Kim Heechul - The Lying Witness

Guilty Of Love

I know I haven't updated in like forever =_= I'm so sorry. This week has been hectic between homework, tests, and school and taking care of my grandpa who has cancer. I can hardly keep up with the updates that other people are writing. Ah...I have so much to catch up on on AFF. But this isn't time for me to sit and make excuses. So, I have now come with an update. *Sighs* But it isn't that great. It was kind of short and boring. In any case, I hope you like the update :)

I'm still tryign to figure out which characters to add in, but I have no added Heechul as a character :) He will have a significant part in this story, but his main portion will come towards the end.

MinJee huffed an exasperated sigh as she collapsed on the couch. The whole day had been exhausting, and the only thing she desperately craved now, was a shower, but it seemed that even that would have to wait as the sounds of running water throughout the apartment proved that the shower was being occupied. She sighed once again as she reflected on her day. Kyuhyun was exactly right. As much as she hated to admit it, he was right. The witness she wanted to speak to had left after speaking with Kyuhyun, and all the other witnesses were hopeless. 
However, there was one that caught her eye. Kim Heechul. He was a tall well built boy who claimed to have seen Donghae commit the crime. His testimony was concrete and he spoke well without stuttering even once. An acid tongue as she liked to call it. It was as though he were hissing his words. Each one spitting a dangerous venom that wanred her to stay away. Despite this, MinJee couldn't help but feel as though he were lying to her when he spoke. She'd always been very perceptive, so she was able to pick out a few things as she analyzed his body language. Although he didn't stutter, he fidgeted quite a lot and would often rub his hands together. These were both body language "defense mechanisms" as she liked to call them. In other words, they hinted that he wasn't telling the entire truth, and was nervous about something. 
She pondered this for quite a while until her thoughts switched towards another matter, Cho Kyuhyun. Oh gosh, Cho Kyuhyun...what a pain in the neck. He was utterly irritating, yet she couldn't fight her damn feelings. Why did he have to be so intoxicating? Why did he have to be such a guilty pleasure...a poison? Most of all, why did he have to be such a jerk. She couldn't stand the fact that she fell right into his palm, and that he could play with her feelings as he pleased, so easily. It wasn't fair. 
It wasn't fair that she cried that many tears every night for so long. It wasn't fair how her heart was so easily captured when he ki- 
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't realize that you'd be back by now." MinJee's stubbornly rosy cheeks rose as she glanced up at the sound of the gasp, only to find something that would cause her cheeks to redden even further. She blinked once...twice, before what was before her even rendered through her brain. shirt...only a towel...abs? 
"Holy crap! Get some freakin' clothes on!" She screamed, cover her eyes with her hands. MinJee them proceeded to pick up the nearest object, which happened to be a pillow, and throw it at him. She would've heard him squeak another quick apology if it weren't for her immense embarrassment and shame for seeing a scene she didn't even want to see. She buried her face into the cushion of the couch and waited. 

