The Irresistible Heiress
Hyerin's Pov
I look around the place. Where the hell is this address? I asked some people I passed by and gave them the address. "Oh. I'm living in this subdivision too. Follow me." I trailed behind her and she was holding two groceries bag. The place were familiar though. Where did I even saw this? I forgot but really it was utterly familiar.
"This is now my stop. Just search the number gate 109, it is a black automatic gate." She instructed and pointed the right side of the road. I nodded and bid my thanks to her. I look for the number gates until a black gate caught me. *Black automatic gate? Oh it is!* I stared at the number gate and gotcha this is the house. Wow. The house is like a mansion. But this is really familiar.
I was about to press something look like button when the gate automatically open. My jaw dropped at the scenery. It was the same house we went yesterday! It was..it was Luhan's house! Damn it. Does that mean....I'm going to live with that guy?!
I pulled my luggage at the side when a black car stopped in front of me. A man in black took my luggage away and put it on the trunk, pushed me inside the car then drove off to the mansion. I was shocked because it happen too fast that I nearly choked with my lungs. "Yah! Who are you! Is this a kidnapping?!"
He just look at side mirror not bothering to answer my question. Then the car halted in front of the huge door. I'm sure it was Luhan's house. This is really the same. I texted Lay. 'How dare you didn't told me that it was Luhan's house?' I waited for his text but no response.
My face wrinkled when the door open and the boy chauffeur led me to the living room. Maids greeted me as I step on the door, "Welcome to the Lu's mansion!" I bowed and sat down on one of the cushion. My phone vibrated just now then I saw a message from him.
'Haha. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just want you to surprise. So...SURPRISE!' I'm about to turn around when a voice scare the hell out of me. "So it must be you." She said. She was facing my back. Hell. what should I do? On no I don't know what to say. I could've been into embarrassment if I did something wrong. What to do?
"You can actually have some talk with me while facing each other right?" I turned around and she ran to me like a craving mother. Holy . I can't breath. She said Lay told her that I was the one he was talking about staying in their house. Gracious peanut of coconut shells.
Breath in Hyerin. It'll be okay anytime soon. First things first, you need to act like a beautiful witch and show off your one flamboyant self in front of his mom. Good. That handsome slash so-and-so douche bag stinkard reptile gonna get nothing but hell from me.
"Oh my god. Luhan's dad will gonna be happy if he found out that his friend's daughter are staying up here. To add that a beautiful, kind, decent young lady and bam end up you two in a wedding ceremony soon." She fantasized.
I mentally rolled my eyes. That won't ever happen in the history of romance. To think I would marry that scumbag in the future? Not in a million times life. Just wanna tear apart his mouth from babbling nonsense and grab a screwdriver then poke his eyes until it pop out. Jeez. That was so sadistic of me.
She showed me my room and good thing that I wasn't going to room with him.
What the hell am I thinking?
Nope. Not. No way.
I did not think rooming with him.
Darn it. I lied for Pete's sake.
Never mind. I'll going to arranged my things so I can finally take a short nap. Darn. I'm exhausted since from yesterday. Because this Yixing fella annoy the hell out of me during his trainee break. Yesterday before we go to sleep he just made me shut off with his next move—which we have a tickle-battle competition. Nah he just gonna miss my presence.
"So Luhan will not gonna be in home because his training hours was extended. Guess he'll come home tomorrow morning. I can't wait for his reaction." So that douchebag is a trainee also? Which company? Well it wasn't obvious since he has looks and skinny anyway. Pffft.
But if maybe in the future he'll be an idol, poor fans doesn't know how rude this idol they were swooning over. He was unpredictable, spontaneous jerk that I can't really understand sometimes. An atrocious moron who is an epitome of what they called 'perfect-idol'.
Oh that's the reality. Just accept it and stop your incredulity hallucinations towards them. Seriously I had never did fond with Idols or groups. A sacks and bunch of two-faced people whom only had fame and attention. Be a stoic and think wisely around, your one sided love for them will be one sided no matter how long it takes because sometimes they promised ironically.
That's life. Learn how to learn, don't be an epitome of preposterous. You'll just blow up with your emotions when you found that all the thing she/he have said was all a lies. Then blame all the s to their partner? Don't withstand in your idol side and free up your time to hear the one side explanations. What kind of people do that kind of mediocre spontaneously act?
