Can't Let Go

Lay Down Your Swords

Hongbin found it interesting how his life in Oceanside Academy went from a far off dream to a total routine so quickly.

Mondays it was Combat Strategy and Cyber Manipulation, the first being a simple lecture class with some field assignments (such as the one Hongbin recently participated in) and the other being an actual workshop class to help manipulate things on a technological scale as required by SWORD agents, should the need ever arise.

Tuesdays was what Hongbin liked to call, Gen-Ed day, he had his Calculus and Literature classes then. Apparently even if you were a SWORD agent, you still needed to be skilled in more academic subjects, which was reasonable since it allowed students to pursue other occupations aside from being a SWORD agent. You could say that Hongbin was double majoring in Biochemistry and Kicking . 

Wednesdays and Thursdays were a rehash of Mondays and Tuesdays respectively, same class and what not though Friday was different, it was Combat Training day. All day long, cadets were sent to the Crucible to do various types of things. Whether they were sent in three to six people parties to journey through a programmed dungeon or sent in to spar with their peers in pairs. In both cases, each student was studied through their skills and other details that the instructors were looking for. Thankfully, Hongbin never had to fight against Hyuk once; if he did, he'd have a hard time doing so. 

Now it was the third Sunday of the year, it'd been a couple weeks since the assignment to the Ignis Speluncam began, and tomorrow they were going to find out which pair of students had the highest score and obtained the opportunity to attend a further disclosed mission to North Korea. Ravi recovered from his injuries literally a day after the event. Perhaps his body was so used to being injured to the point of no repair that his body simply became hastily repairable. That made sense right? Still, the entire assignment was pretty exciting to say the least, especially considering that he felt that same voice roaring in his head when he handled that spider Savage.

What wasn't exciting was the fact that he had a test of sorts in Cyber Manipulation, they needed to hack a program to disable a hypothetical warhead that was aimed at a civilian residential district. They make it sound so easy, Hyuk, makes it sound so easy, but Hongbin didn't find it so easy. He's been spending the entire day cramming the knowledge he's been trying to comprehend since day one to minimal avail.  

Hongbin clenched his hands, slamming them into the study desk he was occupying in the Library, or rather the Web. He would never get used to the "slang" nicknames. 

"Crap, why is this so fricking hard?" Hongbin sighed as he ran his fingers through his light brown bangs, his fingers then tangling themselves into the strands of his hair as he grabbed two fist-fulls of hair in frustration. He let out an angry sigh as he laid his face down on the table and the light was taken from his eyes. All day long, studying back doors, how to install viruses and other programs to assist in decoding the software and opening up all points of vulnerabilities, it all got to his head. He let out an exasperated sigh until suddenly, he heard a sickeningly familiar voice. 

"You look tired." Said the eerily soft, quiet, yet inquisitive toned voice; a voice that Hongbin quickly familiarized with Leo. 

He quickly shot back up, sitting up straight as he looked off to the side to see Leo leaning back against the wall and looking towards Hongbin, once again locking his eyes with his own. Strange, he didn't even hear him or notice him, usually Hongbin was good at sensing the presence of others but he was sure that he was alone. Was Leo that quiet that he could sneak anywhere without being noticed? That was dangerous. 

"Wh.. what are you doing here?" Hongbin asked instinctively as Leo merely stared at him with his signature blank stare. Though his face was emotionless and he was overall reticent and silent, his eyes were on fire. Locked onto Hongbin, he felt as though they were daggers, clawing their way into his soul and trying to unveil whatever mysteries that Hongbin would be hiding from him. 

"Looking for you." Leo said simply as he got off the wall and crossed his arms, looking down at Hongbin. He tensed up a bit when the older boy drew himself closer. He was even taller due to the fact that Hongbin was sitting down and his overall presence was simply intimidating. 

"Wh-why were you looking for-"

"Because I told you, I'm interested in you." Leo interjected as he stared Hongbin down. He sat there looking up at the older boy as silence returned in the Library.

"You keep saying that, but I have no idea what you mean." Hongbin blurted but he quickly wished he hadn't as Leo suddenly slammed his hand against the desk in front of Hongbin, causing him to flinch like a surprised animal as Leo leaned in very close and whispered into Hongbin's ear. 

"How about I show you." It was a low, husky whisper, but it still retained that lightness in his voice. 

