The Irresistible Heiress

Luhan's Pov


"Luhan wake up! School is starting up! You girl!" I felt like I was being constricted by something on my thighs. I opened one eye to see my Mom with her arms crossing under her chest. "Mama! Can you stop calling me a girl? Damn. Do I look like a girl? Are you being serious?"

"Luhan, I am not joking so please get your together and get ready for school. Lay will come over by 12 and will fetch you up."

"What? He didn't told me anything that he'll come over. Heck he didn't even fetch me in Airport yesterday. And being a kind unicorn right now? That's....that's fabulous.." I sighed.
"Are you going downstairs or what? Do I need to call your Grandpa over the phone and tell—"
"Okay okay. I get it mama. You talk too much". I shook my head and wash my face before going downstairs.



I just went for a vacation and still there is no progress in this home. I see. Ha. Mom is hiding something from dad. I don't get it why Mom didn't want anyone of us to enter that private library. I mean, I once was caught peeking at the door then Mom didn't give me 1 week allowance.

Like seriously, I don't know what's on there. Dad would always tell me not to go there or not to try something that's related to the library because once Mom found out. She'll kill us both. But the curiousity kills the cat right? I'm the cat and I'm curious.

"Do you want anything, young master?"
"A cup of hot cocoa will do."



I sat on the dining chair and watch her doing my cocoa. I tap my fingers on the table while waiting for my drink until the bell interupted my little trance. My mom look at me more like glaring at me as if she already knows who is that 'someone'. She eyes me one last look before throwing her apron at the corner with her foot stomping on the marble glass tiles.



Seeing her pissed look, I think I know this person already. My brows instantly meet each other and trailed in her behind with my fist balling. Nari, that possessive girl who follows me everywhere. Mom opened the door with a hard blast and raised a brow. Cool. She looks cool on there. "What do you want?" She crossed an arms.



She bowed politely—a fake ones, "Good morning Mrs Lu! Is Luhan's free today?"
"No. He's not he's busy so can you please stop coming here everyday?" Nari noticed me then smiled while her eyes glistened. "LUHAN!" Oh my god. She's coming in my way. She's coming in my way. I raised a brow as she draw on me. Her arms snuggle closer to me.

"What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you not to come here anymore?"



"Seriously Luhan, you didn't change at all. I just want to know if you're alright." She rolled her eyes at me playfully. Then she showed me her ring. I asked her what is it all about and she said that her father gave it to her. "You know dad misses you so much. And I came here so we could go to school together. Its that alright?"

I sighed and shooed her arms away, "Fine fine fine. I'll come with you."
"So is that a yes? May I come in, Mrs. Lu?"



Mom gave me a look before disappearing in my sight and entrust her frustrations on the bananas. Mumbling here and there, showing how pissed she is seeing Nari's foot on the house. Mom really hates Nari. Always been pissed when she saw her. I remember what Mom said before.

"I didn't like that girl Luhan. Would you stop hanging out with her?" Haha. This is when I was 17 years old. Nari was my classmate when I was in high school. What else? I'm a school Kingka and girls were usually following me around. Nari was one of them. In every moment, she would popped out and ruined my peaceful day.



I didn't even remember why we became this closer. Not I mean that we're totally close but I'm used to hang out with her since I don't have that too many friends. Come on, boys were envious of me. Having this kind of face? Who would resist it? "Luhan what are your plans this year?" Nari asked.



I look over my shoulders and sighed. I still didn't think of it. "Dad want me to take over his company. You know I hate doing business s."
"Poor you. I haven't still ask my dad what's his plan for this year and lemme tell you. My goals this year is to get married."

"To get married?" Seriously? Get married? She's still underage and this is what she wants? This girl. I eyed her, "What? You want to get married this year! Are you kidding?" She laughed at my serious remark.
"I'm not sure. Why? Are you jealous?" Her smile reach her ears as she poked me.

"Jealous? Me? Not a thing Nari." I shook my head. Lay called over the phone and told me he will come over. I washed my face after breakfast. "Are you just going to follow me around? Aren't you tired?" Nari shook her head and just continued annoying the hell out of me. Where's that dumb unicorn? I'm tired waiting his to showed up so we can come to school earlier and left this clingy lady.



"Can we just walk together? Lay's not gonna come." She dug her nails on my   arms and pulled me at the gate. Gosh how to get rid of this girl? Jesus Lay. ing turtle to move his so I can get rid off from this horrible scene.

The bell rang simultaneously and I quickly rushed on the gate to greet my buddy. 




Author's Pov.