Mrs. Lu toured me around the house. It was a fancy and really big. My room is even bigger than her son's room. I grinned at the thought of that. Seems Mrs. Lu really liked me a lot since she doesn't have daughter. She even called me daughter-in-law. What kind of words is that? Should I be flattered or annoyed?
Minseok called in the middle of my beautiful rest then told me about the job. Oh I almost forgot about it, should I give a gratitude for him for reminding me about it? I guess for some other time. Hehe. I recalled what happen back in Lay's unit. Gah. I'm still allergic with boys though he's my friend but hell he's still a dude.
He's not an exception.
I put on a blue jeans and white see-through hanging blouse, I need to get my in the right time or else that company would fire Jarred. I still don't get myself why I accepted this but then just thinking my brother make me commenced what he started.
I had no idea what is his position in that darn company.
Believed me.
And I have some issues with boys like I said so if that job is freaking like modeling, or whatever skinship it has to do with his job then I'm gonna get going to fly back to Canada and kneel down to my parents that I couldn't work for it.
The next thing I knew I was already standing in front of the huge-magnificent building. Should I go in or wait someone to fetch me here and tell them I'm the one who'll replaced Jarred? Too ironic Hyerin. You're dumb. Of course you'll go first with your feet. How stodgy brain you have.
The hallways were occupied and most of them are engaged with their own works. There was a corpulent man at the very corner. "Ummm. Excuse me? Where I can find Director Lee?" He pointed in the direction of the room where Director Lee can be located.
I bowed before proceeding to the room. I rubbed my hands together before twisting the knob. You can do it Hyerin for your brother. Just think of him and your family then it'll be okay.
A man in his 40s was standing by the window and a cup of coffee in his hands. He looks so scary. I feel my skin hair are rosing up. Calm down. It's not like he's gonna eat you or something. I close the door quietly as I can but before I could finally shut it close, my remaining serene had been vanished when he sets his eyes on me.
The amount of time when he spun around takes less than 3 seconds. Too fast too absorb. I shuddered. He looks really scary and what the heck I'm going to say? Hi I'm Hyerin Shin and I'm Shin Jarred's replacement for a while? Ughhh.
"Then who are you?" Told you. His voice is like a strong venom that almost make me faint.
"I-I'm Shin Hyerin...the re-replacement for Shin Jarred for a while. I'm his sister." Why did I even stammered? That's a freaking embarassing and I'm in a quandary about wether I should try extending my hands for a handshake? But what if he didn't take it? Oh then I'm going to congratulate myself for making a foolish move.
Author's Pov.
Wearing an annoyed look, you came out from the building with your schedule. The weather is not helping you any less. And the frown on your face darkened even more. *What did he think of me? A drab ? Ugh. I'm not going to do that horrendous job. What did he think of my brother? That old rag.*
You rolled your eyes and look down at your hands, examining the schedule he just gave you. Lay called over telling you to visit him on his training. Since when did he began to care? Of course Lay is being Lay.
"Hyerin! Here!" Someone bawled. Proudly walked over your direction with a tired face. Lay waved his hands and shook your thoughts. His fatigue all of a sudden faded and was replaced with excitement. "I thought you'd extend your training hours? Take time to rest Lay. You're overworking yourself and I don't want that",
"But I'm still here and sinewy. Come on Hye Hye. I'll introduce you to my co-members." He was all giddy  and hype already. There was a big door next to the trainees room. Lay guided before twisting the knob. The next thing you knew is you were already standing in front of 11 boys.
You let out a small gasp, and the feeling of hiding behind his back poke you. "Hi?" Lay grabbed your hands and pulled you close to him.
He clouted his hands together gaining others attention. "Guys come here! I invited a friend. Meet Shin Hyerin, my bestfriend".
"Hello! I'm Jongin." A tanned slender guy offered his hand for a shake. Raising a brows at his bold action, just stared it and shrugged. Kai find it a bit rude for first impression. Your arms are crossing, and poker face is the only expression you surpress.
He awkwardly backed away his hands and shrugged off with his eyelids fuming in embarassment. *Snobbish witch.* he named inwardly. The other boys look at him and back to you. Suho—who's the responsible at anything do something beforehand and sent you a charming smile.
Lay nudged you, "Hey. Be nice they'll not going to eat you or something."
"You know me Lay. I'm allergic with strangers so don't push off my limits."
"Hey is that you big hippo?" Then there's your enemy standing in front of huge mirrors and the sweats are all over his body as he wiped his perspiration. You glowered at him and automatically fingers shoot at him. "Don't tell me he's your co-member Lay?" You  asked him but he just shrugged and dragged you at the center.
