
The Rising Stars



 OK....maybe waking up Sunday morning with a really bad sun burn and a headache wasn't the way I wanted to start my first day as a trainee but meh. Aspirin is a lovely thing and so is aloe vera.


 Hm....lets see my schedule for today is....go to the SM Entertainment building and practice my life away with GEMS, then go to lunch with the whole entertainment including SM himself...and that was pretty much it.


 After getting dressed in a pink spaghetti strap shirt,white shorts and pink converse I headed out with my....very loud and obnoxious brother.


  “Chaeri hurry up your gonna be late for your first day as a trainee.” He said as he rushed me to his black mustang convertible.


  “YAH! Slow down. The other girls aren't even awake yet and I wanna eat breakfast.” I yelled practically in his ear.


  “Ok.....jeesh.” He said leaving me to go at my own pace to the car.


 After going to the nearest restaurant, me and him ate,since we both had hard core practice today, and then headed for the entertainment.


 After my brother gave me directions as to where the trainee's practice rooms were I headed there.


  “HI UNNIE” Miri yelled from across the room...oh great....first day of practice and I get stuck in the room with the hyper one while we wait for our other members and our trainer, who i've heard will become our manager after we debut.


 Slowly but surly everyone came in. First Jihan,then J-Woo(J-Kat),then HyunAe. After waiting for about five minutes HyunAe showed up with our trainer.


  “Hello girls. As you can tell I am your trainer and i'm sure you've heard I will also be your manager after you debut. My name is Cho Sooyun and I am 19-years-old. I know I am young, but SM hired me especially for you girls. From what I know I am the youngest manager ever to be a trainer right away. Also I was hired because of the reviews they had on me...and they wanted me to be here for you guys....hmmm....since I am around your age group I hope we can all get along and be friends. You girls look like a....nice bunch of people. Just call me Sooyun unnie.” Our trainer/Sooyun unnie said introducing herself....and explaining why she was a trainer/manager when she was so young. I mean come one...she is a year younger that HyunAe...that's just epic.


 After we introduced ourselves and our position in the group she gave us a was a song called Hello. After starring at the sheet for a while I realized the similarities in it.


  “MIRI-AH.....THIS IS THE SONG YOU WROTE LAST MONTH!!!!!!!” I yelled to Miri who was across the room looking as shocked as me.


  “It is? That Myon...he must have given it to the director that butthole...imma get him at home later.” She said as she started to plot ways to injure her twin brother.


 After hearing our manager laugh at our maknae's complete weirdness we knew she was gonna be awesome...i mean i've heard my brothers trainer is creepy..and doesn't laugh period. inward shudder


  “ that that is over with....Miri-shi since this is your song I leave it to you to choreograph it...seeing as you are the song writer and choreographer of the group. As for you Chae Rin you can help her since you are the dancing machine and leader of the group. Jihan and J-Kat you can work on your rap parts in the song and HyunAe you can come talk with me and tell me about everyone.” Sooyun unnie said as she gave directions to everyone.


 After agreeing we all started to do what we needed to do. After about 30 minutes, me and Miri-ah had more than the beginning part done so we ran the moves by everyone and waited for Sooyun unnie to approve or not. After she gave us a thumbs up me and Miri told Jihan and J-Kat that they would make the choreography for the rap part while me and her found out a way to work around that so that us three,me,Miri,and HyunAe,could dance around them while they rap.


 After many hours of dancing and singing we had most of it down. Being as it was nearly 8:00pm we all left to get ready for the dinner that was planned by SM.


 I wore a nice strapless light pink dress that went a little pass my knee's and black three inch heels,Miri wore a purple halter top with a white skirt that went a little past her thigh with nice white tights underneath (also some shorts seeing as the tights don't do much but cover her legs),and purple converse,Jihan wore a blue spaghetti strap shirt with black capris and black converse(we all dig the converse),J-Kat wore a light green spaghetti strap floor-length dress with a darker green bow tied in the back and silver two-inch heels,and HyunAe wore a dark pink halter top with black designs on the chest area with black shorts that went past her thigh w/ black tights underneath to cover her legs and black and pink ballet flats.


 Walking into the restaurant we all went to the area in the back that was reserved for SM Entertainment. Sitting in our assigned seats I noticed we were near our boyfriends. I was sitting next to Kris,Miri was next to Tao,Jihan was next to Luhan,J-Kat was next to Shinee's Taemin,HyunAe was next to CN Blue's MinHyuk(who isn't apart of SM,but is dating HyunAe and was invited), even Sooyun unnie was next to SUJU's Sungmin(hehe unnie has a boyfriend).


 After we all ate and talked about random stuff 3 waiters came out with a giant table. SM stood up and motioned for DM to stand with him. After DM stood up SM smiled then turned to us at the table then said “Because of these boys very hard work and dedication for the last 4 years they have been here,and for also giving us a new girl group,I am proud to announce that DM are no longer trainee's and will have their debut as soon as possible.” SM said finishing the speech.


 After everything sank in me and my group tackled our brothers to the ground congratulating them...over and over and over....again. After eating cake we all went home happy that tonight was great. After everyone had gone to their cars,minus me and Kris,I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back and moved closer to me. After he was close enough he grabbed my hand and kissed it. I looked away blushing like an idiot. He laughed while I just kept starring at the ground. After telling him I need to go because my brother was waiting for me I turned to leave. Kris grabbed my wrist was hugged me tight to his body. Slowly I hugged him back and snuggled into him chest giving into him finally. After releasing each other I looked up at him and smiled again. As he leaned closer I stood on my tiptoes (damn tall people) and our lips met for the first time. When our lips touched a shock ran through my body making me pull him closer to me...only increasing the shock. Slowly I pulled away from him and after a second the shock subsided. After we said bye to each other again,this time with me actually leaving,I went to my brothers car and we went home....hmmm...who knows maybe I can fall for Kris...well damn....i guess i'll just have to wait and see where everything goes from here. I'll tell Daesung about this later and hopefully he'll understand...hopefully...after that thought I crashed out in my brothers car waking up the next morning in my bed. o.o

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Chapter 5: update soon^^