The sun rays hits your morning sight, curtains were hanging up at the full view of magnificent view from the balcony. Lay has his habit of waking up early in the morning to curled the curtain up so the sun rays will invade the whole room. A groaned escaped your lips. Annoyed by the light that was shining through the open window. Your head was spinning and it really hurts.



You snuggle closer to the hard pillow. And it feels weird. You didn't remember having a pillow beside you last night. *wait? How can a pillow does do breathing? Why I feel something warm air on my neck?* Your eyes shot open.



A pair of arms were tightly holding your waist. You look down when you realized that Lay was hugging you like literally hugging you so close. His head was ducked against your collarbones and his slow breath was hitting your cleavage. I mean to be short, his head was ducked near your chest and his face were too close while your jaw's above his head.



Your eyes widen in horror and you felt him moving his thighs so he could have a better position. Panic—stricken you so you tried to removed his arms but he just completely made you shut off.

"Don't move. I can't sleep." He snuggled more closer.

"Yixing...y-your hands..."
"What about my hands?" In a sudden way, his right eye shot open and look up to see you in rosy tint cheeks. His smile grew wider as he held you tightly against his embrace.

"I didn't think that you were a y beast in bed. Proves me last night."



You look at him in confusion, "What are you talking about?" He pulled away then sat up, "You didn't remember? We kissed last night." Hearing what he said made you to jump out from bed. *Holy mother of god! I'm drunk last night and he is also! We got few sojus for a celebration party...what if...*

"No. We didn't kissed Lay. It's just your imagination. Goodness I might have been into a heart attack!" You waved your hands and shook your head in disapproval. But he just stared at you. "But we just did."



"Wh..what are you saying! Of course it is not true!"
"Detailed or short?"
"What?" You retorted.
"I'm asking you if you want to know. Detailed or short?"



No. No. Lay is being a serious . How come this all happen? So last night Lay went to a convenience store to buy drinks for his celebration party for you. The two of you played together, eat together and drink together. Not wanting to disappoint Lay, you drunk all 5 sojus although it is your first time. He was clueless that he didn't know that the alcohol was starting to hype up your body and make the hormones go wild.



So many things had been played. Lay is actually not drunk. He's the type of person who's not easily can passed out. And out of nowhere you suddenly flush on his direction and your both lips crashed into each other unexpectedly. Until you went passed out. Clueless.

"So...it actually did happen?" Your eyes rounded in shock, grab something hard and throw it on Lay. He dodged the first thing but to be followed with a hard punch on his biceps. "How dare you Yixing! I thought we're friends but how can you take an advantage of me?! I hate you! Go away!"



"Ow ow ow. Easy! It is just a simple french-kiss! What's the big deal?"
"Simple french-kiss? Really? What's the big deal? This is...ridiculous!" Your both nose and eyes are flaring out in furious. Hello? It's french-kiss and he said that it is not a big deal? You hate boys especially with strangers. But Lay, Minseok and Jarred are exceptional.



"And I'm not the one who did it first. Very funny Hyerin. You sounds cool huh? You want me to check the CCTV? Im asking you if detailed or short so you won't be clueless." He rolled his eyes.

Your sigh came into a deep before nodding fully your head. "Detailed."



"So last night we got drunk no you're drunk and you flushed into me like a lightning speed and jab me hard on my...opps you know what I mean. We did it on the couch and we end up in the bed. You seduced me so I didn't know some how to control myself and we got then you harassed me in the toilet—ouch! What's wrong with you?"

"You just make it exaggerative. Holy . I don't believe you that I actually did that!" You protested and throw another slap on his head. He groaned first before shooting a glare at your direction. "You're asking me for details and I told you! what's wrong with that?"

*Calm down Hyerin. Relax! Just chill yourself and nothing happen.*



Then you started throwing s on his direction. "You lil libertine!"
"Hey! I was just joking. It is jus 4-7 second kiss. Don't take it seriously. As if I like it in the first place." He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you say dude. Not that it was our first time did that goddamn kiss." You rolled your eyes and hopped off to change your clothes from yesterday. He tried to hide his laugh but end up as a muffled. You look at him and raised your fist in an attempt to punch him. He just bit his lips and grinned.



You look at your luggage through the room. Lay slumped down on the bed to continue his sleep. *Wait. Something's not right. What. How the hell my luggage turn into light blue?! Last time I check it was dark blue...*



Shrugging, you opened it and grabbed the first thing you touch. Your eyes rounded in shock. "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" You shouted in horror and stood up abruptly. "Yixing! You moron! Where's my luggage?! And how the hell a men's boxer was in my luggage?!" Lay hastily rose up and look at you. His forehead creased and he was frowning.



