The Calm Before the Storm

Their Story


            Jiyong tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for Bom to finish with her vocal practice.  He had just finished with his recording with BigBang, and was waiting for the Spring Goddess to come out of the closed double doors.  It has been a few weeks now since the hospital incident.  Bom had recovered and in his opinion never looked healthier.  Something had changed between them after she left the hospital.  He can tell she was much more open with him, and more willing to spend time together.  In fact, they had made plans to go to dinner.

            “Jiyong, what are you doing standing there?” Yang Hyun Suk asked as he noticed the young boy on his way to check on the other trainees.  Jiyong looked up as the CEO of YGE approached him.

            “Hi, Hyung!  I’m not doing anything, just waiting for Noona to come out of practice,” came Jiyong’s quick reply.

            “Noona?  Are you waiting for Park Bom?” YG questioned, he had noticed and heard about the two spending quite a bit of time together. Ever since he had taken Bom to the hospital a few weeks ago, it seems they had gotten closer.  He knew that the young boy had a crush on his noona from the start, but didn’t think anything of it.  Bomi hadn’t seemed interested, but maybe he was wrong.

            “Yeps, Park Bom-noona!  We’re just going out for dinner, Hyung.  We won’t be gone long,” Jiyong answered innocently not realizing what he was revealing to his Hyung.

            “Mmm, eat well then.  Make sure you take care of her, don’t let her eat anything too bad, ok?” YG said as he walked away from Jiyong, his face slightly distorted in concern.  Something else to worry about, he thought as he stepped into the elevator.

            Just as YG left, the double door opened and a happy Bom came bouncing out.  Sensing her presence, Jiyong turned to greet the woman he’s been waiting to see all day.

            “Hi, Noona!  How was practice?  Let me get that for you,” Jiyong asked as he reached out to grab her bag.  Bom gave him a bright smile in greeting.

            “Hey, Jiyong.  Practice went well.  Have you been waiting long?”

            “Ani, not long at all.  Plus, I never get bored waiting for you, Noona.  However long you take!” He said charmingly at her, giving his sweetest smile.  She smacked his arm playfully at his obvious attempt of flirting.

            “Yah!  Kwon Jiyong, you are just too much.  Come on let’s go eat.  I’m starving!!!”  Bom exclaimed as she grabbed the arm of the laughing boy and dragged him along.


            The TV screen went black as the last credit moved off the screen.  The movie ended long ago unknowingly to the two sleeping forms on the couch.  Bom had came over to watch movies with Jiyong, but after a long day of practice couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer.  Towards the end of the 3rd movie Jiyong felt the weight of her leaning against him as she succumbs to sleep.  Making very subtle movements, he had reached for the blanket across the back of the couch and pulled it over the two of them.  Resting his cheek against her head, he had drifted off to sleep also.

            Now with the room entirely engulfed in darkness, Jiyong’s eyes flutter open.  For a second he didn’t know where he was.  Disoriented Jiyong tried to move around but a heavy weight kept him down.  He realized that Bom was still sleeping, but some time during the course of the night she had wrapped her arms around his waist as he held her to him.  Still sleeping contently in his arms.  Jiyong heart swelled, can’t believing his luck at having this wonderful female in his life.  He would do anything for her; he would give it all up, this life if she just asks.

            Bom open her eyes slowly, only to meet the intense stare coming from Jiyong. She was warm and content in his arms and had never in her life felt this way about anyone before.  He was one of the best things that ever happened to her, but she knew that they were against all odds.  This thing with them, could never become more, it could never be what she wanted.  The pain became unbearable at that realization.  She had decided to stay friends with him, but she didn’t know it was going to be this hard.  The more she loved him, the more it hurt.  Tears welled up in her eyes, and fell down her cheeks.

            Jiyong’s brow furrowed and he frown when he saw her tears.  Lifting his finger to her face, he brushed the tears away as they fell.

            “Bom?  Are you alright?” His voice laced with worry and concern.  This was the first time he saw her tears, and it broke his heart.   She shook her head in response; her silent tears turn into sobs as he pulls her tightly into an embrace.  He didn’t know why she was crying, but he knew that he wanted to make her tears stop. 

            “Please don’t cry, please baby.  I can’t stand your tears, its breaking my heart, Bom,” his said achingly, his voice cracking.  He rubbed her back and rocked them as her sobs subsided.  He didn’t know how long he held her, but they sat like that until her sniffling stopped.

            Bom tipped her head back looking up at him.  Her eyes were glazed over with emotions he could not read.  His eyes traveled down to her pouty lips as their heads move closer together.  Ever so lightly, their lips met.  So short and quick that it almost felt like it never happened.  Satisfied with that one moment, the two sat quietly in the dark in each other’s embrace.  For once their hearts were on the same page, in sync with one another.  No words were needed.  Neither one could even imagine the obstacles and barriers that would soon follow.


A/N: Its kind of short, I know... I had a hard time getting the words to flow, but once it did I was able to make it work.  I had actually planned on ending this chapter much further along and have the next part pretty much written, but this felt like a better place to stop.  I hope its not too badly written, since I'm not that great with angsty stuff or drama stuff... I specialize in fluff.  Thank you so much for reading and commenting =) I really appreciate it!

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shella13 #1
Chapter 6: Authornimmmmm please update this story ><
I love all of your story, so please don't abandon this fanfic.
Pretty pleaseeee update this story T.T
farrahuf #2
Chapter 6: update please T_T
Chapter 6: Please update this story authornim....
Really sad ,why there r many problem and complicated T^T
TT^TT iits soo sad, poor bommie and also for Jiyong, please update ^.^
This is what i like about your story, we can't be selfish, can we? This story is so sad...I feel like my heart was hurting...This one is pretty much the same like what i've been imagine 'bout their relationship in reality...
GBOM's love is so complicated and full of hardship going through, deep inside my heart i believe that they'r meant to be...I hope you update this story soon, i want to know how you end this! will you make a happy ending or the sad one?
Awwwww poor gbom, papa yg is too strict lol...bommie fainted,~omo she stressing too much...maybe ji will be back to save the day...anyways new reader here...I'm lovin this gbom fanfic
kwonarra #8
please update.. hehhee....
deijuvenile #9
I wonder when will you update this again. :/ hmm, please update soon! :D and I hope Bom doesn't lose her voice. or well she can too because it'll turn out to be like se7en's song, When I Can't Sing. keke :D
cheer-123 #10
Hi, You haven't updated in a while. I am enjoying your story. Jiyong should have been there for Bom even as a friend.