Wang Zi Sr.

Half Vampire, Half Love??!!!


Please I need to do something she begged herself and found his hand slowly drifting away, No, it was not his hand, it was her who was drifting away. Away in some kind of vortex. In a dark hole. She closed her eyes and heard vintage honks around, eerie trees through some open windows. She's not in the caravan anymore, she opened her eyes. Where am I?



She heard a baby wailing behind her. She looked behind her and found a mother trying to calm her baby. She looked around. She was still, in a way, whole, in one piece. The next question was


"Who am I?" She asked herself. I can't remember a thing.


"Hey." A voice spoke beside her.


She was in a bus. In the  eighteenths. 


She looked at the boy beside her. "You've been quiet the whole trip, are there any problems?" He asked, his eyes full of concern. 


"I've been here the whole trip?" She asked confused by the boy.


"Yeah, you were early and walked up those steps and sat down beside me. But you've been very quiet just staring into space." He said.


" Do you know where we are?" She cocked her head to her sides, a sure sign of innocence


"Of course. We are in London. The year 1811." He smiled and knew exactly what she asked for, the place and year.


"Do you know who I am?" She asked and hoped she did not sound like she's boasting. 


There was silence between them.


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA" The boy beside him laughed like there was no tomorrow and that caused enough for everyone to look at them 


Her face flushed. He is laughing and all the people inside the bus are looking at them with weird faces.


"You're telling me you don't know who you are??" He said in between laughs and tried to compose himself. Well he tried drying the tears forming in the corner of his eyes because of too much laughing.


She pouted, she pouted like she's a five year old kid. 


That made the boy beside him stop laughing, though he smiled, perfectly amused by the girl he sat with.


"What's your name?" She asked him.


"I'm Wang Zi Sr." He said. 


"Senior? Do you have any son?" She asked.


"No, but I plan to name all of my first born line with Wang Zi." He smiled delighted.


"Let's name you shall we?" He asked as if only playing with a child.


"How about Angel? I know they're very kind." She said triumphantly like a five-year old.


Wang Zi shook his head, "You're not like an Angel, more of a..... Ghost! Yeah a Ghost!" He said and remembered how she walked up to her seat.


Unknowingly they both said the same thing.




They both laughed causing another disturbance. They both blushed and slip a little bit under their seats, and that caused the wailing baby to laughed. They both smiled, the baby stopped crying.


The bus stopped and let a passenger in. Gui's blood pulsed and vibrated.


The people in the bus whimpered and hid under their seats. Wang Zi on the other hand have flames in his eyes.




The baby started to cry again, which made the hungry-looking beast to come to them.


"Woman." The beast called and killed off the woman draining all her blood. 


While she was struggling and shouting for help, the people only turned away at the horror in front of them, they only endured the pitiful cries of help coming in their ears. And Gui was stoned to where she was, her feet not moving a muscle. She can't do anything at all, she was a lowly human too.


Wang Zi was not like that, to turn heads when someone was calling for help. Gui figured that he was preparing something. 


The vampire dropped the dead woman on the steel floor of the bus, then turned his head to the baby.  


He was going to kill the baby too.


This time a motherly instinct took hold of Gui and swung his hand directly at the wrist of the vampire causing it to loose its holding on the baby. 


She catch the baby right beneath the vampire, if she'd been a millisecond slower the baby would have died.


The moment she duck for the baby and covered him beneath her, Wang Zi stood and staked the vampire into its heart.


The hungry beast yelped and struggled before being reduced to ashes.


The baby finding warmth and love from a mother stopped his cries and went back to sleep.


It was a she. A girl. She had a necklace that said "Veronica"  Gui silently hugged the child. 


She felt anger, and she didn't know if it was really toward the just killed vampire.


Let's go, he said and pulled Gui along with him.


On the other hand, the five vampires who were silently traveling felt a huge amount of energy pass them. 


Aaron suddenly panicked. He ran to the door of Gui's room


When they opened it they found the child looking as if he just stopped crying.


"Where is she?"  He angrily asked the child clenching his fists.


"I don't know, she suddenly disappeared in a portal." He said. Hebe held the cold-blooded prince's hand and he loosen his grip.


"Let us search for her Prince Aaron." Chun said. They are confused. How can a human be in a portal, she should not have any power to open any portal.


But Calvin had different thoughts. She was clearly hiding something.


"Ahh. I'm hungry. Hebe, when will Selina and Ella be back?" Jiro complained.


"I don't know your  Majesty." She said and went to sit down.


Meanwhile Gui and Wang Zi are surrounded by vampires.


"Figures. One is surely not the way hungry vampires hunt." He smirked and held Gui behind him.


