The Assassin and The Strawberry

Aimer’s POV

I woke up to someone knocking on the closet door. “Oi, Aimer. You awake? Open up!” came Ichigo’s voice.

I slid open the door and jumped out, stepping on Kon. I kicked him away in annoyance. Seriously… early in the morning. Ichigo was still in his yesterday’s clothes. He had a towel on his wet hair (I assumed that he had just showered) and a grey school uniform was laying on his bed. Now that it was morning and bright, I finally got a good look at Kurosaki Ichigo’s face.

He had spiky bright orange hair and spiky bangs fall into his dark brown eyes. He was tall, nearly a head taller than me. His complexion was slightly tanned and he had a nice built for someone his age. From looking at him, I could see that he was protective of his loved ones (friends, family, etc.) and would do anything to protect them. And he’s kinda handsome. 

“Oi!” Ichigo’s voice interrupted my thoughts. He threw me a set of clothes, a towel and a toothbrush. “Go and wash up. The bathroom is down the corridor. And be quick. Don’t let anyone see you!”

“Hm.” I nodded and walked out of the room.

I found the bathroom and entered it. I brushed my teeth and did the usual daily routine. Turning on the tap, I jumped into the bathtub and took 5 minutes to wash my hair and everything.  Then, I dried myself with the towel and examined the clothes Ichigo gave me: white skinny jeans, a purple shirt and a grey hoodie. I put those on and looked at myself in the mirror. Hm… not bad.

I tied my white hair in a high ponytail and threw my old clothes into the laundry. Then, I made my way back to Ichigo’s room and opened the door. Ichigo had just finished pulling down his shirt. He jumped when he saw me.

“Oi! Knock! You should knock!” he yelled with a small angry vein.

“I did,” I lied smoothly as I walked into the room. I studied Ichigo for a while. He was wearing the school uniform: grey trousers and a grey coat with a purple shirt underneath.

“You didn’t!” Ichigo said. I just ignored him and threw the towel into the closet (I left the toothbrush in the toothbrush stand in the bathroom). Then, he eyed me from up to down. “Oh, they fit you perfectly. Those were my clothes from when I was in middle school.”
“It’s a bit big.”

“You have no rights to complain!” Ichigo shouted in a funny way. Then, he regained his posture and said, “Wait here. I’ll go get breakfast.” He walked out of the room.

Now, only me and Kon (he was sleeping on Ichigo’s bed) were left. I sat down at Ichigo’s desk and looked at the opened book before me. Looks like a homework assignment: write a short and interesting essay on how your life would change if the world was a better place. Ichigo had only wrote half a line.

If there were no troubles or worries

I picked up a black pen and completed that sentence.

… my life would be everyone’s dream.

I continued writing the essay. I changed my handwriting to look like Ichigo’s and wrote what he would write. Even though I only knew him starting from last night, I kinda understood what kind of person Ichigo is. I think I got a bit carried away, because I wrote two full pages (the assignment said ‘short story’). Well, writing is my best subject.

Just then, Ichigo came back, carrying a tray in his hands. “Whaaat are you doing?” he asked as he put down the tray on the desk beside me. He grabbed a sandwich and starting eating it.

“You should thank me,” I said as I gave him the writing book. I took a cup of orange juice and drank some of it.

He took the book and looked at it. “Oh, my homework? … OH! You finished it?!”

“Piece of cake,” I said with a small smirk.

Ichigo read what I wrote and he looked really surprised. “Oi… how come… you wrote exactly what I would write.” I didn’t say anything. “Anyway, thanks. I owe you one, Aimer.”

“Don’t mention it,” I replied casually.

Ichigo smiled. “Maybe you aren’t so bad after all, huh?”

A small angry vein appeared on my cheek. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Ichigo looked at the alarm clock on the desk. “I’m late for school!” he exclaimed. He rushed to the door but stopped and turned around to look at me. “I have a feeling that I should take you…”

(A few minutes later…)

“And what the hell am I supposed to do at your school?” I asked as Ichigo and I walked side by side.

“I just want to make sure you won’t run away when I’m gone.”

“That doesn’t answers my question, stupid strawberry.”

“S-Stupid strawberry?! You little – ”

A girly and innocent voice interrupted him. “Kurosaki-kun, good morning!”

Both of us stopped and turned around. A big-ed girl with strawberry blonde (looks kinda orange), wearing the same school uniform as Ichigo’s (but the girl one), was waving her hand. She jogged towards us, her bag bouncing up and down at her side.

“Inoue? Ah, morning,” Ichigo said casually.

The girl smiled at me. Then, she bowed. “Hello, I’m Inoue Orihime. Nice to meet you!” I didn’t say anything but gave her the cold glare. She sweat-dropped. "I-Is something wrong?”

“No,” I said and turned around. “Oi, Ichigo. I’m leaving. Just go to school by yourself.” I started walking away.

“Oi, Aimer!” Ichigo said with a slightly annoyed face. “Where are you going?”

With my back to him, I just gave Ichigo a little wave. “See you after school.”

“Hey! Don’t do anything stupid or I’ll kill you when I get back!” Ichigo yelled after me. I ignored him. “Oi! Teme! Are you listening to me?!”

Ichigo’s POV

That little… I though as I watched Aimer’s retreating back.

“Geez.” I scratched my head and turned around when she went around a corner. I continued walking. Orihime caught up with me and we walked together. “Seriously… that Aimer…”

“Um…” Orihime started. I glanced at her. “Who was that?”

I sighed and told her everything: how she tried to kill me and what happened last night. “And so, she’s staying in my room,” I finished. “Rukia said it was an order from Soul Society and stuff.”

“But!” Orihime looked at me with concern. “You’ll got hurt if she’s an assassin.”

“Her powers are sealed so she’s pretty harmless right now. Ikkaku and Yumichika are coming too. I think it’s tonight. So don’t you worry, Inoue.” I looked at her. “I’ll protect you from any danger.”

Orihime looked at me with a surprised face, but then she looked down. “I’m… I’m worried about you, Kurosaki-kun! What if Tetsuya-san hurts you?”

“I don’t think she will,” I replied. “I already survived one day with her. I doubt that she will do anything as to hurt me or my family.”

“Oh… I see.” Orihime then kept quiet.

I looked up at the sky and sighed softly. Now… just where are you, Aimer? And what the hell are you doing?!

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OtakuStefan #1
Chapter 20: Super awesome. Update soon.