
A day to remember


Sunny is on her way to go down in the building. Suddenly, someone pull Sunny’s hand and she look at the person.

“Who are you?” Sunny a little bit shocked when sees unknown person in front of her. With black attire, black hat and covered mouth with red handkerchief. The person just stares at her without say anything.

“Sorry but I have to kidnap you.”Sunny become afraid and cannot think anything. Sunny without think for a long time kicks the person leg and she then run from there. But the guy is so strong and can manage the pain in a second. He then runs after Sunny.

Sunny is out of breath and she try to hide in somewhere room but before she does it her eyes catch something view that make her jealous.  Seohyun and Mir are walking into one of changing room there. Sunny try to follow them but the person who want to kidnap her is standing in front of her and he points a knife to her.

“Don’t try to do anything or I’ll kill you now!” the person whispered near Sunny’s ear. Sunny can’t think properly. She wants to know what actually the relationship between Seohyun and Mir but at the same time she’s afraid of being kill by the mysterious person.         

“What do you want?!” Sunny asks. The person is smile.

“Someone wants you to die and I’ll do it properly. So you no need to worry that people will know where you are because I’ll make you disappear and never be found.” Sunny become more afraid but she trying to gather all her strength.

Dong Ho just come pass by where Sunny standing. He shock when he sees the person is pointing a knife to her.

“Yaa! What are you doing?!” Dong Ho shouts and it make the person shock. Sunny try to run but the person swings the knife and it got on Sunny’s right hand. Dong Ho trying to help but the person stab at Dong Ho’s left shoulder. Dong Ho is falling on the floor. Sunny shocks when seeing how cruel the person is.

“Stop it! I’ll follow you if you want me but let him go. He’s nothing to do with this!” The person is just laughing.

“You should realize it earlier so this thing will never happen. That is you make thing complicated. Let’s go!” He grabs Sunny’s hand and she just endures the pain that being hurt by knife. Dong Ho stands up and run to get his friends.


Training Room

Kevin and the others members shock when see Dong Ho with blood stick on his t-shirt enters the room.

“Yaa~Dong Ho what happen to you? Why are you bleeding?”

“Hyung, faster you go save her!” say Dong Ho.

“Yaa! It is you that we need to save now. Let’s us go to hospital. You are bleeding too much.”

“Sunny..she..she..being kidnapped..you have to save her” Dong Ho trying hard to tell his hyungs.

“What? That’s why you injured like this because of her…why we have to save her?” Soo Hyun become angry when knows Dong Ho got injured because of Sunny.

“That’s girl really bring bad luck to us! Why you must worry about her?” Kiseop also become angry.

“Yaaa!!! You all don’t know what actually happen..If I’m not been there, she will not got injured on her hand and follow that bad guy!! Huhh..you all are the real jerk! Don’t worry about me, I can go to hospital by myself and find she when I get recover..” Dong Ho gets out from that training room.

The other members become speechless when hearing Dong Ho said like that. Kevin chasing Dong Ho and leave the others in the training room.

“Dong Ho ah~wait for me. Let me accompany you to go to hospital.”

“Hyung~ ..” Dong Ho can’t hold it anymore. He fall and faint.


Sunny P.O.V

Sunny is unconscious and, her hands and feet were tie tightly. The guy that kidnapped her is not around that place. The place where Sunny was being put in is an old and dark place. It is also full with rubbish and rats. The sound from a rat awake Sunny.

“Aaa…it’s hurt.” Sunny trying to hold her hand but then she just give when seeing her hands was tie.

“What is this place?..Wait, I think I recognize this place..I used   to be here when I was kidnapped when I was young. Is the kidnapper is the same person?” Sunny become panic and trying to find way to get out from there but find nothing. Suddenly the door open and the kidnapper throw the food to where Sunny sit.

“It is better you eat if you don’t want to starve.” Say the kidnapper. His mouth still covered with red handkerchief. Sunny just keep staring to the person. The kidnapper realizes it then he look back to Sunny.

“What?! Don’t think that I won’t kill you just because I give you food.”

“You won’t kill me.” Say Sunny. The person a little bit shock that Sunny will say like that.

“Are you sure? What a confident of that!”

