The Gentleman's Club

"I'll Give You The World, Sungmin, If You Can Just Return My Love."

Sungmin rested his hands on the bar of the VIP lounge. He was at The Gentlemans' Club in the backstreets of Seoul, reserved for the best and those who were good enough to get it. Sungmin was on very good terms with the owner, and frequently made trips to the club.

Sungmin clenched his fists on the side as he looked down on the dancefloor. He hadn't drunk any alchohol that night and was really not in the mood to take a random man home, so he decided to go in search of the club owner.

"Zhou Mi!" He yelled above the music, as he spotted the owner sitting in a loveseat sitting next to and chatting with an innocent, chubby boy, quite unlike his usual type.

"Sungmin, hey," Zhou Mi greeted him as he reached the corner. Here the music was quieter and was better for talking.

"Who's your friend?" Sungmin asked. The boy sitting next to Zhou Mi looked quite naive and innocent, but had a glass of beer in his hand, spoiling that image slightly.

"Henry. He's the new delivery boy for Hankyung and I just had to see him," Zhou Mi cooed, pinching Henry's cheeks. "Isn't he adorable?"


"You know, the person who runs that Chinese with Heechul. He's their new delivery boy, and I wanted to give him a taste of my club." Zhou Mi replied. "And what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you today, then?"

"So, I can't go to my favourite club to see my friend?" Sungmin replied, half-heartedly.

"Of course you can, but you usually come here for a reason." Zhou Mi nodded. "There's two rooms spare if you'd like one - surely you can find someone in all this mess?" Zhou Mi gestured out towards the crowd. It was 11PM and the club was only just starting up.

"I'd rather just talk with you," Zhou Mi raised his eyebrows. "Fine, I'm feeling lonely and in search of love," Sungmin admitted.

"Sorry sweetheart, my hearts been taken by Henry. He's so cute!" 

"He's a delivery boy," Sungmin reminded Zhou Mi.

"And I'm here," Henry piped up. "I can hear, you know."

Zhou Mi looked at his watch. "Henry, shouldn't you be getting back? Heechul'll be wondering what happened to you."

"Fine," Henry shruged reluctantly, and stood up. He yawned, and walked out the back way.

"Isn't he adorable?" Zhou Mi gushed, taking a sip of his wine. "Only the best for me," he continued. "So, why are you here today?"

"I went to see Kyuhyun," Sungmin said. "Heechul wouldn't let me see him. I just want to explain,"

"Is Kyuhyun the gamer and your friend with a benefit?" Zhou Mi asked.

"Don't talk about him like that," Sungmin protested. "But yeah, he's the gamer."

"I heard he was back in town," Zhou Mi replied. 

"You did?" Sungmin asked. Wow, the Seoul grapevine was faster than he'd thought.

"He's famous among the clubs of South Korea. D'you think he'd like a taste of this?" Zhou Mi answered with a slight smile.

"Perhaps. But I did something wrong, and I want to apologize for it, but I can't. Hankyung nearly invited me in, and then Heechul shoved me out. I sent Kyu a proper letter and everything. I just want to see him." Sungmin spilled out, his eyes gushing tears like a waterfall.

"Mini," Zhou Mi replied, lifting up Sungmin's chin with his cool, long fingers. "We'll get him here, and then you can make your move." Zhou Mi stopped, and eyed Sungmin. "Unless you already had something in mind?"

"I hoped the letter would bring him round, but Hankyung said Kyu wanted it chucked in the incinerator." Sungmin answered miserably. 

"Hankyung wouldn't do that. He'd just keep it until Kyuhyun was ready to open it," Zhou Mi said quietly.

"You think?"

"I know Hankyung better than you think, Mini." Zhou Mi twitched a slight smile at Sungmin's raised hope. "It'll be okay."

"Can I talk to Wookie?" Sungmin asked, changing the subject. 

"Sure," Zhou Mi replied. "I think he's still working, but he's free tomorrow night. Go talk to him then about his current 'love'." Zhou Mi made speech marks with his fingers, while laughing.

"Who is it? Wookie seems to change every week." 

"Ah, you haven't talked to him for ages then. Yesung's been on his mind for ages, at least a month." Zhou Mi giggled.

"Yesung? Your DJ?" 

"The very same." Zhou Mi answered. "Now, if you'd excuse me, I have to go attend to some papers. I came out here for 10 minutes, and Henry's been delaying me by an hour." 

"Naughty," Sungmin replied with a grin. "I'd better be going. I want to be awake for tomorrow, so goodbye."

The two men bowed at eachother and walked in seperate directions, Sungmin getting in his car and driving back to his flat. He took a look at Kyuhyun's old room before going to bed.

Sungmin had left Kyuhyun's room exactly as Kyu had left it, with the pens still lying across the desk and the wardrobe door half open, and a green teddy bear  on the pillow of his bed. Kyuhyun had gone out in such a rush, he'd left the next morning, at about 10:00AM, and he hadn't been back.

It was a memorial to a half-relationship long gone. 


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Chapter 24: Subscribed a while ago but didn't read until now... I liked the plotline and I thought it was pretty well written XD
I might read the sequel one day, and thank you for writing this XD
ilabya14 #2
venzsuju #3
Chapter 23: nice story :D
i dont like with chaptered story, but once i read this, i cant stop myself :)
Chapter 24: I finished this in one night. Kya~
ireadanything #5
i just found this and finish reading it yesterday.. thank god Kyumin back together.. it is happy ending for them, i really don't know why hyukjae like to intefere in other people bussiness.. already subscribe the sequel but not sure when i will read it.. anyway good job!!
ireadanything #6
i just found this and finish reading it yesterday.. thank god Kyumin back together.. it is happy ending for them, i really don't know why hyukjae like to intefere in other people bussiness.. already subscribe the sequel but not sure when i will read it.. anyway good job!!
Although I found some parts very confusing, I really liked the story. Good job.
I will subscribe and start reading this a bit later today :)
awwwwwww .... love this fic >.< ..