
I'm Home


It was 1AM.

Luhan walked over to the practice room and sure enough, he saw that the light was still indeed on. He peeked his head in and noticed Jongin quickly stuff something behind his back.

“Jongin, I can smell the chicken from all the way over here,” Luhan said, grinning.

Jongin grinned sheepishly back.

Luhan walked over and sat down next to Jongin, who offered him some of his precious chicken.

“I’ll pass, thanks. But I thought we weren’t supposed to eat past 8PM?”

Jongin laughed with his mouth full. “Don’t tell manager hyung!”

“Alright, alright,” Luhan promised. “I can’t believe you ordered chicken by yourself,” he shook his head.

“I was practicing and got hungry, okay?” Jongin pouted. “But why are you here? I thought everyone went back to the dorms already.”

“Um, I wanted to talk to you,” Luhan said slowly.

“I’m listening,” Jongin said, biting into a chicken leg.

“I’m leaving.”

Jongin stopped chewing. “Where?”

“I’m leaving the group, Jongin,” Luhan repeated.

"What?" Jongin put his chicken down and stared straight at him. "But why?"

“Jongin, you know I haven’t been feeling well. I can’t do this anymore,” Luhan said softly.

“Do you really need to go this far? You can ask for a bre-“

Luhan shook his head. “You know that’s not really possible. With the comeback coming up soon, SMTOWN, our tour in Japan…”

Jongin nodded slowly.

“Can you at least try to understand?” Luhan asked.

“I’ll try,” Jongin said flatly, straightening up and starting to clean up his mess.

Luhan grabbed his arm. “Jongin.”

Jongin looked over at him and noticed how bloodshot his hyung's eyes were, dark circles almost as evident as Tao's. “Yeah?”

“Thanks for always working so hard on the choreography. You and Sehun. I know you guys are working even harder than us.”

Jongin looked away.

“But look after yourself, okay? I know your waist hurts sometimes. Remember that your health is the most important.”

Jongin turned back to him. “Stay healthy, hyung,” he murmured before taking his belongings and heading out the door.

Luhan looked around the empty practice room before lying down on the cold floor and closing his eyes.

The smell of sweat and fried chicken was giving him a headache.

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4/29 so after almost two years, i randomly re-read this story and decided to rewrite kyungsoo's chapter to practice my writing skills.. hope everyone is well ♡


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lonerforever #1
Chapter 10: Oh dear, your last sentence of the chapter got me in tears.
Chapter 11: ohgawd~ i couldn't stop my tears from falling. it's beautiful authornim though it's about luhan's departure..
deermybunny #3
Chapter 11: I'm crying!! Its break my heart!! TT_TT
I hope Luhan is gonna get well soon and didn't sick again.. I wanna see him smile again!! >_<
I also hope that EXO gonna be fine.. This is the hard time for them tho!! Be strong guys!! ^^
Lets support both of them!!
Thanks for writing this authornim!! its reallyyyy beautiful!! ^^
yanzweiger #4
Chapter 10: I'm leaving another note. Reading this again as a whole really tugged at my heart and I can't believe how real this seem! Somehow I really hope this is real, as painful as it is. I'll probably read this daily coz I have yet to get over the fact that he's left. This piece is really beautifully written and I cannot thank u enough for your work. The best I could is an upvote. Thank you again.
bubblecha #5
Chapter 10: This is just too much... I'm sobbing like crazy now
its ur boi luhan here tnx for the fanfic
Chapter 9: Please update soon, i'm so anxious about Xiuhan
deermybunny #8
Chapter 1: Huuaaa... my Hunhan feels!! T^T
They're my ultimate biases!! Luhan is my ultimate bias..
I'm sooo sad when I heard the news! Its sooo heartbreaking n make me cry!! ㅠㅠ__ㅠㅠ