“Because I know you will not kill people. You just follow the person order. I know that.” Say Sunny confidently. The kidnapper just keeps silent and thinking what Sunny did said just now. ‘Is she remembers me? That’s impossible!’

“Don’t you see what I did to the person that trying to save you? I just did hurt him a little, so just imagine how I will kill you..” the kidnapper show a sharp knife to Sunny but she just keep staring at him. ‘I know you will not kill me just like what you did when I were young, I know it’.



Mir gives Seohyun a magazine about business where the front page of the magazine is a middle age man and statement about the man business which is ‘The Success of President of Hotel Harrington and Construction’.

“You know what that’s mean? It is our clue to find your real family. Are you excited?”

“Emm..But Mir Oppa, how we going to tell them about I’m being taken by mom without intention? Are they will believe us? I’m really worries about that.”

“Don’t worry, I will help you. By the way, you should prepare for being a wealthy daughter.”

“I don’t want to hope too much. However, I hope that they will accept me.”

“Of course they will accept you because you are their real daughter.” Mir keep stare the picture on the magazine and he about thinking something. ‘This person is look very familiar and I think I ever see him somewhere a long time ago. That’s strange…aahh, whatever’.


At Hospital..

Dong Ho is lying on the bed and he have to stay a few days at hospital. All Ukiss’s members are look after him everyday until Dong Ho is recover from his injured.

“Okay, now tell us how it happened”. Dong Ho smile and then he laughs.

“Yaa~why you are laughing?”

“Hahaha..nothing. I’m just happy because I have caring hyungs who take care of me”.

“Stop joking! Hurry, tell us how it happened”.

“Actually, I was spying Sunny and I wondering why someone force and chasing her. So I went to see further what actually happened. I’m shocked when seeing the guy was pointing a knife to Sunny. When Sunny trying to run, he swung the knife and got on Sunny’s hand. I’ve trying to help her but the guy     stabbed me on the shoulder. So Sunny followed the guy in order to save me. That’s why I got injured.”

“She followed the guy because of you? It’s really surprising! I never know that she can do that.”

“Yaa~hyung! It’s you all fault that we can’t save her! See, I’m can think more mature than you all. What disappointing attitude you guys..huh!”

“Yaa~we don’t know what actually happened..and stop saying like that. By the way, why are you spying her?”

“I really want to know how bad she is like what all of you said before but I found nothing really bad about her. Ah~Kevin hyung, I think both of you match together…because she is really pretty in person”. The others members are staring at Kevin.

“Dong Ho ah~I think you not fully recover. Stop teasing me. So guys what we need to do now? I think, we can’t report to the police until we know what the purpose of the kidnapper”. Kevin says. But the others members are still keep staring at him.

“I’m just trying to help. Stop staring at me!” Kevin is trying to explain to the other members.

“Then we will help to find her too. But we must tell her family first”.

“Who will tell her family?” Eli asks. All of them are staring to Kiseop.

“Me?? But why me?”

“You say that you know Mir, right? So, he must know her family too. Then, it’s you responsibility to inform them”.

“Okay..then there is must a credit for me”.


“If we find Sunny, she’ll be mine”. Say Kiseop.

“Yaa~ she is mine!” Eli suddenly shouts. Then they start to argue with each other whose about get Sunny except for Kevin and Dong Ho.

“I thought you all are hate her.. Yaa~Yaa~..guys stop arguing! Let’s us start to find her now then ask her about you guys.. I don’t think that she will like one of you”. Dong Ho says.


“I mean.. I mean.. nothing..continue..continue..Kevin hyung, let’s us go to eat!” Kevin laughs when seeing the reaction from the other members when hearing Dong Ho words.

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YoungRi95 #1
Chapter 8: Jebal, updated soon Author-nim...
SungHaJoon #2
Chapter 8: Update soon!
please update...
ploykz-sunny #4
sunny is going to lose every thing now no!!
Evil aunt , i hate her!
Sunny where are you now.
Update soon
Mearii_Lee #6
update sooon!!!
sunny89 #7
Now they know how kind and nice sunny is.. Update soon~
ploykz-sunny #8
update soon
ichiru #9
update soon..!must be her aunt plan all this...
Kiseop and Elo fighting over Sunny? Kyeopta! Update soon author-sshi! I'm a new reader!