The End Of It All

"I'll Give You The World, Sungmin, If You Can Just Return My Love."

Donghae turned around to see Eunhyuk walking into the bedroom. He sighed and turned away; Hyukjae wasn’t worth with his time right now.

“Donghae … I’m sorry,” Eunhyuk said. “Please … don’t go,”

He said it so sincerely, one could almost forgive him. But Donghae shook his head. He wasn’t going to fall for that. Eunhyuk had messed up Sungmin and Kyuhyun’s relationship enough – Donghae was just fed up of Eunhyuk doing it.

“No, Hyuk. I’m sick of you trying to make things right. Can’t you leave everything alone?” Donghae stared into the wall, not facing his hyung, fed up with the sight of him.

“Donghae … I’ve apologized to Sungmin and Kyuhyun,” Eunhyuk said. “They’ve forgiven me. I’m truly sorry, I shouldn’t have done what I did,” he whispered, drawing closer to his lover.

“Go away Hyukjae,” Donghae whispered, tears crawling down his face.

“Hae? Please,” Eunhyuk said desperately. He walked up to Donghae and slid his thin arms around his waist, placing his head on Donghae’s shoulder. Donghae didn’t move, just stood there stiffly, not moving, still as a stone.

“I’m not forgiving you,” Donghae sighed. “You…” he couldn’t finish his sentence and just tailed off. Eunhyuk began to cry.

“Donghae please, don’t throw away this relationship. I made a mistake and apologized. Don’t throw me away like I’m nothing, please,” Eunhyuk said, withdrawing his hands and sitting limply on the bed.  “We can work this out; I’ll try, please,”

Donghae sighed and went to sit next Eunhyuk, looking up at his face. He instantly felt guilty when he spotted Eunhyuk’s face, eyes filling with tears, but he wasn’t going to forgive Hyukjae this time. He’d made too many things go wrong.

“I’m sorry Hyuk, but this is the end. End of us. We both need to move on,” Donghae said quickly, trying to make this break better for the both of them. If he didn’t move fast he’d break down – no one wants to do that in front of the man you love.

He got up and walked to the door. “Eunhyuk, I’ll be back to pick up some stuff sometime. Just … forget me. It’s best, for both of us.”

“Donghae, don’t go! Don’t leave me, I beg you,” Eunhyuk said. “I made a mistake … don’t do this. You get some right, you get some wrong. I got this one wrong … don’t,” Eunhyuk’s eyes filled up with tears as Donghae just gazed at him.

“Please … Hyukjae … I love you, but I can’t do this again. Come back when you’ve grown up … and stopped meddling in other people’s relationships,” Donghae said, and then he turned and exited through the door. Donghae left before Eunhyuk saw his tears. Eunhyuk heard the door open and then close, and then curled up on the bed, sobbing and calling out his lovers’ name.


The next morning after the incident, Heechul and Hankyung were lying in bed, talking. Or rather, Heechul was talking and Hankyung was asleep.

“Hannie? I love you,” Heechul whispered, cuddling a sleeping Hankyung. He had slept off his drunken state and now had a slight headache; Heechul never seemed to get major hangovers.

Hankyung rolled over, whispering a reply to Heechul, and snuggled closer to him.

Yes, Hankyung had come back to the love of his life. It wasn’t Heechul’s fault – he was drunk and didn’t know better. Yes, he was a diva most of the time; but Hankyung loved the parts where Heechul wasn't.

“You’re going to call Sungmin and Kyuhyun today,” Hankyung mumbled, expecting a snappish reply and a moody Heechul for the rest of the morning, only brightening up when Hankyung promised he wouldn’t say anything like it again.

“I am,” Heechul agreed. “I shouldn’t be this bad to Sungmin … that kid’s grown up. I just wanted what was best for Kyuhyun, after all. I was really close to him before he left … he’s like a little brother,” Heechul yawned and sank back into the feathery pillows.

Hankyung nodded and his eyes slowly open, to see Heechul dozing with a smile on his face.  Wait, what? That was a shock … Where was the normal Heechul gone? When he’d left last night, Hankyung could hear Heechul calling for him, crying his name through the thin doors of their flat. Hankyung had walked back inside and cuddled Heechul, telling him everything he felt, and all his worries about Sungmin and Kyuhyun. He hadn’t thought that Heechul would remember any of it. Part of it was because Heechul was drunk – he wasn’t expected to remember it. The fact that he had made Hankyung love Heechul even more.

“Heechul? Big change of heart for you, babe,” Hankyung commented, kissing Heechul’s nose. Better to just get on with it and make the most of this type of Heechul before he went, right?

