
I'm Home


Luhan took a deep breath before opening the door to the practice room. “Hey!” he shouted over the music, holding something up in his hand.

Sehun glanced at him in the mirror and immediately broke into a grin. 

Luhan watched as Sehun walked over to stop the music.

“Bubble tea? Yehet! Thanks, hyung!" Sehun took the bag from him before settling down on the floor, leaning against the mirrored wall. 

Luhan walked over and sat down next to him. Sehun handed him his bubble tea before poking a straw through his own.

“What were you doing?” Luhan asked.

“Just some light practicing,” Sehun replied, sipping on his drink.

A comfortable silence fell between them. Luhan watched as Sehun swirled the bubbles around with his straw.

“I- I have something I need to tell you,” Luhan stammered.

“Mm?” Sehun continued swirling the bubbles around.

“I’m leaving.”

Sehun looked up. “What?”

“I’m sorry,” Luhan said quietly.

Sehun was silent for a few minutes.

“I guess there’s no more Hunhan now, huh?” Sehun laughed bitterly.

“I guess not,” Luhan replied. “I’m sorry, Sehun.”

Sehun let out a deep breath. “I-it’s okay, hyung. I know you haven’t been able to sleep well these past couple of months...”

“Thanks for being such a good maknae, Sehun,” Luhan said, ruffling his hair. “I’m sorry it had to come down to this.”

Sehun nodded and watched as Luhan got up and walked out the door.

"Me too," he said to the empty room.

* * *

Sehun fumbled with his phone, logging onto Instagram out of habit. 

He paused before quickly unfollowing everyone.

His eyes trailed over to his bio. EXO11.

Sehun hesitated and started typing and deleting a few times before settling with: 



*note: sehun's bio has changed a few times since then

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4/29 so after almost two years, i randomly re-read this story and decided to rewrite kyungsoo's chapter to practice my writing skills.. hope everyone is well ♡


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lonerforever #1
Chapter 10: Oh dear, your last sentence of the chapter got me in tears.
Chapter 11: ohgawd~ i couldn't stop my tears from falling. it's beautiful authornim though it's about luhan's departure..
deermybunny #3
Chapter 11: I'm crying!! Its break my heart!! TT_TT
I hope Luhan is gonna get well soon and didn't sick again.. I wanna see him smile again!! >_<
I also hope that EXO gonna be fine.. This is the hard time for them tho!! Be strong guys!! ^^
Lets support both of them!!
Thanks for writing this authornim!! its reallyyyy beautiful!! ^^
yanzweiger #4
Chapter 10: I'm leaving another note. Reading this again as a whole really tugged at my heart and I can't believe how real this seem! Somehow I really hope this is real, as painful as it is. I'll probably read this daily coz I have yet to get over the fact that he's left. This piece is really beautifully written and I cannot thank u enough for your work. The best I could is an upvote. Thank you again.
bubblecha #5
Chapter 10: This is just too much... I'm sobbing like crazy now
its ur boi luhan here tnx for the fanfic
Chapter 9: Please update soon, i'm so anxious about Xiuhan
deermybunny #8
Chapter 1: Huuaaa... my Hunhan feels!! T^T
They're my ultimate biases!! Luhan is my ultimate bias..
I'm sooo sad when I heard the news! Its sooo heartbreaking n make me cry!! ㅠㅠ__ㅠㅠ