The Beginning

Their Story


            It has been days since Park Bom had anything real to eat.  On top of the starvation, she has been pushing herself to learn the dance routine that was expected of her.  It was not an easy schedule for the rookie artist, singing, dancing, vocal practice, all done on minimal nutrition and rest.  She might have pushed herself a little too hard; as evident, when she had arrived early that morning to practice only to faint into the arms of YG’s finest, Kwon Jiyong.

            Bom woke up to the sound of machines beeping and a soft snore next to her bedside.  She tried to sit up but the room started to spin, forcing her back into her pillows.  Bom tried to remember what happened, and why was she in this unfamilar place.  The last thing she could recall was seeing Jiyong’s face in the practice room.  She took in her environment and then realized that she was in the hospital.  An IV was extended from her arm and the snoring sound came from the young man sleeping in the hospital chair next to her bed.  Pushing back the tears of frustration that she felt from being so weak, Bom tried to sit up again.  The body next to her stirs, probably waking up due to the sound and movement she was making.

            “Noona?  Noona, are you awake?  How are you feeling?  Are you ok?  Do you know what happened?”  Jiyong asked as he rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes.  He fired off questions one after another, not giving her anytime to answer.  Bom tried to speak but was dry and her voice got caught within.  Coughing, she indicated to Jiyong that she needed something to drink.  He hurriedly poured her a cup of water and handed it to her carefully.

            “Ji—ah, Jiyong-ah.  What are you doing here?  What happened?  The last thing I remember was seeing you in the practice room,” Bom managed to croak out.  Her voice was strained and it cracked from dryness.  The concern was clearly written on Jiyong’s face.  Restless, his hands were fidgeting.

            “When I came into the practice room this morning, you were dancing.  Then when you turned around, your face was pale and before I knew it, you fainted.  I called Hyung for help and he brought you here himself.   He also took care of your paperwork,” Jiyong explained.  Taking a deep breath Jiyong continued, “The doctor said you fainted from exhaustion and fatigue.  You also have a low-grade fever that contributed to your body giving out.  The doctor wants you to stay over night, and keep the IV in.” 

            Bom nodded indicating that she understood what he just told her.  “I’m sorry for the trouble, Jiyong.  Please tell hyung I said thank you, and sorry for causing him so much trouble,” Bom said, her voice trembling from guilt.  She felt horrible for imposing herself on the others.  He reached out his hand and placed it on top of hers, giving it a slight squeeze.

            “Hey, Park Bom-yang.  It’s ok, don’t you worry about a single thing.  You just need to rest now and get better.  Nothing else matters, ok?” Returning to his confident and reassuring self.  Jiyong’s leader quality shined the brightest whenever there was someone in need.

            “Mmm…” Bom nodded her head, consenting to his request and earning a smile from the young man.  Jiyong reached over with his hand and felt her forehead.  Then before she could protest, he firmly pressed his forehead against hers.  Drawing back from his face, Bom could see the blush that spread down his neck even in the darken room.

            “Uhh… ah, sorry, noona.  I just, uh, wanted to see if your fever has gone down any.  It feels like you're a bit cooler,” he said as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.  She couldn’t help but smiled at his bashfulness.

            “It’s ok, Ji.  I feel a bit better.”

            “Well, I guess… I’ll go then, let you get some rest, ok?” He said as he got up from his chair.  Getting ready to leave, Bom’s hand grabbed his wrist stopping him from doing so.

            “Can you, um… Do you think you can stay here with me for a little bit?  Only until I fall asleep or something?  You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to, I understand, I know you’re busy,” words rushing out nervously.  Sitting back down, Jiyong pulled his chair closer to her bed.

            “Its not a problem, noona.  I’ll stay here with you while you sleep.  Don’t worry, I’ll be here,” he said as he pulled her blanket up, tucking her in.  Relieved that she was not going to be left alone in the hospital, Bom closed her eyes.  Soft hands found hers again, and she intertwined her fingers with his as she drifted off to sleep.

            Some time later, in the early morning of the next day, Bom woke up again.  She looked over at the Jiyong’s sleeping face.  So young and innocent, she thought to herself.  He was sleeping with his head on his arms, body hunched over the side of her bed.  His hand still intertwined with hers.  Her heart sped up and she took a deep breath in realization.  Her heart was aching for Jiyong.