"What?" Hongbin asked as suddenly, Leo grabbed his arm and pulled him up from the chair. Hongbin instinctively reacted as though he were in a fight, he started to thrash a bit but Leo grabbed both of his arms and held them tight in place, easily overpowering Hongbin. "Leo what are you do-" Hongbin couldn't finish as he winced in pain from Leo slamming him against the book shelf near the study desk he was just in. It shook just barely as books tumbled down from the side, but none of them fell on top of Hongbin or Leo. 

The older boy then grabbed both of Hongbin's arms and held them up above his head, pinning them together with his right hand by Hongbin's wrist, effectively immobolizing him. Hongbin gasped as he was going to shout but Leo quickly brought his face in close, centimeters apart. He didn't even say a word, but he shot Hongbin a glare that clearly read 'You scream and I hurt you'. Hongbin blushed as Leo quickly dove into Hongbin's neck; gasping as he felt Leo's soft lips against his sensitive neck and soon his teeth. 

"Leo, wait! I-" Hongbin cried out as heat was flushing his cheeks, but before he could finish his sentence, Leo quickly crashed their lips together. Hongbin's eyes were shot open in absolute astonishment as Leo's eyes slid close. He looked so god damn handsome in a strange y scary tortured way and Hongbin couldn't believe he was actually becoming attracted to the guy that was assaulting him, but he couldn't say that he didn't want it. If Hongbin wanted to, he could've casted a spell, he could've easily kneed Leo where it hurt and fight his way out, but his body fought against him, and suddenly, Hongbin found himself kissing Leo back. 

Suddenly, Hongbin felt hot, really really hot, like heat was surging throughout his entire body. Leo deepened the kiss, wrenching Hongbin's mouth open as he slid in his tongue. Hongbin gasped but allowed Leo to passionately kiss him, into it as Leo growled possessively into the kiss. His free hand was grabbing at Hongbin's uniform, pulling off the blazer on top as it dropped off to the ground as he started to fiddle with Hongbin's collared shirt buttons before he let go of Hongbin's hands and started to them, one by one, never breaking the kiss as Hongbin's hands instinctively slid into Leo's spikey locks, grabbing onto his jet-black hair as Leo effectively stripped him of his shirt, exposing his sculpted abs and worked out body. He broke the kiss, sliding his hands up his body as he looked at Hongbin up and down and he could've sworn that Leo cracked a smile. 

"You're beautiful." Leo uttered lowly as his eyes glazed hungrily. 

"Th.. thank you..." Hongbin muttered shyly as Leo quickly collided his lips against Hongbin's once again, extending his arms around Hongbin's waist and holding onto him possessively as he felt Leo's hand slide down and cupped onto Hongbin's left buttock before he started to pull away and break the kiss, tugging at Hongbin's lower lip with his teeth before making kisses down his chin and down his neck, shifting from kissing to biting to as he made it down his torso and started making his way down. 

"L.. Leo.. wait... We're in public... What if someone-"

"I don't care." Leo growled, breathing heatedly against Hongbin's pale skin as he ran his tongue across Hongbin's abs, dropping to his knees as Hongbin twisted his fingers into Leo's hair, grabbing onto it as he pressed his back against the aisle of books behind him, his moans bellowing lowly from his throat as Leo slowly started to work on unbuckling his pants. 

"Hongbin...." He heard Leo moan in a low growl. 

"Leo..." Hongbin responded as his thoughts were simply clouded with lust. 

"Hongbin!" He heard a shout and immediately, Hongbin shot his head up from the desk he laid his face down against. Drool was dribbling off the side of his mouth as he looked down and noticed that drool was pooling on the table and even got over some of his books. 

"Eww..." Hongbin whined as he looked around to see N staring at him with his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth slightly opened showing that he had his teeth clenched together that all compiled into a face that could ony be defined as such. A stank face. 

"What... were you dreaming about..." N asked suddenly as Hongbin blushed, heat rising to his cheeks as he laughed nervously, trying to hide the flaming fire that was trying to wake up in his pelvic region. 

"I, I wasn't dreaming about anything, I mean, it's not-"

"Because you were totally Leo's name... and..." N blinked as he ran his right hand through his sandy brown hair and shook his head and looked away. "You know what never mind, I don't want to know. Just... get your stuff together, the Web's closing up and it's almost time for light's out... I'll see you back at the suite." N quickly blurted out as he swiftly made his way out of the library. Hongbin couldn't tell why but N seemed like he was angry for some reason, maybe he was just pissed at how simply weird Hongbin was being, he didn't know.

