Fashion show time

A day to remember


Madam Maleyswaski gives a letter to Sunny.

“What is this?”

“Open it and you’ll know what it is.” Sunny open the letter and she read it. Sunny smile after read the letter. She then hugs madam Maleyswaski.

“You are the best aunt! I can’t believe that I can be an official designer here. How you do make them choose me?”

“Actually it was really hard for us to make a decision because you have a strong rival. Because of Andrew Kim’s daughter will transfer to America, she want you to continue her job so we choose both of you as our fashion designer. So, are you happy with that?”

“Of course I’m happy! I just shock that I will be a designer in a big agency too fast.”

“There will be a staff will take you to Kim’s daughter’s office. So please get ready for a new world. You will be busy for whole time because your design will compete with your senior designer and the new incomer. Congratulations to you!”

“Don’t worry. I will do my best.”


Sunny’s house..

Kim Jihyun is sitting on a chair at a garden. She is reading a newspaper. Her phone ringing and she pick it up.

“Hello, may I help you?”

“Hello madam, it’s me Kwon Yuri. I already a designer at the agency as you order me to do but she also being chosen by them. What you want me to do now?”

“It must Maleyswaki help her. Yuri ah~ I need you to keep watch on her, okay? I will plan something special for her so don’t forget to tell me everything what she doing. I will add your payment.”

“Don’t worry, madam. I will help you till the end as long as you pay me. I’m off.” Kim Jihyun smile.

“Sunny, I will never let you go easily. If you don’t want to help me to get this house, one of us must die because you are my rival. Just wait and see what I plan for you.”



After Seohyun’s mom funeral already done, Mir bring her at his workplace. Seohyun still cannot accept her mom death.

“Seohyun ah~ I think that you should find out your real family. I know it’s a little bit rude to say this today but it better if you know your parent before they will forget about you.”

“Mir oppa~ do I really must to find my family? I’m happy with what I have just right now.”

“Listen.. You deserve more than this and you know that your mom really want you to have a happiness in your life. You know more about this, so you must find them.”

“I’m just afraid if they do not accept me as part of their family. It’s been a long time they didn’t seek for me. I’m afraid.” Seohyun gazed. Mir holds Seohyun’s hand tightly.

“Don’t worry. I will help you and I believe they will understand you and your mom.”




EF Entertainment

Sunny now recognized by the agency and public because of her design during the promotion that being held by Marketing Department. The manager plan to make a big fashion show and all seniors and juniors of fashion designer will promote their design on that show. At the same time, the top management will choose the best design and give an award for the winner. The show will be attended by international skilled designers.

 Ukiss now are promoting their songs titled ‘Neverland’ and ‘Tick Tack’. The popularity of this group is increasing day by day. Some of the members get a chance to become a model and actor.

Madam Maleyswaski then left to Paris to attend a big conference there.

 Kwon Yuri keep watch on Sunny and Kim Ji Hyun already ordered her something to ruin Sunny during the fashion show soon.

The gossip about Kevin with unknown girl was already being clearly stated during Ukiss interview. Mir recommended Seohyun to become a model in the agency. 



  Sunny P.O V

Sunny is walking to her office. Now she is one of the most important people in the agency because of her contribution during promotion. Everyone congratulate her but there are also people that jealous of her.

“What a wonderful life I got in here. I made it very fast and now my dream is almost there. It’s all about me now…”

Sunny take her pencil and started to design a dress. Sunny get inspire easily because she has good mood at that time.

“I believe my design will be chosen among us. I’ll never let them destroy my dream and never be! I hate those girls out there who being friendly to me just try to steal my design. I’ll make you guys cry over your life!”

Sunny finished her design. She tidy up her stuff and ready to go back home.


Seohyun and Yoona are on their way to go at Seohyun’s new workplace, EF Entertainment. While on their way, Yoona sees something on the big board at the road side.

“What?! Did I see the right picture on that board? Su..Sunny! How come her picture will come out on the big signboard like this?”

“Yoona ah~you can’t say like that. You know Mir oppa told me that Sunny got her talent as a fashion designer and the top management like her design same goes with the public. I think she deserve it.”

“Yaa~ if they know what kind of Sunny is, they might also don’t like her. I bet you, she will be destroys sooner or later by someone who hate her.” Yoona keep badmouthing Sunny but deep inside her heart, she is being jealous of Sunny.

They enter one shop near the EF Entertainment’s building and buy a magazine. Yoona get irritated again when see the front cover is also Sunny.


Kevin P.O.V

Kevin is in their changing room and he get prepare for photo shot as a jeans model. Dong Ho enters the room and he brings a magazine on his hand.

“Hyung! Look at this..Sunny..Sunny is her name.”

“What? Who is Sunny?”

“Yaa~are you not remember the girl that ever been your scandal with? She is Sunny and the most surprising is she is fashion designer here. See, she now is well-known by the people. What a coincidence both of you, work at the same building.” Kevin takes the magazine from Dong Ho’s hand.

“Even a rude person can get a good job. This world is really unfair for the people outside there who seek this job.”

“But I think that the world also needs a person like her so the world will be balance.”Says Dong Ho.

“What are you talking about?”

“Yaa~hyung! Don’t you know the concept Ying and Yang? Even the bad person also has a good side inside them so their life will balance. While the good person also has their bad side. See.. I can think more mature than you.” Kevin just smile.

“If that so, I really want to know the good side of this girl. Because I have a bad impression of her. Sunny, so her name is Sunny.” Kevin take look at Sunny’s picture for a long time.

“I think you are fall in love with her.” Dong Ho shows his naughty smile. Kevin throws the magazine toward Dong Ho.

“Stop talk nonsense!”



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YoungRi95 #1
Chapter 8: Jebal, updated soon Author-nim...
SungHaJoon #2
Chapter 8: Update soon!
please update...
ploykz-sunny #4
sunny is going to lose every thing now no!!
Evil aunt , i hate her!
Sunny where are you now.
Update soon
Mearii_Lee #6
update sooon!!!
sunny89 #7
Now they know how kind and nice sunny is.. Update soon~
ploykz-sunny #8
update soon
ichiru #9
update soon..!must be her aunt plan all this...
Kiseop and Elo fighting over Sunny? Kyeopta! Update soon author-sshi! I'm a new reader!