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“Hey,” Kai greeted once the door was open. Eunji smiled at him, nodding her head and pulling the strap of her bag up higher on her shoulder. “It’s a little late, what are you doing here?”


“Well, I found out some really interesting things today, and I’m not sure if you know about them, but they’re really important. Trust me, if you don’t know already, I think you’ll want to know,” her words were rushed, and Kai wasn’t quite sure if he had caught all of what she said.


“Well, uh, it’s almost curfew for the town, so,” Kai gestured for her to come inside. “You’d better hurry with whatever it is you have to tell me. I don’t care how important it is, I’m already in enough trouble.”


Eunji stepped into the small space taht was the hallway in Kai's home, and Kai shut the door behind her.


"Everyone else is over at Sehun's house for now, but they will be back very soon. So you really do need to hurry, Eunji."


"Alright, alright," Eunji sighed. "Don't worry; we're not going to be breaking an laws. At least, I hope that telling you this isn't breaking any. I'm probably not even supposed to know. Of course I'm not supposed to know, I wasn't even supposed to be at the house today-"


"Whoa, you went back to the house?" Kai interrupted her.


"Well, yeah," she nodded, furrowing her eyebrows. "I left my bag there with all of the excitement of rescuing the paintings."


"Okay, and what is it that you need to tell me?"


"Sehun's father seems to be good friends with the c-" Kai covered to stop her talking.


"Stop; I know already," he whispered. Eunji's eyes widened, and she nodded at him. Slowly, Kai pulled his hand away from .


"You know about it already?"


"Of course, our families are really close friends," Kai nodded at her, eyebrows furrowed slightly as if the information was obvious to everyone.

"So... what is he doing?" Eunji asked him, her own eyebrows furrowed from curiosity.


Kai looked around the place with short, quick motions. Then he leaned close to hr, whispering in her ear, "We are plotting to overthrow the council. There are more families involved in this than you think." Eunji's eyes widened at the news. "Now go, I can't have my family knowing that you're here."


Kai pulled the front door back open, attempting to push Eunji outside of the house. Eunji refused to move.


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Elhunnie #1
Chapter 9: Its not complete :( ...Next pls!!!!
SehaAlais #2
Chapter 9: It is really complete??can you continue it please..
yoonhun07 #3
Chapter 9: What? I don't understand? O.o
sequel please? i've been looking for a kai x eunji fic for a while and im glad i finally found one.
Wut o.o
Chapter 9: i thought she'd end up with sehun e w e
Chapter 3: did eunji came from?