We Once Were..

Exploding Hearts

Pairing: Hara + Seungri


"Excuse me, do you have this in a size small?" A petite lady with sunglasses asked as if the two seconds it took to ask for a smaller size was a hassle. The two toned skirt she had in hand was well over $1000.

"Of course, I'll just run to the back and get that for you." Hara faked a smile and turned to go into the back room. Ever since she started working at the Gucci store in the busy Dongdaemun fashion district, she has had to work with the worst customers. But, Hara being an aspiring designer herself made due with her once dream college job. Hara was in the finishing stages of her 2nd year in college at Sungshin Women’s University located in Seoul for her degree in Fashion Design.

Ending her day at Gucci happened to be extremely exciting for the 21 year old considering it would be her first trip back to her hometown, Gwangju, since her acceptance into a university. Even if it would only be for two days.


Her first day in her hometown was mostly spending time with her grandma and helping her around the house. It was getting pretty dull since her grandma fell asleep at around 6 pm.

That was until she got a call from her childhood friend, Seungri. The one that has been there since the beginning. And when she left for college in Seoul 2 years ago, he stayed in Gwangju to work in his father's business.

The memories of their graduation party flooded Hara's mind when she hung up the phone. She was going to see him again after 2 years. Hopefully things will remain the same between them. They had talked on the phone almost everyday since she left, but it was a different vibe knowing she was going to meet him face to face.

-2 years ago-

"We finally got away." Seungri said as they slowly walked together. They were out in the garden of the country club the school rented out for graduation night. Hara was dressed in a flower print dress with a zipper that ran top to bottom in the front off her dress, over that she sported a long denim button up. Compared to everyone else she was dresses super casual, especially since she added to the outfit with a pair of combat boots.

Unlike Hara, Seungri was dresses for the event. He sported a black on black ensemble making him the talk of all the girls that night.

"It was too stuffy in there anyways." Hara commented. They walked the grounds of the club until they found a bench when they both took a seat. "You know I'm leaving tomorrow right?"

"I know."

"I might not be able to visit until I finish with my studies."

"I'll wait for you to come back." he looked up into her eyes. "I'll miss you Hara-yah…" He leaned in for a simple goodbye kiss, the moment he had been waiting for ever since he realized his feelings for his best friend. Trying to move as smooth as possible, Seungri was thrown off balance when Hara pulled away.

He stared at her, wondering what she was thinking.

"We're best friends Seungri, don't you think it'll ruin our friendship if we attempt to have a relationship and it fails? I don't want to risk losing my best friend since I was 4."

She got up off the bench and started to walk away, knowing this would probably be the last time talking to him face to face till she finished school. Then she stopped and turned around. "For what it's worth, things might have worked out if we hadn't known every detail of each others lives. Because…I might like you too. But you have been my only friend and if we were to get together, then break up, I would lose that happiness you give me."

"I understand." He said slowly. "Call me as soon as you get to Seoul Hara Goo." Smiling a fake smile to mask the hurt inside.

"For Sure." She too smiled and walked away.


She was in the front of the club she was to meet Seungri at. She felt nervous for no reason. It was just her best friend she was seeing, right?

As she entered, she was greeted with darkness and a cloud of perfume mixed with sweat. The club was packed since it was a Saturday night girls with short skirts on the dance floor trying to look y, while the guys were sitting at the bar drinking and checking out said girls.

Hara felt out of place with her sweatshirt and jeans, but she still managed to make the look somewhat fashionable with the added beanie and her hair curled.

She headed to the V.I.P. section and finally caught sight of the back of Seungri's head. She walked toward his table and saw that he was dressed in a business type suit.

He turned his head a finally noticed her with glistening eyes.

"Hara Goo!"

With a smile she picked up her pace toward the table for 2.

"Seungri!" she spoke while sitting down. Since graduation Seungri's face still had that boyish charm yet he had a more manly body structure now. His hair was now dyed a lighter shade of brown and was styled to a tee.

They talked, caught up on life, and had shared many toasts. It was a good time. Around 12 a.m. they started to play drinking games, but as they kept the games rolling, both were noticeably light weight drinkers getting drunk only after 2 rounds of Soju.

Around 30 minutes later both were drunk and sitting at a random booth in the club, the loud blaring music hitting their ear drums, and the smell of alcohol in the air.

"Hara? You're not drunk are yoouu?" his words slurred together.

"Aniyo…I'm fine." she said with her eyes about to close.

"Good. Because I want to tell you something…a secret." he scouted closer to whisper in her ear. "I really want to kiss you."

"What?" by then her head was a jumbled mess and she couldn't tell anything that was going on.