Hongbin felt absolutely embarrassed. He can't believe... he acted like that in front of N of all people. He groaned in frustration as he slammed his face back down on the study table... then quickly realized that he regretted his decision as he collided with the pool of drool that was pooling up and was now sticking all over his face.


Hongbin woke up the next day, thank god he didn't have that dream about Leo again, because if he did, he had no idea what he was going to say to Hyuk. He groaned when he remembered that he had that test in Cyber Manipulation today. He was going to choke and fail. 

Feeling absolutely groggy, he decided it was best that he went off and took a nice cold shower... or maybe a hot one just to be safe. To be honest, Hongbin didn't know anymore. 

He grabbed his little 'shower pail' that held all of his toiletries along with slipping into a bathrobe, though he still had his boxers on so he wasn't completely . He exited their room and went for the closest of the two showers that resided in their dorm. He assumed that nobody was in there becuase he didn't hear water running so he simply turned the knob and went in and closed the door behind him, only to run into a body, or to be more specific, a person's back, that was filled with bulgy muscles that were all clearly defined and well sculpted, causing Hongbin's eyes to flare up as he quickly recognized the tanned body and the dampened blue hair. 

"What the hell?" Ravi asked as he turned around, completely aside from a towel around his waist and another smaller towel around his neck that was drying his hair. "Hongbin?" He asked as he rose a curious brow and a sly smirk formed on his face. "If you wanted to join me in the shower, I'm afraid you're a little too late. But, I wouldn't mind getting in again if you wanted to-"

"Just... get out... please..." Hongbin uttered as politely as he could. He heard Ravi snorting with laughter as he shrugged.

"Alright, I'll finish in my room. The invitation though, is open at any time." He said with a wink that caused Hongbin to tense up, whether becuase he was genuinely creeped out or genuinely charmed or perhaps even both. Ravi walked up and side stepped his way out, in doing so, he rubbed his marvelous abs against Hongbin's arm, feeling as though his arm was just dragged against fleshy and bulgy rocky hills of manliness. God he needed to stop. A cold shower was definitely out of the question.

After he finished with his shower, he wanted to quickly return to the safety of his room to continue the rest of his dressing up for the day. He dried himself to the best of his abilities with his towel and quickly slipped on his boxers and his bathrobe, his light brown hair was now darkened in streaks due to the dampness. He quickly opened the door up and came face to face with the last person he wanted to see shirtless and about to shower.

"L.. Leo." Hongbin muttered out as internally he was screaming, images from his dream at the library flashed in his head mentally as he wanted to cry. Seriously, what the hell!? He mentally shouted as Leo rose a curious brow and Hongbin cleared his throat. "Uh, excuse me." He said as he slid past Leo and quickly escaped to his and Hyuk's room. Was everyone using the same god damn bathroom? Next time I'm choosing the other one! 

When Hongbin came rushing in, his face flushed red, coughing almost at the couple heart attacks that he almost had in the matter of minutes, he walked in on Hyuk buttoning up his shirt for class, his blonde hair also dampened by water as his eyes immediately shot down at the younger boy's abs that ran up his body, such masculinity that contrasted with his boyish features. , why does god hate me today?

"You alright Hongbin? You look like you've just had a tough battle?" Hyuk asked with such naivete that it hurt. 

"Nnn... Yeah I'm fine, don't worry about it Hyuk." Hongbin shook it off as he got himself dressed and ready for class. Hyuk waited for him and the two of them grabbed some on the go breakfast snacks such as a banana and an orange from the fridge as the two of them hurried their way to Combat Strategy. 


When the two of them arrived, the class was in a deep hushed whipsery state. Everyone was gossiping, whispering. Some of the ambient conversations Hongbin picked up on was some students worried about their score, others were boasting about how the chance to accompany the SWORD agents on the mission was theirs and others not really giving a . Zico was sitting in his desk inquisitively as it seemed as though he were going through all of the scores through the virtual console at his desk, running his hands up and down the holographic interface as he sighed restlessly. 

"I hope we got it!" Hyuk whispered loudly into Hongbin's ear, causing him to tense up again by his closeness but simling nontheless. The boy's cheeriness was always contagious.

