Rant #11

You. I Do My Own .


You know what I really hate? People who don't understand the kpop fandom. 

They think they know everything but they really don't. They think we're crazy for loving our idols and for listening to music that are in a language that we may/may not understand. Then there are those who critisize the idols we call y, cool, adorable and beautiful. They'll say along the lines of "he's cute? He barely has any eyes!"


Let me ask you then. WHY THE DO YOU LIKE JUSTIN BIEBER? He has a bad reputation, everyone knows him as the bad boy, he been arrested a couple of times, he's not even that good at singing and he has nothing but his looks. OF HIS FACE! He has tattoos all over his arm as if he printed on a sleeve onto both of his arms for crying out loud!

Why must you critisize us for what we like? You don't see us going around saying "ewwww... Justin Bieber" or "ewwwww... One Direction". No. We keep our comment to ourselves and we continue fangirling/fanboy over whoever we like. Sure, we'll critisize you guys but we don't post it all over on the internet! In fact, you people critisize yourselves for like a certain group/soloist! Why bother with our fandom if you can't even embrace and learn to love all groups/soloists?

True kpoppers love all idols and soloists. Maybe not all all but at least most and we learn to appreciate what they do. We accept newcomers anytime from anywhere and if we all happen to like kpop, we all become bestfriends.

Like, why cant American pop lovers do what we do? We're so inclusive and loving but the outsiders always have to be so critisizing and rude. 

Also, the American pop industry looks down upon those idols who take previous lessons and practice before they debut. But we? We anticipate and continue to wait for the next new group/soloist that is going to be released by a certain company. We welcome all and include all. No matter if they speak Japanese, Korean, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc. WE INCLUDE ALL.

So instead of critisizing about what we like, why not critisize yourself and wonder why you can't be more DAMN INCLUSIVE AND ACCEPTING?!

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Chapter 12: I guess some people just don't know when to open their minds to the truth and broaden their perspectives. I guess this is why I like Kpop. The people are super friendly, although there are some who seem crazy and problematic (to the point that even I feel worried, even though I'm miles away), and super accepting of one another. Sure, there are some who act immaturely but most are pretty nice. It's nice. They don't judge 'cause we're all in the same boat. :-)
Yeah, I can totally relate with that. During one of my many heated conversations with my best friend about Kpop, an acquaintance of mind butted in, saying, “Yuck. Those people are Kpop-panget.” (Kpop-panget in English basically means, “Kpop-hideous.” It's a rough translation but it's alright.) And still, even as she judged their clothes, their appearances, their language and their entire BEING, we never reprimanded her for it. We told her she was entitled to her own opinion but some words are better kept to herself. She shrugged. (I saw her whispering to her other friends and distinctly heard a few words about Kpop. It makes me sad that people are so quick to judge when they find it annoying or bothersome when they are judged themselves for something.)
Chapter 4: I wish your content could capture everyone's attention. People need to know.
You may not care about what I think or what I may have to say, but I support you and all your views in these specific situations. Thank you for (figuratively) help me stay sane after this year of hate in the kpop fandom. It's nice to know there are at least some considerate people around here. Please continue this rant series.
Chapter 1: I don't know if I should comment since there's nothing more to say when you said everything that needed to be said. I totally agree.
I don't comment much on YouTube or allkpop (I stopped going to this site) because all I see when it comes to K-Pop are either bashers, haters, or fans. Even though I'm a fan of the group, when I read the comments (I know... Dumb of me to do that, right?), I feel a bit disappointed that other people don't consider the idols themselves. I know they must've trained years and worked hard so they could debut but they get hate when they actually do. I know they probably don't like the group for some reason but they could at least keep their thoughts to themselves. I know it might be hard for others to do that but still, it would be much more peaceful in the comments if people do. The lesson you stated here is another variation of,"If you have nothing important to say, don't say anything at all."
When I actually do comment, I put a lot of thought to it because sometimes people can misinterpret what I'm trying to say and then start an argument about it.

Sorry for ranting... I just wanted to share my opinion. This really connects to me and I hope to read more of your posts. ^_^ Thank you for sharing!