
Gracious Wishes

It was another lonely night when Krystal was alone at home, trying to complete her school assignments as well as recover as much as she could from all that has been as a form of revision. She constantly questioned herself in why she was doing so, but for some reason or another she didn't want to feel like an outcast. If everyone is studying, you study too, she reasoned to herself. She was puzzled that she would actually care about whether she was an outcast or not, because it was since forever when she started being inclusive and did not want to be around people. She stopped after her concentration span dropped to a zero and turned in for bed.

Krystal stared at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep yet again. You aren't supposed to sleep much in high school anyway, she heard a voice say in her head. She shook her head and tried to bring the thought of her studies out of her mind. She had always thought of how she was not hardworking enough and might not be able to do well for her promotion exams to university, but she thought that to be able to get into a local one was already a privilege. She used to convince herself that she could get into one if they were to get back to America.

She bit her lip at the thought of returning to America. She could barely remember America, because she was only a kid of four years old when they left and came to Korea. She pondered. She tried to recall why she wanted to return to America, but could not remember clearly and came to a rough conclusion that she just didn't like being around people. However, it didn't make much sense either because she would still be around people in America. She thought that it was because she wanted change. On the other hand, if she were to return, she would have to leave everything here- she didn't have much, but she felt a sense of attachment somewhere. Jessica, she thought, but it didn't feel right because Jessica would certainly return with her. She closed her eyes, and the image of Luna appeared. She was startled, but after a while reasoned that Luna has indeed made a change in her school days.

It had been a week since Luna had come into her life, and she was starting to feel different around Luna. She groaned, for she did not want something similar to happen with Luna as happened with Kai. Of course it wouldn't be too similar because Luna's a girl instead, but Krystal was still conscious of being too attached. She sighed and rolled around once again. It was not long before exhaustion from the day finally took over her and she was sound asleep.

HERE IS AN UPDATE! I bet you didn't expect one coming HAHAHHA I didn't either. But all the stress from school made me wanna write some light-hearted fic so here it is. My ongoing ones (one exoshidae schoollife, another ot9/soshibond drama) require lots of thinking and I'm too tired for that :( But tbh I had to reread this fic in order to regain the grasp of what this was about and ya. At least I completed another chapter! Thank you for the support so far :)

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{ gracious wishes } i contemplated putting the whole story out, the ending that i've finished writing, but decided not to. this story will be discontinued.


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Chapter 14: Happy new year! Well good thing you're updating otherwise i wouldn't be able to wish you a happy new year :p
ahmahs #2
Chapter 14: Yeah! This update was unexpected haha. Your phone though:( Although there're no promises to finishing the story, I'm happy and satisfied with just reading your writing hehe
ahmahs #3
Chapter 14: I'm glad that you are feeling fine. But all the best to f(x) and Sulli!
Chapter 14: Yeah it's kind of expected already. I'm atually happy about this. Cos forcing someone who doesn't have any interest to be an idol anymore only taking the whole group down. And that's not a good thing. I want them to give their best on the next comeback, no more lackluster performance, no more halted promotion, no more sad faces!
All the best for sulli's acting career, and hope that the girls still supporting each other.

Ah, and also...
Hope you'll update soon ;)
Chapter 14: I feel the same way about Sulli..hope you update soon cuz I can't wait to see what's next!
ahmahs #6
Chapter 12: That was an unexpected plot twist (for me) because I was starting to like Yeri. By the next few chapters i think I will be able to memorise their (red velvet) names haha. But wah how did you manage to write this during this time
Chapter 12: What just happened!???
YOU updated 3 chaps????
Thats cool thats cool!!!!!!!!!!

I was starting to like this yeri girl...not until the last bit.
What are they planning??? Hmm...
Tao and luna tho ;-;
What abot krystal? Who are u gonna pair her up with....?
I dun really want some guy to take her away.. So i just hope she'll remain single until the end. Hahaha~

Update soon please XD
ahmahs #8
Chapter 13: Very happy for you that you manage to recover your files:) (All your efforts did not go to waste)
ahmahs #9
Chapter 10: Hehe their interactions are very cute, with Luna being shy, nervous and all. On a side note, Butterfly is very nice! It's one of my favourite korean osts:) It's currently playing my head now haha
Chapter 13: Yay!!!!!! Good on you!!! Lolol
Well, i'm happy for you :)