Instead of just repeating himself, he impulsively pressed his lips against hers, tilting his head to prevent hitting each others noses together.

They sat there lip locked for a good 30 seconds, both kissed each other eagerly. Until something in Hara's mind registered that it was a bad idea to kiss her best friend and pulled away.

"We can't Seungri. Remember graduation?" she reminded him.

Without a word she stumbled out from the club half sober. She miraculously made it back to her grandmas house in one piece and fell asleep on the couch.

When she awoke, around 10, she recalled everything that went down that night. Scolding herself for kissing her best friend, she packed her things, said good bye to her grandma telling her a fake story about an important meeting with a designer, and fled to Seoul.

Before taking off she checked her phone. No calls from Seungri. Finally deciding to take initiative, she dialed in his number.

His voice came onto the line. "I can't come to the phone right now but leave a name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!"

"Seungri-ah…about last night.. Let's just forget it happened. After all we were both drunk off our asses. So, call me. I'm leaving off to Seoul early in the day. I will see you when I visit next time, k? Bye."

With a sigh she hung up the phone. She was hopeful that the incident wouldn't ruin their friendship.


"Boss, a customer would like to get this in a size small." A young college student handed the skirt to woman dressed in the latest business attire.

"Try to find it in the back." Hara spoke, handing the skirt back to the young employee. It had been 3 year since the incident at the club and Hara, now 24, was running her own store with all her original designs. Her dream came true, but she was lonely. 

She had tried to call Seungri on multiple occasions during the days she came back to Seoul only to find he had changed his number. It's been 3 years, and they haven't talked since. The have always been updated on each others lives but now they each don't have any idea. She missed him.

While taking her lunch she got a call from an unknown caller.

"Hello?" she answered in a business tone.

"Hara…it's Seungri. I'm in Seoul, and I was wondering if we could meet up?"

Her mind was filled with the memories they had shared when they were younger and the mysterious life he had been living for the past 3 years.

"Uhh..sure. I'm at the Starbucks in the Dongdaemun district right now."

"Ok. See you in 10."

His arrival was on time and it seemed he hadn't changed much. The same face, body, and business suit.

"Nice to see you." he sat down across from her.

Was she supposed to be angry at him for ignoring all her calls, or happy to see him after 3 years? Anger overtook the happiness.

"Yeah, Thanks for letting me know your number changed." she crossed her arms across her chest.

"It was the only way you'd listen." he stared into her eyes.

"What?" she scoffed. Getting angrier with his response.  "You think that by ignoring me for 3 years it would get me to listen to you? I've always listened to your every word since I was 4. Now I don't even know who you are, and you don't know me. So why should I listen to a stranger?"

"I'm not a stranger, and you know that." he paused. "Do you remember at our graduation night I leaned in to kiss you and you told me if we didn't know each detail of each others lives, then maybe we could get together. Well, I think 3 years is enough time to say that we don't know the details of each others life."

"Was this your plan?"

"I thought of it when you called me the day after we went to the club."

"Us? Together… I don't know." she shook her head unsure.

"Give us a chance Hara-yah. I waited 3 extra years for you." he reach out to grab her hand. "I know you love me back, since you kissed me back at the club. Hara…I love you."

He was right. What did she have to lose. She had lost him for 3 years and she never wanted to lose him again.

"I love you too." She smiled.


Yeah..the ending was a little, not good...BUT

Thanks to my subscribers and readers! Keep watching for more updates coming soon!


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low_star #1
Chapter 4: that ending to the gcole one shot(omg, i almost accidentally wrote the "o" with an "i" instead O_O) was hilarious LOL so....foolish~

anyways, i totatlly LOVEEE GCOLE~ I think this one shot is kindof them in real life.... not the story, but nicole is really cheerful and social ^^ i could picture gdragon secretly liking a girl like cole~ anyways! that's all observation, they never had proper interaction *~* great one shots!!
G-COLE <333 kekeke
pbcccc #3
Catalina390 #4
ahh!! Love it!! especially Taeyang and gyuri momento!!
It's end already? Ahh so sad T_T<br />
But I love the story! KaraBang FTW (Y)
ahhh~~ i love that gyuri and bae story. LOL. of course i like gcole more. but LOVE LOVE LOVE~
tbnklove #7
I loved the g-cole stooorrryyyy!!! Jiyongjoo!
ahh!!! i've been dreading for this one. I LOVE IT! my gcole. LOL. my two ultimate biases together. of course only in this story. LOL. i'd be super happy if it was real. but it doesn't seem like they even interact...
loveunexpectedly #9
G-Cole!! finally ^.^<br />
Jiyongjoo or G-Dragon Ball could be their couple name hihi..<br />
It was really cute.. thanks! You'll write more..