
I'm Home


Luhan was sitting at a restaurant not too far from their dorms.

He looked across from him and saw his companion sipping water with his hat pulled down low over his face.

Luhan readjusted his own hat. “So, why are you suddenly treating me to food?”

Jongdae grinned. “My first solo OST came out, hyung! Of course I should treat you!”

Luhan smiled. “Seriously, congratulations, Jongdae. I’m proud of you.”

“Thanks!” Jongdae said. “I still can’t believe it.” He beamed. “Have you been watching Kyungsoo’s drama?”

“Of course,” Luhan said. “Our poor Kangwoo…”

Jongdae lauhed. “Kid’s a pretty good actor. I’ve read comments online and most of the netizens are praising him.”

“They’re using your song for the ending credits. Pretty crazy, huh?” Luhan said.

“Seriously,” Jongdae nodded, the corners of his lips lifted.

Their conversation was cut short when their food arrived.

“Why aren’t you eating, hyung? Are you not that hungry?” Jongdae asked, his mouth full.

“No, no! It’s really good,” Luhan said, quickly taking a bite. 

“Actually, I’m glad we’re here. I need to tell you something," Luhan said after he managed to eat most of his meal.

“Mm?” Jongdae said, still busy eating.

Luhan took a sip of his water before taking a deep breath. “I’m leaving.”

Jongdae stopped eating and looked up. He put his chopsticks down and slowly wiped his mouth with a napkin.

Luhan looked down and started playing with his chopsticks before finally looking back up again. Jongdae’s expression was unreadable.

“Is this because of your family?” Jongdae finally asked.

Luhan nodded slowly. “My parents think my health is at risk. They- They’re willing to pay the termination fee.”

Jongdae gripped his glass of water tightly. “But what about M? What will we do now? Kris is already gone…”

“I-I don’t know,” Luhan said. “I’m really sorry, Jongdae.”

Jongdae bit his lip. “What about you, hyung? Are you willing to go through with this?”

Luhan took a deep breath. “I-I don’t think I can handle this anymore, Jongdae,” he said softly.

Jongdae nodded. “I won’t try to change your mind then,” he said. He quickly asked for the bill.

“I didn’t realize this might be the last meal I’m buying you,” Jongdae said quietly, his lip trembling ever so slightly.

Luhan swallowed. “Yeah. Thanks.”

Jongdae put a mask over his face and stood up. He looked over at Luhan. “You coming, hyung?” he murmured.

Luhan nodded and stood up, putting his own mask over his face.

* * *

The pair walked back to their dorms in complete silence.

When the elevator arrived at their floor, Luhan suddenly bolted out and ran to their apartment door.

Jongdae scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. He caught up slowly and straightened the sneakers Luhan seemed to have kicked off before heading for his room. As he passed by the bathroom, he paused as he heard retching noises. As realization hit him, he blinked back the tears threatening to fall before opening the door and walking over to gently rub Luhan’s back in silence. 

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4/29 so after almost two years, i randomly re-read this story and decided to rewrite kyungsoo's chapter to practice my writing skills.. hope everyone is well ♡


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lonerforever #1
Chapter 10: Oh dear, your last sentence of the chapter got me in tears.
Chapter 11: ohgawd~ i couldn't stop my tears from falling. it's beautiful authornim though it's about luhan's departure..
deermybunny #3
Chapter 11: I'm crying!! Its break my heart!! TT_TT
I hope Luhan is gonna get well soon and didn't sick again.. I wanna see him smile again!! >_<
I also hope that EXO gonna be fine.. This is the hard time for them tho!! Be strong guys!! ^^
Lets support both of them!!
Thanks for writing this authornim!! its reallyyyy beautiful!! ^^
yanzweiger #4
Chapter 10: I'm leaving another note. Reading this again as a whole really tugged at my heart and I can't believe how real this seem! Somehow I really hope this is real, as painful as it is. I'll probably read this daily coz I have yet to get over the fact that he's left. This piece is really beautifully written and I cannot thank u enough for your work. The best I could is an upvote. Thank you again.
bubblecha #5
Chapter 10: This is just too much... I'm sobbing like crazy now
its ur boi luhan here tnx for the fanfic
Chapter 9: Please update soon, i'm so anxious about Xiuhan
deermybunny #8
Chapter 1: Huuaaa... my Hunhan feels!! T^T
They're my ultimate biases!! Luhan is my ultimate bias..
I'm sooo sad when I heard the news! Its sooo heartbreaking n make me cry!! ㅠㅠ__ㅠㅠ