
Half Vampire, Half Love??!!!

Gui Gui couldn't make that feeling go away.

She gulped down the glass of water she was holding, her head was hurting, beads of sweat trickled down her forhead as she looked across the camp fire. She wasn't sure of anything right now, actually, it has been a while since she's sure of anything. 

Her neck was still red with blood, her temperature was still high, and her heart still raced as if it were on steroids.

Looking across, she sees Wang Zi putting Veronica to sleep. She forced a smile when he looked up at her. After a while of watching Wang Zi rock Veronica too sleep, she sees him laying her down on a make-shift bed he made. He settles her and finally looks back at Gui Gui. 


He headed straight next to her. "Hey." 

Gui Gui frowned, an ominous feeling loomed over her. "Hi"


"I'm sorry about how I acted before, and you know, about being a ruthless jerk." He smiled at her. She stared at him for a while.

"It's okay."

She didn't want to bring up what happened this afternoon, she didn't want to remember.


"Can you feel that?" Wang Zi stopped dead on his tracks,. Gui Gui shakes her head, but she holds Veronica tighter. She was getting ready, getting ready to feel an uninvited presence, but she couldn't feel it. She felt vulnerable all over and she was scared. She heard a thud a few meters away. And it doesn.t help that they're in a forest and it's already dark. The sun went down minutes ago, and the light they carried was too small to see three feet in front of them. 


"Please- please save me." A hand grabbed Wang Zi's arm. He reached for his knife and sliced the arm of the bloody creature.


It was a vampire. 


"Please, I just need a drop. Please. The smell, itt's everywhere, the vampires are going berserk, please." The vampire who appered to be an old man, looked straight into Gui Gui's eyes. She stared back, it was like she was staring at an innocent man, at the verge  of a mental breakdown, almost as if he'll go crazy any moment. 


He tries to reach for her hand, Gui Gui initially wanted to back away but something made her move closer. Wang Zi realized this and tried to hold her, to no avail, he still cannot touch her. He was ready to strike the vampire, Gui Gui was drawing closer.


Wang Zi didn't hesitate, he pulled his silver knife and held it high and ready to strike. Just then, the tip of Gui Gui's finger touched the tip of the vampire's. 


Suddenly his eyes bled red. He touches his face and looks mortified, he opens his mouth, "ah" he stops "ahh"and he stops, he looks up and lets out a scream of pain and he caught fire. 

He cries out in burning agony and his blazing hands tries to catch Gui Gui's but she backs away and watches im burn. Wang Zi, who's also in shock turns around. 


"The smell of the smoke, it's as sweet as honey." A vampire, and not just one but three. 


Wang Zi rushes forward to block all three, he shouts "Run!" but Gui Gui doesn't move, she stays statued in her place, clutching on Veronica for dear life. Wang Zi tries to fight off the three, looking at the corner of his eyes, he saw Gui Gui with blank eyes.


He becomes pissed. "You are carrying a child in your hand, RUN!" 


She doesn't move. 


He strikes a vampire in the heart and he turns into smoke never to return. Another attacks Wang Zi.


"For God's Sake, wake up!" She doesn't hear.


He blocks the attack on time, half-focusing n the other one who might just attack Gui Gui, he tries to strike the enemy but misses. The enemy jumps forward to him and almost bites his left arm. He doges just in time.


She's going to die. A voice in his head said. But he couldn't let  that happen. He strikes the enemy once more and straight to the heart. He vanishes into thin air. 


Just as he got his breathe from the last one he killed, he saw the last vampire smirk, as if everything was according to plan. As if he was so ready to torture him by making him watch. Because as just he was about to turn to run to her, he moves. And in a split second, his hands were around her neck. 


She gasped, as if just fully understanding the situation, her free hand flailed around while the other held Veronica. 


The vampire stared at her, and smiled. A smile so malicious it sent shivers down her spine. Wang Zi was quick, he pulled out a gun. Aimed at the vampire


and shot for his head. Gui Gui droped to the ground, coughing.

He went to her. "Look at you. You're irresponsible." he stares at her with cold eyes. Gui Gui sees this and is on the verge of crying. His eyes trailed to her neck. "And you're suprisingly human. What a waste." He dropped his knife on the floor for Gui Gui to pick up. "Use that to protect yourself, I don't care about some lowly human." 


Gui Gui stared at the knife, just then blood dripped on the silver blade that reflected the bright moonlight. It was her blood. Blood was dripping from her wounded neck.


Wang Zi, couldn't take the silence anymore. "Anyways that's it. I'm going to patrol the area, you go and sleep next to Veronica." He stood up and put his hands on his hips. Gui Gui looked at his towering figure.

"He-" She was about to call him but it was like she just woke up from a dream, in a split second she felt her body being to somewhere and then she opened her eyes to see that she's sinside a caravan.


Her heart races like her life depended on it. 




How many years has it been? Ahh. It's been so long. Time goes by really fast. How are you guys? Let me know in the comments. I know I've been gone but I'll explain, maybe in the later chapters.

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fairytaill #1
Chapter 19: i honestly thought it was going to be one of those fanfiction that go on hiatus and never update ever again. I'm happy to see that it not the case for this. i really like the story and please continue, i know it's hard to write but your readers are supporting you.
Chapter 19: Finally, you update it ^_^
Thanks for continuing this fanfic XD
Looks like I have to re-read everything again, lolzzz .... becoz it's been so long and I kinda forget the flow of the story :|
I will catch up everything again^^
I am so glad that you didn't abandon it :D
Fighting!! XD
looks interesting
AaronGuiGuiforever #4
Chapter 18: Update soon Please!!!
I so love the story so much!
And good luck with your school, I really know how you feel, i feel like that too when im at school.
But anyways I'll support you no matter what and again
Update soon, GuiLun Jiayou Fighting!!!! :)))
Chapter 18: UPDATE SOON!! hope Aaron will remember soon:D
jenny24 #6
Chapter 18: Update soon:)Jia you for your school . Hopefully Aaron found gui gui.
lucky9606 #7
please update soon
I really like this story
what is going to happen to Gui Gui and her son
and will all the vampires remember her?
jenny24 #8
Chapter 16: Update soon.Who is Gui Gui?
update soon :)