"Yeah, that'd be great." 

"I'd love to go on my first mission with you Hongbin, like I said, wouldn't have it any other way." Hyuk beamed as Hongbin couldn't help but to smile big, so much so that his cheeks started to hurt. 

"You're so sweet." 

The two of them took two seats next to each other and logged into their virtual consoles using their ID Cards. Class was suddenly in session with the bell chimed through the school's intercom. Zico quickly shot up from his chair and circled around his desk, standing in front of it right at the center and leaned back on it as he crossed his fingers. "Alrighty guys, I'm gonna make this quick and simple and straight to the point. The lucky pair that scored the highest, who not only gets a golden star from Instructor Zico here for scoring the best." He said with a smirk. "But also a chance to accompany actual SWORD operatives on an operation to North Korea, is..." 

In that split second, Hongbin felt the world stop for just a moment. At first, he didn't really care whether or not they got the mission or not or scored the highest, but Hyuk just looked so opportunistic and happy and excited that it would break Hongbin's heart if they didn't get it. 

"Hongbin and Hyuk, congratulations you guys." Zico said with a sly smirk, clapping slowly as the entire class started to erupt into sound, joining in on the clap as gossips whispered throughout the classroom. 

"For real!? Yes!" Hyuk shouted as he pumped his fist in the air and simply hugged Hongbin with such force it almost knocked the both of them out of their desks. He was squealing in disbelief and laughing hysterically and his laughter was contagious as always. Hyuk was seriously the cute king. 

"As if there was any doubt." Hongbin said cooly causing Hyuk to squeal even more making Hongbin laugh like an idiot with Hyuk. He heard many 'congratulations' from students around them and a couple of 'whatevers', but honestly, he didn't care, he was just so happy that Hyuk looked like the happiest kid in the world. 

"I will brief the two of you about the mission, stay after class." Zico uttered as he clapped his hands together and the class went on without a single hitch. 

Todays lecture was about elemental synergy, how some elements can compliment each other, and others can cancel each other out. However, if used strategically, elements that would normally cancel each other out such as Fire and Ice, could actually be used in conjunction in several different ways, it just depended on how one would use it. Once the lecture finished, everyone piled out of the class as Zico sent the scores of the Ignis Speluncam assignment to everyone's holo-phones. 

The scores came in two batches, teamwork score and individual score. Hongbin's eyes widened as he got a hundred in teamwork score and a ninety six on his individual score. Hyuk leaned in and whined like a sad puppy. "Darn I only got a 94 on my individual score, not fair. It's all because you're prettier than me Hongbin." Hyuk pouted as Hongbin chuckled ruffling the boy's spikey blonde hair.

"Hush, you know that's not true." 

"Well you are a very pretty guy Hongbin." Zico's voice interjected as he looked up at the two remaining students in the classroom and beckoned them to him. To which, the two of them quickly climbed down the stairs that lead up to the desks and down to the front of the class. 

"So here's rundown. The mission takes place this Saturday, however, you will be leaving for North Korea this Friday night after all of your classes. You guys need to meet up with the rest of the agents in the Parking Lot by 8PM this Friday, remember. 8PM, if you're not there sharp, then they will not hesitate to leave without you. This mission is a privelage and allows the both of you to get some actual mission experience. You are to obey your superiors and to not go against any orders. You are not fullly fledged operatives and thus have no jurisdiction to act as such. You will be subordinate to the older agents of your squad, do I make myself clear?" Zico filled in as Hongbin and Hyuk both saluted in unison. 

"Yes sir" They both said, also in unison. 

"Now, here's the actual mission, forgive me for sounding like a tired old dude, just have to say that because of regulations you know." Zico smiled, it's still frightening that the guy was literally a year older than Hongbin was himself, yet he was his acting instructor and had the skills to be a SWORD instructor. "The missions taking place in Wolnae-do, a small isle off the coast of the South Hwanghae Province in North Korea. There's a base there that according to our intel, is said to be one of their main factories for producing and researching Etherdrives. As you two know, Etherdrives are artificial magic, manifested in steroid like implants that force regular people the gifts that were normally given to us and borned into us. We take out this base, and we take out their main resource for one of their only threatening weapons against us." He paused, as Hyuk and Hongbin nodded obediently. He could see Hyuk shaking in excitement as Hongbin fought the urge to form a smile on his face for professionalism's sake. 

