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"So, tell me what you know," Eunji demanded, once she was safe inside Kai's room. It was the weekend and the rest of his family was elsewhere. Sehun hadn't come to visit Kai yet.

"Why do you want to know so badly?" Kai asked her.


"I hate the council for what it's done to my family, and to Jiwon. I want to help bring the council down," Eunji's back straightened as she spoke.

"Jiwon?" Kai asked.


"Oh, he's... a really good friend of mine, and my family's," she answered. "He took me in when my parents..." Kai seemed to piece things together, even though her sentence was incomplete. Something bad had happened to her parents, and the council was perhaps the reason.

"I don't know if I can tell you any more of what I know," Kai sighed, sitting down on his narrow bed. Eunji sat next to him.


"Forget about the rules for just a moment," Eunji begged. "I can't stand being left in the dark." Kai looked up at her, his expression torn.

"I know exactly how that feels," he told her and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Sehun waited a long time before he told me anything. I was squirming uncomfortably in my wish to know for a long while. I just don't think that the time is right, Eunji. I want to make sure Sehun is okay with this first."


Eunji sighed, but nodded her head. "Okay," she agreed. "We'll wait for Sehun. If he comes over today, we're asking him today." Kai nodded as well.


"That's fine with me."

Kai walked over to his closet, opening it and pulling a painting from it.

"I wanted to show you this one," he explained when she gave him a look. "I know you like to look at these paintings, anyway." He sat back down on his bed with her, holding the painting before them for both to see. "Isn't it beautiful?"


It was beautiful. The blues and yellows were fit together nicely. Eunji felt like her breath had been stolen from her as she gazed at it.


"Now, this is one that my family didn't paint," he said, smiling a little and scratching the back of his head, allowing Eunji to hold the painting. "I forget who painted it, but I believe it's called 'Starry Night'. What do you think?


"it's absolutely wonderful," Eunji whispered. She looked up at Kai, her eyes bright with awe. "Your family kept this?"

Kai shrugged, his smile widening, "Well, it's not the original, but it is a copy that a member of my family purc

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Elhunnie #1
Chapter 9: Its not complete :( ...Next pls!!!!
SehaAlais #2
Chapter 9: It is really complete??can you continue it please..
yoonhun07 #3
Chapter 9: What? I don't understand? O.o
sequel please? i've been looking for a kai x eunji fic for a while and im glad i finally found one.
Wut o.o
Chapter 9: i thought she'd end up with sehun e w e
Chapter 3: did eunji came from?