"We have come for the blood." The vampire said.


"That's unfair isn't it? you three against the two of us." He had dark aura around him.


"You're three if you count the baby." The vampire taunted.


"If your parents did not teach you, I'll teach you to be fair." He said and looked at Gui.


"Gui, listen to me, look at that clock tower. That's the big ben, run until you get there, and wait for me, only me okay?" He instructed her. That was at least a four mile run, they were in the outskirts of London!


She nodded and began running. 


Just after she was out of sight did Wang Zi show his true form. His nails grew into claws, teeth into fangs and eyes bloody hungry.


"Don't worry I only hunt exotics." He said and his claw dug the neck of one of the vampires. 


"There are only two ways to kill a vampire. First to stake its heart, and two, to rip its head off. I only eat exotics." He said and squeezed the vampires neck. The vampires head came off flying in mid air before disappearing in ashes.


"Vampires are crawling around, is there a war going on?" He asked himself and stake the other two vampires.


Run That was all she could think of. A vampire at her heels looking as malicious  as he can be.


"You are not getting away" She could already feel his breath.


No, faster, I need to be faster. She stumbled and fall. She tried to protect Veronica. She scratched her knees and her elbow. The vampire was aroused by what he just smelled. The most fragrant blood he had ever smelled. He was lucky he was walking by and saw a human running through the forest. 


Gui had tears in her eyes, her vision blurred. She smelled mud and earthy. Her hair tangled with leaves and roots. Her nails ragged. And her skin throbbed with pain.


She tried to protect the child she's holding luckily she was saved from any scratches.


She tried to stand and run again. She wobbly stood and made her way through the thick forest hoping to lose her captor. She felt like a fugitive, her face covered in blood and sticky sweat. Her palms sweating of cold sweat.


Her eyes wide of horror. She must look like someone from a ghost movie.


"Come out, come out, where ever you are." The voice haunted her ears. 


"Dong~" she could hear bells. It was exactly 12 midnight. How did it get so late? The Big Ben clock strike midnight the same time a vampire leap out of the bushes and about to grab her.


A piercing coldness pass her spine. The vampire in front of her vanished into ashes in thin air, with no reason as to how.


Coldness stared at her, she was lost until Veronica cried in her arms. There was definitely something.


She continued walking. She walked until 1 am and found herself tired and sitting in front of the Big Ben like a beggar.


Some spare change and she would look like a nutcase.


Sophisticated people everywhere glancing at her direction and making pity and weird faces.


"You're here." She heard Wang Zi's voice behind her.


"Come on, I got us a room." He said and threw a key to her.


They walked up to a hotel room.


"You look like a mess." He was about to touch her but she jerked back as if it was reflex.


He stared at her wide-eyed. She saw his hands shaking. After seconds that seemed years he dropped his hand to his side.


"Go clean yourself." He said and turned his back to her.


She cleaned herself and wondered why Wang Zi's hand was shaking.


She finished drying her hair 


"Hey, do you have a toothbr-" She stopped mid sentence he was half .


He is covered with scars. 


"Why are you here?" He asked not facing her.


"What?" She asked confused.


"Who are you?" He asked.


Nervousness swallowed her. She can't help but feel bad about rejection.


"Do you know why I am here?" He bombarded her with questions.


"I am looking for my little brother,  I lost him a few days ago in a fight." He said and wore his tshirt. 


"Who are you? Why can't I touch you?" 

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fairytaill #1
Chapter 19: i honestly thought it was going to be one of those fanfiction that go on hiatus and never update ever again. I'm happy to see that it not the case for this. i really like the story and please continue, i know it's hard to write but your readers are supporting you.
Chapter 19: Finally, you update it ^_^
Thanks for continuing this fanfic XD
Looks like I have to re-read everything again, lolzzz .... becoz it's been so long and I kinda forget the flow of the story :|
I will catch up everything again^^
I am so glad that you didn't abandon it :D
Fighting!! XD
looks interesting
AaronGuiGuiforever #4
Chapter 18: Update soon Please!!!
I so love the story so much!
And good luck with your school, I really know how you feel, i feel like that too when im at school.
But anyways I'll support you no matter what and again
Update soon, GuiLun Jiayou Fighting!!!! :)))
Chapter 18: UPDATE SOON!! hope Aaron will remember soon:D
jenny24 #6
Chapter 18: Update soon:)Jia you for your school . Hopefully Aaron found gui gui.
lucky9606 #7
please update soon
I really like this story
what is going to happen to Gui Gui and her son
and will all the vampires remember her?
jenny24 #8
Chapter 16: Update soon.Who is Gui Gui?
update soon :)