“I’ve been horrible. You must have hated me … I can remember what you said to me,” Heechul said with a sad look of his tired face.

“That was uncalled for,” Hankyung defended Heechul’s words. It’s true, a small voice in the back of his mind said.

“It’s true. I am,” Heechul commented, nodding in agreement with his words. “That’s why, from now on, you’ll be a bigger part of my life. I was too wrapped up in Kyuhyun, stress and to even care about how you felt about any of it,”

“That’s a big change for you, Chul,” the Chinese man smiled and wrapped himself in his duvet, pulling Heechul along with him, grinning with delight at Heechul’s complete turnaround.

“It’s going to stick,” Heechul reminded himself fiercely. It wasn’t long before he had too had slumped his shoulders and fell asleep, dozy eyes closing with a slight smile on his face.


“That was … eventful,” Sungmin said. Kyuhyun nodded in a sleepy agreement, smiling slightly as his tiny lover got out of bed, and nearly toppled over. Kyuhyun frowned and winced as Sungmin lay on the floor, looking up at Kyuhyun. The look was all it took for Kyuhyun to do whatever Sungmin wanted.

“Min … don’t get up. I’ll make breakfast,” Kyuhyun launched himself out of bed with a Herculaneum effort and picking Sungmin up, laying him gently on the bed.

“It hurts, Kyu,” Sungmin whimpered. He curled into a small ball and chucked a pillow at the laughing Kyuhyun, who was going off in the direction of the kitchen.

“Min, you didn’t ask me to stop when I went rough on you…” Kyuhyun reminded him with a chuckle.

Sungmin sat up in bed, all thoughts of pain apparently forgotten. “Kyuhyun … did we make the right decision? Getting back together?”

Kyuhyun stopped dead in the doorway. Why was Sungmin asking this now? Kyuhyun began to panic. Was Sungmin having second thoughts? Had he made the right decision? Speaking calmly with a deep breath out, Kyuhyun spoke. “Of course, Sungmin … unless you’re having second thoughts…”

“No! No! I love you, I couldn’t live without you,” Sungmin hastily said. “But … us being happy … others aren’t that keen about it,”

“They’ll learn to live with it,” Kyuhyun shrugged. He walked back into the hallway, planning a perfect breakfast for a man that could cook three course meals from a man who couldn’t cook noodles.

“Love you,” Sungmin called. He grinned; he’d have to save the breakfast later.

Kyuhyun yelled a “love you too” in the general direction of Sungmin, then, having second thoughts, walked back and kissed Sungmin, and snuggled up to him, the breakfast lost in the mind.

It was, after all, the perfect way to start the morning. 


And there, we have, the end. Sob sob! :'( I'm sorry it ends so abruptly, but hope this chapter is good! I'm sorry to make Eunhae break up, but I guess Donghae was fed up of Hyuk's interfering :'( Hanchul got back together! Seriously, this fic was about Kyumin so now they are back together, I guess the story ends, right? I'll probably be doing a couple of one-shots or a sequel or something to get Eunhae back together ^^

Love all of you subscribers! ^^ You've been with me for 23 chapters now, and without all of you I couldn't have done it. You've made this story great and everytime I see a comment from one of y'all or a new subscriber it make me proud of my story, and you guys. Your compliments really helped me when I had really bad writers block or I was feeling down (like I often did, and I do now, because it's nearly Christmas and my dad's gone away again, for a WEEK). Thank you all, and I love you. 

Love you all, and see you in the next fanfic!! 


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Chapter 24: Subscribed a while ago but didn't read until now... I liked the plotline and I thought it was pretty well written XD
I might read the sequel one day, and thank you for writing this XD
ilabya14 #2
venzsuju #3
Chapter 23: nice story :D
i dont like with chaptered story, but once i read this, i cant stop myself :)
Chapter 24: I finished this in one night. Kya~
ireadanything #5
i just found this and finish reading it yesterday.. thank god Kyumin back together.. it is happy ending for them, i really don't know why hyukjae like to intefere in other people bussiness.. already subscribe the sequel but not sure when i will read it.. anyway good job!!
ireadanything #6
i just found this and finish reading it yesterday.. thank god Kyumin back together.. it is happy ending for them, i really don't know why hyukjae like to intefere in other people bussiness.. already subscribe the sequel but not sure when i will read it.. anyway good job!!
Although I found some parts very confusing, I really liked the story. Good job.
I will subscribe and start reading this a bit later today :)
awwwwwww .... love this fic >.< ..