"So the witch are actually talking huh?" Kai mumbled. Kyungsoo nudged him to shut up but lucky enough for him you didn't heard it. Luhan walked over to you with his usually smug look. "So it was you. This is fate!" He exclaimed.
"More like a disaster. Oh I'll go then. My day was already ruined." You were about to go out when Lay stopped you from doing so. "Don't be like that or I might get mad." You sighed and face them again with an irked expression.
Luhan was giving you a cold shoulder and glares. You met eyes with him but he just rolled his eyes. "I saw what you did there racoon. Come on you're not that cool for that," your brows raised in annoyance. He was holding a bottled water and threw it on your direction.
"Whatever woman. Shut it off." Throwing it back to him, the other boys just stared at the scene in front of them, there's Kai being all furious seeing your rude attitude. His eyes glowered on you, make his way at the center gap before stopping you from throwing . "Who do you think you are?"
The Jongin isn't the innocent Jongin. He's furious knowing the fact that a girl just ignored him like he was infected and need to quarantine. You look at him and Lay then decided to make for it yourself. "I'm human, is that wrong? And thanks for blocking the view so I can't see that douchebag. You're good ."
You slammed the door shut and everyone circled around Luhan and Kai. Lay tried to chase you but you were fast enough for his dislike. "So what's with that attitude Lay? Is she even know how to respect others? You need to teach that woman." Kai spluttered.
"Just understand her. She's an averse when it comes to strangers especially boys. She don't like talking with boys unless it was important or she knew you." Lay tried to explained. Luhan butted in, "But she's talking to me like...I mean..she blabber a lot and throw tantrums." He wondered.
"You're lucky enough she was talking to you though in a rude way."
"Lucky my ." Both Kai and Luhan chorused in distaste.
Lay just sighed and went to look for you.
As he disappeared, Kai slouched down at the floor and rubbed his face. "She thought she can just be like that?" He talk loud out loud gaining others attention. "That hippo is annoying than a witch." Luhan horrendously said and his tone aren't serene.
"No, she's a witch remember?" Kai retorted with a frown.
"You actually named her that? What?" Luhan's trying his best to control his laugher from burtsting as it came out as a muffled.
"Don't talk like that Jongin. Let her be." Suho warned him and dragged his feet  towards the door and patted Luhan's shoulder before closing the door behind.
The other just shrugged their shoulders and went back to their own practice. Kai rolled his eyes inwardly  and mumbled incoherent words that he can only heard himself while Luhan had been struggling the part of the dance steps that the Choreographers instructed to them.
You clenched your fist in disgust as you saw yourself being mortified in front of Lay. *I'm gonna kill you Luhan! I hate you! I HATE YOU!* As you marched down the hallway of the building, a hand grabbed you from behind and was surprised to see your furious face.
"Hey! Why your face looks retarded?"
You scoffed, "And now you still have time to joke around? I'm not amused Lay. Don't talk to me." Yanked off his hands for free before storming out of the building.
But Lay just followed you being the stubborn he is.
"Can you stop following me? You're being creepy."
"I'll stop if you talk to me alright?"
"I'm talking to you right now so what's the point?" You crossed your arms over your chest and turned around to face him only to retreated because he was looking at you and his eyes seems to bore on your socket.
"What's with that stare Lay?" You asked but he just shrugged. He was deadly looking and shooting glares at you. A while ago he's being okay and now his other side are showing cluelessly. "You're too stubborn, aren't your?" He questioned though the answer is obvious.
He saunters at your direction and pick you up, slap your body on his shoulder. The people were eyeing you two as he just ignored them and make his way back to the building and training room. "Yah! PUT ME DOWN LAY!" The struggling strength you have had vanished in a blink of an eye as he clouted your making your eyes split into tiny bits.
Soon enough, he put you down back to the training room and everyone was surprised to see Lay carrying you at first. "Talk." He command. You look at him like he's the most dumb person in the world. Forhead wrinkled, eyes widened, and ignore what he said,
*Ignore him Hyerin. You can make it—* but a hand grabbed you at the side. And pulled you so close. "Talk sweetie. Don't worry I'll protect you when they hurted you okay? I'm here." Luhan's voice echoed in your ears as he planted a soft chaste kiss on your cheeks.
Your eyes widened and ears turned crimson. *Did he just kiss me....did he?!*
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Chapter 3: Wow! I luv this! Pls update, i want to know wat happens next pls?
Chapter 1: Update soon.