The Second Marble

Galaxy Enclosed by Glass Marbles | CLOSED | FINISHING UP REQUESTS
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Goodbye [B.A.P]

Minhee looked around her sighed. *Its officially starting and its officially over.* "I'm sorry." Minhee looked to her side and furrowed her eyebrows. "Why are you sorry, Oppa?" She asked. Ilhoon sighed. "The two of you can't be together anymore. You're officially step-siblings when this marriage is over." Minhee smiled sadly at her brother. "Its not your fault." 

And whatever her brother said was no longer heard by her. She blocked out all sounds, wanting to have an alone time for a few moments. Before they officially become step-siblings. She looked over her shoulder only to catch him looking at her with sad eyes. The moment she looked into his eyes, she never looked away. Memories of the two of them started flashing in her mind.

She felt her heart ache and tears threatening to fall. She drowned herself in Yongguk's eyes and the memories they shared together. Yongguk leaned forward and wiped the tears, that had rolled down her cheeks, away. Minhee immediately slapped his hand away while Yongguk froze in shock. 

She knew that if she continued to rely on him, she would get attached to him and would be unable to let him go easily. She immediately turned around. She sniffed and wiped her tears away. "When did I start crying?" Minhee asked herself.

She looked to the front and saw Yongguk's father with a nervous smile on his face. 

Minhee immediately snapped out of her thoughts when the door and everyone stood up. Their eyes were all fixed on the lady who stood at the door. Wearing a white, long and beautiful dress along with her beautiful make-up and hair, the lady walked down the aisle with one hand carrying a bouquet of flowers and the other through her father's arm.

Minhee looked at her mother in awe. Her mother slowly walked towards Yongguk's father. Vows were then being said and the wedding bell rang. Minhee sighed and whatever happened next was totally blocked out as she entrapped herself in their bittersweet memories.

Minhee and Yongguk looked at each other with confused looks while seated at the dinning table with Ilhoon, Minhee's older brother. Yongguk and his father were at Minhee's house for an important announcement the two adults, Minhee's mother and Yongguk's father, had to make, as they said. Yongguk and Minhee intertwined their fingers under the table. The two of them have been dating secretly for two years now with only Ilhoon knowing about it. Minhee's mother cleared .

"I know you guys are wondering why we are all gathered here today with a stranger." She said but oh, was she so wrong. 

She glanced at Yongguk's father and smiled. She then turned to the kids. "We're getting married." Their eyes widened in shock. Minhee felt her heart skipped a beat and her whole body stiffen. Sensing her rigidness, Yongguk gave her hand an assuring squeeze. Ilhoon glanced at the two of them wearily. "What?" Ilhoon asked. His mother blinked at him. "I said that we're getting married." 


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OC Name: Kim Haeri
Partner: Jungkook
Scenario: When Haeri is only given three months to live.
Song: Elliott Yamin - Wait For You
OC Name: Jung Jirae
Partner: BTS V
Scenario : When V have to take care of their child for a day while he's having a schedule
Song: BTS - Miss Right
Chapter 16: THIS IS LIKE SO ING AMAZING WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD AT WRITING AND IM CRYING BECAUSE ITS SO SAD. LIKE HAMBURGER CHEESEBALLS. I can ing imagine yoongi.... like seriously you portray it so well and hyewon... omg i just want to hug her so badly because i know how she feels. but all the bullies can go and off like they call her "fat " like what the OMG BUT SERIOUSLY THIS IS PERFECT OMG. GIVES ME ALL THE FEELS WHEN YOONGI HUGGED HYEWON (coughs) and when she was about to hang herself i'm like "NUUUUUUUUUU" BUT THEN LUCKILY YOONGI CAME omg suga why u liddattttttt omgomgomgomgomg THANK YOU SO MUCH FOOR THIS IMMA REQUEST AGAIN IN THE FUTURE. Okay, let's get serious now. I totally can feel hyewon's pain. Like what's so bad being a little bigger size than the others? there's nothing bad about it man. Big thanks to this fanfic, and big thanks to yoongi for ruining my life. ok enough bye! <3
December28th #4
I just want to modify my request a little because after reading it over again it doesn't seem like it makes a lot of sense. Min Hyun finds Jin Ah at the house be bought for them ten years so they can live there when they get married, however they broke up before getting married. He then returns the wallet to her. Hope this clears it up a little.
OC Name: Kim Sunhi
Partner: BTS V
Storyline: V and Sunhi knew each other for a short time, but haven't really been that close. One day, a sudden connection happens between them that neither of them can explain, but they go with it. Then one day Sunhi finds out that one of her friends has liked V for a while, and she doesn't know what to do since she feels a strong connection with V.
Side Characters: You can pick ^^
Song Recommendation: BTS- Hold Me Tight
OC Name: Jung Yein
Partner: BTS Jeon Jungkook
Storyline: He once met her in the rain but never saw her after.
Song Recommendation: Jeon Minju, Kim Yuna - GoodBye Rain
Chapter 13: okay first of all i don't honestly mind the plot change bcoz it gave me all mah sugary fluff anyway and it was awesome ; u ;
i feel so bad for lulu ; A ; LUHAN LEMME LOVE U /cries-
baozi is an evil evil lil ball of squish and he deffo should play cupid like 100% success rate guaranteed
bAEK OMG DON'T BE MEAN and most of all DON'T QUESTION MR. GALAXY'S STYLE HAHAHAHAHA /sorry i just had to-
low profile kris how do u do that man u'r like a freakin skyscraper with beautiful tousled blonde hair and drop-dead gorgeous face and unfffff u do not fool me kris wu u have never kept a low profile u just avoided ur crush like the plague coz u a dORK HAHAHA AND ILU FOR THAT

ANYWAY!!!! thank you so much once again for another extremely well-written, well-conceived marble! you're really the best! you even gave me luhan feels that i should NOT be feeling rn bUT I DO NOW AND I DON'T KNOW WHY I LOVE DEM FEELS
December28th #9
OC Name: Kim Jin Ah
Partner: NU'EST's Min Hyun
Storyline: Jin Ah goes shopping at a supermarket and accidentally drops her wallet. Min Hyun, her ex-boyfriend from ten years ago finds it and realizes that it's Jin Ah's after finding a picture of them together. Then Min Hyun finds Jin Ah at the house that he bought for them ten years ago when they get married and then returns the wallet. You can decide the ending.