The Assassin and The Strawberry

Aimer’s POV

“What was that old man Yamamoto thinking?” I sighed. Kisuke, Ichigo and I were sitting around a small around wooden table. “Really… making me stay with a stupid strawberry.”

An angry vein appeared on Ichigo’s head. “What did you say?”

“I think it’s best if we follow the Head Captain’s orders.” Kisuke smiled. “I’m sure he knows what he’s doing.”

“Look,” Ichigo started. “I’m not talking about that.” He looked at me. “It’s her I don’t trust.”

“Kurosaki-san, don’t worry! Don’t you remember? Soul Society had put a seal on Aimer-chan,” Kisuke explained. “If you don’t get what I mean…” Before the wooden fan hit my forehead, I grabbed it and the fan neatly snapped in half. Ichigo sweat-dropped.

“I saw that coming,” I said coolly. Then, I got splashed by water in the face, “Teme*…”

(*teme [teh-meh] means ‘you’ in a rude/informal way. Girls don’t normally say it but since Aimer grew up with her brothers, she subconsciously started saying it)

Kisuke pushed Ichigo towards me, but he probably broke his nose as he slammed into the shimmering barrier. Ichigo held his bleeding nose and asked, “W-What’s that?”

“It’s the barrier caused by the seal,” Kisuke explained. “So you’re safe from her, Kurosaki-san. Her powers are sealed too. Aimer-chan can’t really do anything. In other words, she’s completely harmless.”

You shouldn’t lie, uncle… I thought. “Anyway, I’m okay with the living arrangements. Just ask Ichigo whether he’ll let me stay at his place or not.”
Ichigo looked at me. “It’s actually fine with me. But… I’m just afraid that she’ll hurt my family.”

Kisuke sighed. “Kurosaki-san, I want to tell you something.” He paused. “Tetsuya Aimer is my niece.” Ichigo’s eyes’ widened. “Do you think my niece, a blood relative, would do anything bad as to harm your family? Please remember one thing: just because Aimer is an assassin doesn’t mean that she goes around killing people. So, I assure you that everyone is safe: your family and your friends. There’s no harm. I believe that Aimer would do anything like that.”

“I won’t,” I said. “Ichigo, I know you have two younger sisters. I won’t hurt them… and as for your dad, I don’t kill parents. I don’t care if you believe me or not, but that’s what I want to say.”

There was silence after that. Ichigo was looking at me with a surprised face. Kisuke just smiled while drinking some tea. I glanced at the door beside me, which led to a corridor. I sensed three reiatsu.

“Okay,” Ichigo finally said and stood up. “Guess I have no choice.” He looked at me. “Let’s go… Aimer.”

Ichigo’s POV

“Welcome,” I muttered as I led the white-haired girl into my room.

Aimer said, “So small.”

“I didn’t ask for your opinion,” I said, sitting down on my bed. I watched as Aimer looked around the room. She walked towards the closet and slid it open.

“Finally! Some fresh air,” said a familiar voice. A small stuffed lion jumped out of the closet. “Hey, Ichigo! You – ” Kon stopped when he saw Aimer looking down at him. His bead eyes sparkled as he jumped up with his paws opened. “A new nee-san with a cute medium chest – ” Aimer instantly punched him and then stepped on him.  

I sweat-dropped. “Oi, Aimer… that enough. Kon’s stuffing will come out and I’ll have to ask Ishida to sew him back.” Whether said assassin heard me or not was up for debate.

Aimer picked Kon off of the ground and threw him at me, but I dodged so he hit the wall. “Why the hell did you dodge?” Kon muttered as he slid to the floor.

"I’m sleeping her,” Aimer announced as she climbed to the upper self of the closet. Since a thin mattress and pillow was already spread out, she just laid down and closed the door.

“Oi, what about dinner?” I asked.

“I’m not hungry,” came the muffled reply.

“Okay.” I sighed and sat down at my desk. I took out my school homework and started working on it.

“Teme!” Kon jumped on my head. Then, he whispered, “Hey, hey, who’s the new nee-san?”

“Her name is Tetsuya Aimer. She’s an assassin so don’t get on her nerve or she’ll kill you,” I explained. “She’s gonna be staying with us here for a while.”

Aimer’s POV

I listened as Ichigo explained to Kon about me.

“An assassin?! You gotta be kidding me!” I heard Kon yelled. “But she looks so cute and hot! Why an assassin?”

“Who knows,” Ichigo said. “Now get off of me.” There was a squeak. He probably threw Kon against a wall or something.

Then, a young girl’s voice called from below: “Onii-chan! Dinner is ready!”

“Coming, Yuzu!” Ichigo replied. There was a knock on the closet door. “You sure you don’t want anything?”

“No thanks,” I said. I heard footsteps walking away from me. The bedroom door opened, then closed.

I sighed and tossed around in the mattress for a while. Then, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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OtakuStefan #1
Chapter 20: Super awesome. Update soon.