
Gracious Wishes

"Hey, thanks for accompanying me," Luna said to her newly-befriended classmate who accompanied her down to the canteen. "I thought I'd be lonely since I'm new here," she added and both of them smiled.

"You know, we don't really get much new classmates, especially since it's the last year of school," Sulli said. Luna nodded in understanding.

Just then another girl approached the table and sat down beside them. The two were shocked to realise who it was.

"Krystal?" Luna and Sulli said at the same time.

"What?" Krystal replied in annoyance. "It's normal to eat."

Sulli nudged Luna and both of them looked at each other. Luna gave a nervous giggle and gave a short glance at Krystal, before continuing with her meal. 

"You actually eat do you," Luna asked as she looked at Krystal's appetite. 

"Sometimes, when I'm not annoyed at people," Krystal answered after an exasperated sigh before feeding herself to another large mouth of rice.

"Where do you usually eat then?" Sulli questioned.

Krystal placed her utensils down and blankly looked at them. Luna was taken aback by her cold eyes, but nevertheless believed that there would be something about Krystal that made her a good person- Krystal hadn't done anything bad yet either. Luna believed that there would be some good in everyone, it's just a matter of how much. And for Luna, that how much in Krystal constituted to not little.

In that usual dry voice Krystal replied, "the rooftop."

"Let's go there!" Luna enthusiastically said, and Sulli turned towards her in surprise.

"What?" the other two at the table narrowed their eyes at the shorter girl at the table, questioning her thoughts and ideas, but they soon gave in when the girl's warm and bright personality began to overpower them. 

"Not now, right?" Krystal asked, her eyebrows still furrowed.

Luna laughed a little. "Maybe not," she answered, and the three continued with their meal.

The three girls soon relocated themselves away from the table after they have completed their lunch. They proceeded on clearing their plates, while Krystal (and maybe Sulli) hoped that Luna might have forgotten about going to the rooftop. 

However, Luna mentioned the rooftop again and Krystal, ungrudgingly of sorts, agreed to do so without much hesitation. They had lots of time anyway, and Sulli too used that reason to follow them to the rooftop. Some fresh air is good anyway. 

"Oh hey, Jung Soojung I was looking for you-"

"Don't call me that," Krystal instinctively reacted before she even realised who it was. "Oh it's you guys?" her eyes widen in surprise. 

"Yes it's us, and we've been wanting to meet you," Krystal was suspicious of that sneaky smile, albeit she couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness to be noticed by them. The popular girls in school, she breathed. 

"Oh so you have brought your friend along," another girl from that group walked over, and they all narrowed their eyes at Luna. 

"And who is that behind?" another girl questioned, and Krystal turned around to face Sulli. "Oh you, I've seen you before," she continued, raising an eyebrow. 

"Come back here after school, alone," the supposed leader approached Krystal and whispered at her shoulder, leaving Krystal startled.

This one's a bit longer, if that's okay? And I hope the Sulli cameo was okay too! She'd be making an appearance for the next few chapters, as well as those naughty girls (okay I really dk what to call them but I don't wanna use any vulgarity). Haha I wasn't really expecting myself to update so soon either??? Hahaha thank you for reading! :)

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{ gracious wishes } i contemplated putting the whole story out, the ending that i've finished writing, but decided not to. this story will be discontinued.


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Chapter 14: Happy new year! Well good thing you're updating otherwise i wouldn't be able to wish you a happy new year :p
ahmahs #2
Chapter 14: Yeah! This update was unexpected haha. Your phone though:( Although there're no promises to finishing the story, I'm happy and satisfied with just reading your writing hehe
ahmahs #3
Chapter 14: I'm glad that you are feeling fine. But all the best to f(x) and Sulli!
Chapter 14: Yeah it's kind of expected already. I'm atually happy about this. Cos forcing someone who doesn't have any interest to be an idol anymore only taking the whole group down. And that's not a good thing. I want them to give their best on the next comeback, no more lackluster performance, no more halted promotion, no more sad faces!
All the best for sulli's acting career, and hope that the girls still supporting each other.

Ah, and also...
Hope you'll update soon ;)
Chapter 14: I feel the same way about Sulli..hope you update soon cuz I can't wait to see what's next!
ahmahs #6
Chapter 12: That was an unexpected plot twist (for me) because I was starting to like Yeri. By the next few chapters i think I will be able to memorise their (red velvet) names haha. But wah how did you manage to write this during this time
Chapter 12: What just happened!???
YOU updated 3 chaps????
Thats cool thats cool!!!!!!!!!!

I was starting to like this yeri girl...not until the last bit.
What are they planning??? Hmm...
Tao and luna tho ;-;
What abot krystal? Who are u gonna pair her up with....?
I dun really want some guy to take her away.. So i just hope she'll remain single until the end. Hahaha~

Update soon please XD
ahmahs #8
Chapter 13: Very happy for you that you manage to recover your files:) (All your efforts did not go to waste)
ahmahs #9
Chapter 10: Hehe their interactions are very cute, with Luna being shy, nervous and all. On a side note, Butterfly is very nice! It's one of my favourite korean osts:) It's currently playing my head now haha
Chapter 13: Yay!!!!!! Good on you!!! Lolol
Well, i'm happy for you :)