            It had barely been a year since they met, but he had been there to help her at every turn of the way.  When she first met him, she thought to herself, that he was just a cute kid.  Trying his best to prove something of himself to the big world out there.  When she read and heard the songs that he wrote, she was at awed and amazed at the level of talent that he was capable of.  And when she was asked to sing and debut in his songs, she was honored and grateful for the opportunity.  He had given her advice and helped her along.  She knew she could trust Jiyong, and she did so on more than one occasion.  Confiding in him with her worries or fear, asking him for advice when she couldn’t figure something out, and being reprimanded when she didn’t meet his expectations.  She was grateful to him for that, and was able to improve in her singing.  He was her first real friend since returning to Korea.

            Then a few weeks after ‘We Belong Together’ was released, along with the MV, Jiyong dropped the bomb on her after the BigBang’s showcase.  She was suspicious that Seunghyun and Youngbae were in on it also.  Jiyong confessed that he liked her; shocked speechless would have been an understatement.  At that time, Bom hadn’t really felt anything for Jiyong except the love that she would have for a dongsaeng.  The same love that she thought she felt for all of the BigBang boys.  Plus, she wanted to focus her attention on her career.  She hasn’t even officially debuted yet… she couldn’t be distracted at this time.  And that’s what she told him.  Hurt had flashed in his eyes for a split second before disappearing, so fast that Bom questioned if she really saw it at all.  The whole situation was dropped, and they remained close friends.

            Now, in the hospital Bom tenderly looked at the man asleep next to her.  He stayed with her throughout the entire night, sleeping on that uncomfortable chair.  Her heart clenched.  Bom reached down and brushed Jiyong’s hair to the side, as she watched him.  Tears filled her eyes, at the thought of how much she loved this person and the possibility that he no longer felt the same way about her. The tears fell freely from her eyes at the thought of a life without him.  No, she couldn’t do that, not to him.  As much as she loves him and needs him, she couldn’t selfishly take his dream away.  She knew what was expected of her, and she knew exactly what everyone expected of him.  He was BigBang’s leader, Yg’s protégé, and a young man that was constantly under the scrutiny of the media, any kind of relationship this early in his career would ruin him.

            Bom closed her eyes tightly, praying for the will power to stay strong, and remain patient.  She will focus all of her energy into her career, to her singing, and wait for the day when she is able to tell him her feelings.  When they were both out of the influence of their fans, and the public.  She decided for the meantime, she will continue to stay by his side, giving him her support and love in the only way she knew how to.  Through friendship.  I love you, Kwon Jiyong.  Griping his hand tightly in hers, Bom fell into a restless sleep, dreaming of her love.


A/N: Sorry if this chapter was boring and not much happened... I promise that the story will pick up its pace soon.  I had to lay out the foundation of the story first =)  I'm kinda hoping that I can continue to update this as quickly as possible because I have a few events already lined up in my head... I think the hardest part about writing a long ongoing story vs a one shot is that I have to actually patiently wait for my own story to tell itself to reach the part that I really really really want to write/read... haha whereas in a One-Shot I could just jump right into it.  Anyhow... enough rambling... =D 

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shella13 #1
Chapter 6: Authornimmmmm please update this story ><
I love all of your story, so please don't abandon this fanfic.
Pretty pleaseeee update this story T.T
farrahuf #2
Chapter 6: update please T_T
Chapter 6: Please update this story authornim....
Really sad ,why there r many problem and complicated T^T
TT^TT iits soo sad, poor bommie and also for Jiyong, please update ^.^
This is what i like about your story, we can't be selfish, can we? This story is so sad...I feel like my heart was hurting...This one is pretty much the same like what i've been imagine 'bout their relationship in reality...
GBOM's love is so complicated and full of hardship going through, deep inside my heart i believe that they'r meant to be...I hope you update this story soon, i want to know how you end this! will you make a happy ending or the sad one?
Awwwww poor gbom, papa yg is too strict lol...bommie fainted,~omo she stressing too much...maybe ji will be back to save the day...anyways new reader here...I'm lovin this gbom fanfic
kwonarra #8
please update.. hehhee....
deijuvenile #9
I wonder when will you update this again. :/ hmm, please update soon! :D and I hope Bom doesn't lose her voice. or well she can too because it'll turn out to be like se7en's song, When I Can't Sing. keke :D
cheer-123 #10
Hi, You haven't updated in a while. I am enjoying your story. Jiyong should have been there for Bom even as a friend.