He Makes Me Feel Loved

"I'll Give You The World, Sungmin, If You Can Just Return My Love."

Sungmin and Kyuhyun knocked hesitantly on the door of Eunhyuk's flat, breathing steadily, holding hands as they nervously waited for the door to open. It was their first official 'outing' as a couple, and the first time they'd ventured out of Sungmin's flat in three days - just being with eachother, talking, and making love to eachother had seemed to eat up those days. 

Eunhyuk opened the door, squealing when he saw the two men standing in front of him. "Sungmin! Kyuhyun! Come in!" He gestured inside to were Donghae was standing in the living room, busily dusting the table.

"Your early," he told them, hugging Kyuhyun and motioning for him to sit down on the sofa.

"Sorry, Donghae," Sungmin apologized. "Kyuhyun got obessed with a new drama and I had to make sure he got out on time," Donghae laughed and hugged Sungmin, and they both sat down.

"The food will be ready in a few minutes," Eunhyuk said, popping his head around the door. 

"Is there anyone else coming?" Sungmin asked his brother, walking over to help with the food.

"Sungmin, it's okay, you don't have to help. And ... no, no-one else is coming." Eunhyuk twisted his mouth as Sungmin insisited on helping cooking the food. The pair continued to the kitchen.

"So Sungmin, how are you and Kyuhyun?" Eunhyuk asked, chopping vegetables.

"You're like an old gossipy ahjumma," Sungmin complained, lightly hitting Eunhyuk on the shoulder. 

"We haven't seen you for three days," Eunhyuk chuckled. "Been having for all that time?"

A red blush seeped through Sungmin's cheeks. "This time it means more - more to both of us, Hyukjae. It's not just about release. I-I love him," Sungmin said, turning towards the sink and washing his hands.

"Sungmin, I didn't mean to upset you, I was just kidding around," Eunhyuk hugged his brother from behind, whining slightly when Sungmin ignored him. "Please accept my apology."

Sungmin ignored these statements and continued. "He makes me feel loved. All those times I thought about how I rejected him ... and I still feel guilty now. He's doing everything to prove his love but I don't know how to prove mine - does he know how much I love him?"

Eunhyuk pulled away from Sungmin and went back to chopping vegetables. "When me and Hae got together, it was odd. We both felt like we had to prove our love to eachother all the time and it eventually led to stress, trying to outdo eachother in proving it. We took a break for a couple of weeks and never saw eachother. But now it's easy. I know Hae loves me and Hae knows I love him. You just need to settle into that time when you don't always need to prove your love," he said, pouring the vegetables into a pan.

"Thank you for your help, Hyukjae-ah," Sungmin said.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for that," Eunhyuk said, grinning. He turned towards the door when the bell rang, frowning. "Who's that? I'd better go and find out!"

Sungmin walked behind him, crossing the hall and entered the living room, grabbing hold of Kyuhyun's suddenly clammy hand. "What if it's Heechul? Should we go?"

Donghae stood up. Gently, he spoke to Sungmin. "If it is, Sungmin, you need to face up to him sometime," he drew Sungmin into a hug as he burst into tears, patting his back. Kyuhyun soundlessly walked into the hall, where he saw Heechul and Hankyung standing there. He drew in a long breath, noticing how uncomfortable Hankyung was.

"Heenchul-hyung," Kyuhyun greeted Heechul formally, bowing for extra emphasis.

"Where is he? Where is that ... thing?" Heechul said, walking forward until Hankyung pulled him back.

"I'm sorry Hyuk-" Hankyung began to say, but stopped as Heechul interrupted.

"Don't apologize Hannie, we've got some yelling to do." Heechul waved off Hankyung arms and strode past Eunhyuk, pushing himaside like he was a feather.

Donghae and Sungmin came into the hall, Sungmin visibly paling and swallowing. Donghae started, not noticing how tense the atmosphere was. "Heechul, how nice of you to come-"

"I came to see him," Heechul growled, pointing a finger at Sungmin, his finger shaking. Kyuhyun noticed the slur in Heechul's voice and realized his hyung had drinking.

"Heechul, please. Lets talk about this some other time - some other time when you aren't drunk-"

"I'm not DRUNK!" Heechul yelled, pushing Hankyung back. "I need to talk to him, that -"

Hankyung got hold of Heechul's arm, pulling him away from Sungmin as Sungmin, Donghae and Kyuhyun stood there with a horrified look on their faces. Hankyung looked distressed, Heechul was now totally out of it, and Eunhyuk looked .... guilty.

Sungmin's head spun as he tried to work out why his brother looked guilty. As Hankyung managed to drag Heechul out of the door with a muffled 'goodbye' because of Heechul's yells, Sungmin stepped forward and pointed an accusing finger as Eunhyuk.

"YOU! You invited him here because we were! I KNOW you did! Why else would Heechul come?!" Sungmin yelled, not even bothering to acknowledge Eunhyuk as he opened his mouth. "I am NEVER speaking to you EVER AGAIN!" With that, Sungmin slammed out of the flat, dragging Kyuhyun with him.

"I just wanted ... them to talk," Eunhyuk said feebly, looking down at the floor, nearly in tears. "I didn't know he would be drunk!" 

Donghae just looked at Eunhyuk, a withering look that could have come from Heechul himself. "Tell that to Sungmin," he answered, storming off into the bedroom, slamming the door. Eunhyuk stood there, the door slamming in the draught, w wind whistling through.

Eunhyuk threw open the door, and ran out. He had to apologize to Sungmin.


Hey everyone! How was that update? PLEASE don't hate me for not updating in weeks! I got bad writers block T^T I had a ton of idea's from when I was in South Africa but couldn't translate them onto paper! T^T 

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Chapter 24: Subscribed a while ago but didn't read until now... I liked the plotline and I thought it was pretty well written XD
I might read the sequel one day, and thank you for writing this XD
ilabya14 #2
venzsuju #3
Chapter 23: nice story :D
i dont like with chaptered story, but once i read this, i cant stop myself :)
Chapter 24: I finished this in one night. Kya~
ireadanything #5
i just found this and finish reading it yesterday.. thank god Kyumin back together.. it is happy ending for them, i really don't know why hyukjae like to intefere in other people bussiness.. already subscribe the sequel but not sure when i will read it.. anyway good job!!
ireadanything #6
i just found this and finish reading it yesterday.. thank god Kyumin back together.. it is happy ending for them, i really don't know why hyukjae like to intefere in other people bussiness.. already subscribe the sequel but not sure when i will read it.. anyway good job!!
Although I found some parts very confusing, I really liked the story. Good job.
I will subscribe and start reading this a bit later today :)
awwwwwww .... love this fic >.< ..