"Ugh, they taste awful." Gyuri said when she finally sat down to eat.

"I've never tasted a pancake quite like this before.." Taeyang commented, chewing slowly and swallowing as quickly as her could. They both laughed at each others faces while they ate the homemade pancakes, not wanting them to go to waste, they ate as much as the could.

After she ate, Gyuri glanced at the clock. Only 20 minutes and her Cinderella story was over.

Taeyang saw the sadness in Gyuri's eyes and turned to look at the clock as well, saddened at the thought of her leaving.


"Thanks Taeyang, for the great escape."She said, unbuckling her seat belt and opening the passages door. The ride back to the DSP entertainment building was a quiet one, and shorter than either of the wanted it to be.

"Gyuri, wait.." he grabbed her wrist.

She turned to look at him but was quickly distracted by her managers voice. "Oh my God! Gyuri!" she saw her manager running out ofthe building, still in her heels.

"See you around...You should leave before my manger kills you." Gyuri said to Taeyang and sadly ran out of his car to meet her manager half way. He could her he manager scolding her as he drove off.


-3 months later-

Taeyang and Gyuri hadn't seen each other since that fateful day at DSP. Gyuri's schedule has been packed since now it is the years end, when all the big events are scheduled.

"I've finally found a replacement!" her manager was now 6 months pregnant and could no longer wear her 4 inch designer heels. Gyuri wasn't paying much attention, but rather concentrating on a book she was reading. "Gyuri, I'd like you to meet Youngbae, your new manager."

Instantly, Gyuri's head shot up from her book. There he was, looking sleek in his business suit and his hair styled to a tee.

"Nice to see you again, Gyuri." he held out his hand for her to shake, a knowing smile across his lips.

"As to you, Youngbae." she also smiled.

Her manager stood confused for a moment. "You two know each other?"

"We've meet once before." Gyuri explained.

"Oh, that's wonderful!" her manager clasped her hands together on excitement. "Hold on, I must us the ladies room, please get to know each other better." her manager  scurried to the bathroom.

"I see her bladder has gotten worse." Taeyang commented, eyes fixed on Gyuri.

"You clean up nicely, manager." Gyuri got up from the couch and strolled around him.

He grabbed her wrist and spun her to face him, their faces inches apart. "As your new manager, I vow to never let you escape from me." he smiled before giving her a small peck on the lips.


Finally, the last pairing! Hope you all like it!!

Thanks to all the subscribers and for your comments!

Also, I might (depends on how much free time I have) make a one-shot collection just like this but feat. MBLAQ and KARA.

So, if your interested, look out for it in the Kara tags!


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low_star #1
Chapter 4: that ending to the gcole one shot(omg, i almost accidentally wrote the "o" with an "i" instead O_O) was hilarious LOL so....foolish~

anyways, i totatlly LOVEEE GCOLE~ I think this one shot is kindof them in real life.... not the story, but nicole is really cheerful and social ^^ i could picture gdragon secretly liking a girl like cole~ anyways! that's all observation, they never had proper interaction *~* great one shots!!
G-COLE <333 kekeke
pbcccc #3
Catalina390 #4
ahh!! Love it!! especially Taeyang and gyuri momento!!
It's end already? Ahh so sad T_T<br />
But I love the story! KaraBang FTW (Y)
ahhh~~ i love that gyuri and bae story. LOL. of course i like gcole more. but LOVE LOVE LOVE~
tbnklove #7
I loved the g-cole stooorrryyyy!!! Jiyongjoo!
ahh!!! i've been dreading for this one. I LOVE IT! my gcole. LOL. my two ultimate biases together. of course only in this story. LOL. i'd be super happy if it was real. but it doesn't seem like they even interact...
loveunexpectedly #9
G-Cole!! finally ^.^<br />
Jiyongjoo or G-Dragon Ball could be their couple name hihi..<br />
It was really cute.. thanks! You'll write more..