'to be realistic'

Lost and Found



No one's POV :



To be honest, neither Ara or Sehun believe in fate.


Every time other people mentioned the word 'fate' in front of their faces, they will frowned and said, 'No, there's no such things as fate'.

They already made a conclusion that things such as fate or coinsidence are only in fairytale and dramas.

As soon as they heard the word, they will wear the cold expression.

No, it's not because they have no fantasies. No, it's also not because the word is illegal or a curse word.

They choose not to believe it. Neither Ara and Sehun have different personalities and interest, but they do have the same commitment.



To be realistic.



Both of them have already made future plans. Like what will they do in the next 5 years, where will they live, when will they get retire, how will they survive if there's an earthquake or something horrible happen. Yes, they are people who full with ambition. But there's one thing, that they haven't planned. This one things gets Ara sleepless, makes Sehun's wandering. Behind those cold and cool expressions, of course they still should think about it.

But, the more they think about it, the more confused and headaches they got.


They haven't planned about it.

No, they just can't planned this one matter. It killing them slowly. It breaks their mental.







Who will they get married to?


With whom they will spent the rest of their lives with?






They're still young. There's still long journey awaits for them. They're still in their 20's and sometimes married, they thought, will come over time.

There's is no fall planned. It's called fall in love because it's unintentional.


Yes, sometimes in their daydreams, they have a picture of them with their loved ones. Even though work is their priority for now, they also human, young people with feeling. They have hopes and dream. They would smiling by imagining how happy they will be if they really found the one.


No, their dreams are not that high, to married someone rich or famous.

They have one simple wish, to let fate brings them together once again. If they can ask for one thing, met each other again will be their wish.

They didn't ask much, just to see each other faces and knowing that his or her lives going fine and well will be enough for them.



But, sadly, they also have the fact about their personalities that they can't change. So hard until it forced them to wake up from dream world to this cruel world.

The reality that made the hopes and dreams breaks into pieces.







. . . . to be realistic









To be honest, Ara and Sehun didn't believe in fate. They thought it wasn't real.




Wasn't real.





Until now.





Because, it looks like fate has granted their wish.








Hey thereeeee~~~

I'm so sorry for short update

I'm so busy lately and my computer just got fixed *yeayyy*

Please keep anticipating and waiting for more updates ~~!!

I think I'll be updating in 2 or 3 days from now

Thank you for read my stories

and I hope you enjoy it

Gamsahamnidaaa *bow*











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tingting929 #2
I'm sorryyyyyy~ i have to repair my computer again, something is definitely wrong with my computer ㅠㅠ
Its already past 3 days authornim please update :''♥♥
Omg xie xie ni gegee ..... sarang-sarang tawon ting-tingahh

Dont phpin i again okay wkwk lol xoxo
tingting929 #5
Chapter 7: to hug-able dongsaeng tacii :
this will be your birthday present okayyy~

I'll try to update again in 2 or 3 days okay~~
Chapter 6: Aduh saya mau gila karna sehun authornim
Weh kamu update cepatttt -.....-
tingting929 #9
Sabar taciiii tugas menumpuk --"