"Now, the South Korean military did not want to simply seige the base. It'd be too obvious, so we've been called to send in SWORD operatives, four at least and six at the very most. You can make out that you two were the last two." It was then that the excitement hit Hongbin, all of this was just too exciting, he was finally given the chance to be a part of something he's always wanted to be, to be a SWORD Agent, and soon, he found himself slowly shaking with excitement. 

"I need to remind you boys that this is a real misison, infiltration and destruction of this base is imperative. But this isn't a simulation, this isn't a class, these are armed soldiers packed with fake magic and willing to kill you on sight, so don't show any mercy." He noted very carefully and proceeded, "And remember, this is also doubling as an assignment for you two, do well and who knows, you might become SWORD operatives sooner than you'd expect." He smirked as Hongbin couldn't fight back the smile that was pulling at the edge of his face, dimples forming as excitement finally hit his bloodstream in full blast. 

"You will receive more details on Friday when you are to leave, until then, don't forget about your homework assignment, I'll see you Wednesday." Zico finished with his confident smirk as he circled around his table and sat back down on his chair, opening up his virtual console as Hongbin and Hyuk quickly made their way out of the classroom. 

"Holy balls Hongbin this is so fricking cool! We could like, be total agents and kick and be awesometastic! You and me! We're team badass!" Hyuk gushed as he flailed his fists in the air and left his right fist out for Hongbin to pound, to which Hongbin quickly did so. 

"I know... I... I can't believe it's actually happening, it's really actually happening." Hongbin sighed in relief. Hyuk placed his arm around Hongbin's neck and held him close, causing Hongbin to smile. All he had to do now was wait unitl Friday, the wait alone would be terribly hard. Still, he couldn't help but to feel like his victorious feeling of content was very premature. It was then that he realized he was forgetting something.

" I forgot... We're still having that test in less than an hour." Hongbin sighed as he instinctively pouted. 

Hyuk chortled as Hongbin's expression and started walking down the hall. "Want me to help you cram everything in the last minute?" Hyuk offered causing Hongbin to laugh hysterically. 

"That would be helpful, yeah." 


A/N: Wooo wooo woo, we're actually getting into some plot here! Wooo plot plot plot plot plot! Also i'm totally not sorry for that fanservice Leobin dream because I was dreaming it myself last night and I woke up and I knew I had to add that onto this chapter as filler just for the sake of fanservice! And so the plot thickens with more emphasis on the War next chapter. I wonder who their four squadmates will be for the mission @_@ I mean, there's six slots right? The possibilities are endlesss! In all seriousness, I'd just like to say that I'm apalled with how many subscribers I got in the past couple of days because I thought no one would want to read this since it's not your regular fluffy romantic Vixx!Fic but it brings me happiness everytime I see that someone actually does care about the geekier fantasy fics about them ;_; thanks guys, really appreciate everything so far from the nice comments to the subscriptions! Glad you're along for the ride and stay tuned next time becuase now the real fun starts! 


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Hope you will update... The plot is amazing
Chapter 15: I've always comeback for this fic but i don't know how to react when you suddenly announced this. But as a fan of this fic (and also hongbin centric), I don't mind the wait. it's like giving a benefit of the doubt but it's alright. i really love your writing though. it's like reading a novel from one of my favourite authors. thank you for spending time to come back and write (bc some author nim just ignore the fics they've wrote) so, i wish you strength, courage and all the faith you need in life.
Chapter 15: I understand if u don't want to continue with this series authornim but it'll be a lie if I say that I'm not sad since This is the best vixx fic I've ever read (I live for Hongbin harem ahahaha and I also wanna know who he'll end up with) :")
But it's okay tho, I respect ur decision. It's been a journey reading this amazingly written fic and thank u so much for writing it. Good luck with ur new fic authornim!! >.<)/
kim_daeun #4
Chapter 14: Pleaae update soon~ I am waiting for it
little_yeoja #5
Please update soon gosh im crying ah really can't wait x'(
Chapter 14: Mini update for all those waiting for an update: it's coming soon. I promise :)
Caprilove #7
Chapter 14: Please update soon your story is amazing ;; ♡ I'm so hooked
_SugaKookie_ #8
Please update ;;