Donghae tugged a t-shirt on, fixing it in place before proceeding back to the room. That wasn't quite the reaction he expected. He grinned to himself, silently laughing. From the moment he met MinJee, he always saw her as a mature lady, but to think that she'd have such an innocent reaction to something so small? He would've figured that she would've been used to it, since she looked like she had a boyfriend, what with some items he found stored in an extra closet. He couldn't help but find himself chuckling at her reaction. Her red cheeks and covered eyes were hilarious. She seemed mature, but it seemed that she could also be a kid at times. 
He slowly made his way towards the room. Stopping at the doorway, he smiled and laughed as he found that she still had her head buried into her sleeve. Donghae took a seat next to her on the sofa, smiling. 
"Are you done yet?" MinJee called in a small voice. He grinned and nodded. 
"Yeah." She slowly removed her hands from her eyes, and blushed bashfully. He chuckled at the cute action. MinJee's eyebrows furrowed, and her gaze met the floor. It seemed as though she were too shy to look him in the eye. How cute. 
"Are you younger than me, noona?" Donghae asked, tilting his head to the side curiously. Her reply was short and simple as she was too embarrassed from the previous incident, to say much. 
"I'm 23 years old." She quietly replied, turning her flushed face away. 
"You're 2 years younger than me!" Donghae announced. He pouted slightly. "If you knew this, then why do you keep calling me 'kid'?" 
"Because you act about 15 years younger than me, kid." She replied sarcastically, shrugging her shoulders. He sighed, a bit hurt by the response, although he knew that he was a bit childish. 
"Noo-...MinJee-ssi, do you have a boyfriend?" Her head suddenly snapped up to meet his gaze at the question. She looked angry, yet surprised at the question, and Donghae suddenly regretted asking. It seemed like a sensitive subject for her. 
"No. Why do you ask?" Her answer came quickly in a defensive tone. He suddenly felt pressured, as if he just shouldn't say the wrong thing. He slowly shook his head, and spout out a small lie. 
"No reason. I was just curious." Donghae replied quietly. He wondered to himself about her wild reaction. Today was the first time he'd ever seen her so flustered. Before, she had never lost her cool. That just wasn't like her, but now...this "boyfriend" thing just seemed to be a touchy subject for her. Although he was curious to know why she reacted the way she did, he decided not to be a hindrance by pressing for details. 
"I-I used to have one. I've only ever had one, but...he left. He didn't want me anymore. I'm not sure if he ever did." Donghae almost jumped at the sound of her whispers among the silence. He wasn't actually expecting him to tell her anything, so he was surprised she did. 
"I-If you find any of his stuff...just leave it. The sick bastard said he wanted something for me to remember him by even after he betrayed me, so...I haven't gotten the chance to throw it away yet because I was busy." 
'Haven't gotten the chance, or don't want too.' Donghae questioned to himself. Her miserable dazed gaze turned to meet his, and he instantly regretted bringing up such bad memories. He nervously crossed his arms around his chest, not knowing what to say or do. After all, to couldn't possibly be as simple as "Hey, cheer up!". 
"Hey..." He started weakly, "I want to show you something. Umm...get ready, and I'll meet you outside." 
She glanced up at him with big wide eyes. At first, he figured that she refuse, but surprisingly, she just slowly nodded her head, muttering in a small innocent voice. 
"Okay. I'll get dressed and meet you outside."

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New reader -w-
I hope you update soon, even though it's been forever xD
You were in the CYW Challenge? :D I was your judge!
update here too lady :D
@Ami_SuJuElf - I did? so? Ah! Wow, you're really good at guessing. It's something like that. Something close, but not exactly :) Hahahahaha. But that's the suspense of it all, ne?
@Unmei474 - Yes. Knowing Heechul, this has now become a thousand times harder, especially since his testimony is going to be good. <br />
Hehehehe. I think they'll be good friends from a few points on, or at least closer :) I was debating so long on how to make them friends...<br />
Alright. Thank you :) And I look forward to that update too<br />
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@chickenonew - Yeah. It's a little soon for that, as I want them to becoem friends first :)<br />
Hahahahaha. It's going to get hard, having both Kyuhyun and Heechul pitted against him. Donghae is just adorable >.<<br />
Thanks!~ I'll try to update ASAP, although I doubt it'll be some time this week >.<<br />
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@kkhihi - Hahahaha. Yes I am >:) That's because that's the way Donghae is :) Adorable and hot at the same time
God!! You just fooled me!!!<br />
Seriously I thought in the story Donghae was like 17 ~ 19 years old!!<br />
Don't blame me for that, u made him look like his is!!<br />
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and freak! Heechul is the witness? Donghae won't stand a chance! I hope Min Jee will comes out with solution. I believe that someone/something has forced Donghae to did the crime! and yeah, it's killing me to not know the real story...><
OH GOSH! thinking about y kyu and BAM appear donghae shirtless..woman! are u trying to kill me!!! u no wat i u portray donghae as so innocent looking, cute, but then also freakin HOT!!!
ACKJDBNCFIUWFNHC, oh how i wish that him questioning her relationship status was because he was hitting on her XD<br />
BUT, i think its too soon for that >:D<br />
Damn Kyuhyun, he's so cute but he's a jerk in this story! lol.<br />
and Heechul...well, he's always the sharp tongued one XD<br />
poor MinJee..atleast you have Donghae to cheer you up!<br />
please try and update whenever you can~<br />
im sure we are all patient enough, so take your time! :DD
Gah! Heechul... Hmmm... interesting development. Very very. lol<br />
Bahaha, her reaction was soooo great! I thought it was the funnies thing! MinJee, buahahahaha! GREAT! Okay, okay, enough of that.<br />
He already likes her. Na na na nanana~!! Well, from what I think hehe.<br />
Short but sweet, but I really want to know what he's going to show her! Take your time on your updates. I'm sure most of us gets it anyways, being busy and all. I will try updating I Can Only Love You soon too... ;)
@TiaraL - Aww...thanks ^.^ I'm glad you like it. I will! ^.^