"What's wrong with your luggage?" His eyes then shifted, after a while he burst out in laugher. He look at you teasingly and pointed to the underwears.
"Don't tell me you're a—"
"NO. I don't even know why I have that stupid thing and...and you were the ones who take it yesterday! You stupid! You rolled it yesterday and—" then it snapped you out of something from yesterday's scene. Your eyes doubled up, fingers sharply pointed to the luggage. "I accidentally exchanged luggage with that ! Oh my god! This is just...so ludicrous!"



Lay laughed at your silly tone then ask you to look for informations inside the luggage. You rummage through on it and the frustrations you have was entrusted with your hair. "Stop pulling your hair. It'll not help you. Dumbo."

Finally, you found an I.D card at the side. "Look here it is. His name is....I don't know how to read Chinese."
Lay snatch it away, "Let me read it." You look at him and he has a serious face. Then after a few seconds he look at you.
"What's wrong? Is he a kidnapper? As shop-lifter?"
He scratched the back of his head and told you to sat beside him. "Actually the truth is he's my friend."



"Oh a friend. That's nice. Th—what? He's your friend? That ugly hobo?!" You exclaimed and was shock by what he said. It was ironic on what you truly expected such as his name is blah blah he lives in blah blah. But the least you expect is, Lay and that guy were actually a friends. He nodded.

"He's nice. Don't talk to him like that. If you will know him personally you will know how good he is." Lay defended his friend. Well actually Luhan is nice to the person he was closest to. "More like how good he is on bed..." You mumbled,






You slumped down on the couch as you wait Lay to finish his school stuffs. He want you to come to his school so you won't get bored doing nothing at his unit. Of course being the giddy person you are. Even if Lay won't ask you you'll suggest it just to escaped boredom world. "Yixing aren't you done? I thought you will fetch that so I can get my precious luggage?"



"I'm done! You go first at the car. I'll just call him." He shouted from upstairs. You frowned and stuck your tongue out. You tap your foot on the hard asphalt, inhaling the unfamiliar scent of the atmosphere that surrounding you. Feeling a bit annoyed, you glowered at his car and decided to talk on it.

"Hey you! Why are you huh? Now Yixing's attention are all on you. I hate Xing Xing! He said he will come out anytime soon but he doesn't keep his promise to me..." Your frowned halted as voice whispers in your ears.



"Talking to to car won't solve your tedium, Hye Hye. Jeez. You're so stubborn..didin't I tell you to go first in? Go go go!" He pushed you inside the car and did his famous smirk. *What's wrong with people pushing me? Goodness. First is my parents, second is Minseok and now Yixing?*



The drive weren't silent because the both of you catch up some things. Like Lay got accepted as a trainee on one of the biggest company in Korea. So from the first, his dream is to become an idol someday and now he's trainee he can't ask for more. Living in a perfect life, having a friend like you, Jarred and Minseok, and his other friend Luhan was enough.



"Damn. You're luckier than I expected. Because Jarred's still in coma I need to take over his job here in korea so Mom and dad sent me here. The funny thing is I hate Korea," he laughed at your statement. Dimples were emerging from his cheeks.

"Don't laugh at me. It's not even funny!" He surrendered his hands up in the air then chuckled. The car engine he commence strike into a full lightning speed. "Goodness Yixing! Do you want me to die? You drive like an ugly cheetah." He just ignored your tantrums and focus on the road. If this is just only a Car Tournament, he'd been in the first line.



"We're here." He said and slid down the tinted window and the first thing greeted you is the Beautiful Mansion and you jaw dropped. "Aren't you going to come out?" He asked then dusted his pants before hopping off, fix his hair from the side mirror and come out. You were still in awe that you didn't hear what he said.

He knocked your forehead out of the blues and told you to come out quickly so he wouldn't get scold by his bestfriend. "I'm surely double doomed. First I forgot to fetch him yesterday then now I'm late. Damn it." He mumbled and you trailed behind, looking so preposterous.

*Wow. This mansion are bigger than mine. That is a lucky man.*

The view from outside is looking so gorgeous. Everything. The magnificent landscape garden, a fountain in the center, and at the end of it is the White Big House. Your feet were becoming wobble from the struggling point of you to pulled the ing luggage of your enemy. "This is my worst day I swear!" You hollered.



"Seems no one's here." Lay poked the doorbell several times but there was no respond and you were getting annoyed. "You can actually call and tell him that you're already here. Seriously? Do I really need to remind you? How can my life be like this..." You sighed in completely annoyance. And pushed back your remaining patient.

Lay was about to press the green botton when suddenly the Wooden door flung open

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Chapter 3: Wow! I luv this! Pls update, i want to know wat happens next pls?
Chapter 1: Update soon.