Encounter II


"Can I use some company?" I looked up at her after giving her order.

 "I'm kind of busy, you know," I replied.

 "Oh, I thought I could have someone to talk to but I guess I have to just finish my order alone," she bowed her head picking up the glass of iced chocolate.

I found myself grinning at her sullen state, "Trying to make me feel guilty?" I asked.

She chuckled," It didn't work," she replied.

 Perhaps Luhan will not get mad at me if I talk to her. I do need a break after a long day. I took the opposite seat, "So what do you want to talk about?"

She smiled and crossed her arms, "Why do you insist on serving me every day?"

"Does it scare you?"

"Nope, I just find it quite intriguing that you never give others the chance to take my orders."

"Then, what conclusion can you derive from that?"

She smiled, "Are you trying to make me answer my questions myself?"

"Should we get to know each other first?"

"Shim Hee Ra," she reached for a handshake.

"Kim Min Seok, but you can call me Xiumin," I replied taking her hand.

"So let's get back to the question," she started after retrieving her hand.

"Well, I cannot embarrass myself today in front of you," I replied trying to prolong the time.

"How could you embarrass yourself? You're just going to answer my question."

"It's kind of…"

"Ok, let me rephrase it. Are you stalking me?"

"Let me first define stalker. A stalker is someone who tries to be everywhere you are, but I am not anywhere near you outside the café."

"Ok, so why are you doing the job of serving me every day?"

"Because I like to do so."

"Hmmm…. You are a college student?"

"Yeah, but I take night classes. During the day, I do my shift here."

"Where university are you studying?"

"The nearest university in this block,"

"Taking up?"

"Marketing, and how about you?"

"Were actually on the same university but I am taking up International Relations."

She looked at me," Night classes starts when?"

"3 in the afternoon down to ten. After my classes I go back in here to help Luhan close the café."

"What do you do aside from being a waiter?"

"I do dancing, even participates on night competitions."

"Luhan is your friend?"

"No, my best friend and the owner of this café. If you will notice, all of us here were close friends but I am more close to him than the others."

"Childhood friends?"

"Yeah." She took a sip on her drink. We shared a moment of silence.

"Should we be getting back to work?" Luhan interrupted our silence.

She looked up at him, "You can charge it on me."

"It's not that I want to disturb the two of you, but its working hours," Luhan explained.

 I guess, it's enough already to know a bit of her. Luhan is the business minded type of guy. Every second counts for him.

"Yeah, I guess I need to get back to work," I stood and excused myself.

 "Wait!" she called over.

I turned around, "Yeah?"

"Will I find you here at 10 this evening?"

"I'm always in here to help Luhan," I smiled and turned around to get the next tray to be served.

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loves2717 #2
Chapter 5: Destiny it is..... its so sweet!!!!!!
Moonlighting #3
Chapter 5: Wow! That was I mean IS awsome everything was well put together.Omg that is so good I love it good job,author-nim!!