Cho Kyuhyun - The Prosecutor

Guilty Of Love! I've had so much fun writing this. I planned to update eariler, but my one-shot for a challenge I did was my priority:

I really love this chapter. It was just so good. The only problem is that I don't know where I'm going to go now with this, but I'll figure it out. Thank you all for reading. I also wanted to add that my schedule is going to be kind of iffy because of the challenge I joined. It's all just kind of up in the air because I'm making the challenge my priority. I'm already done with my entry for round 1, so it's good at this moment, but later it won't be as constant.

Well, anyway, please enjoy!~

MinJee scowled as she gripped the wheel of her car, her knuckles turning white as her grip tightened. She mumbled a few curses, her face flushing with each thought that passed through her mind. The reason? Each thought that passed centered around her conversation from the morning, which, in itself, was vexing as hell. She'd attempted to keep her cool in front of Donghae, but she couldn't even manage that. Now, she was fully frustrated as she made her way to the Seoul Museum of Art. 
She took a deep breath, as her car came to a stop. Before exiting the vehicle, she sat in silence with only her thoughts. MinJee reminded herself about all her priorities; about what she was to do. Getting upset over something like this was stupid. She couldn't let her personal life get in the way of her work. 
She exited the car. Her expression had now changed to an indifferent emotionless mask. She hastily trotted down the museum hallways, her high-heels clicking loudly against the surface of the ground with each step. She stopped as she found herself standing before two figures. She clicked her tongue in distaste as  her eyes darted from the two men. Judging by the way one was dressed, he was probably a security guard, and the other...was all too familiar for her to overlook. 
She frowned, and narrowed her eyes at the man, although he had his back to her. MinJee silently hoped that he wouldn't notice her, but all those hopes came crashing down as he turned around and their eyes met. She cringed, noticing a mocking smirk that fell oh-so-perfectly over his face, where a genuine smile should've been. At least, MinJee would've liked it to have been there. He took a few steps towards her, so she took a few steps back. By now she had learned never to be that close to him. The closer you got, the more vulnerable you were, whether it be metaphorically or literally. This is something that he had taught her, as well as many other crappy lessons she never even wanted to learn. 
"MinJee." He stated with a small smirk. He spoke in a caring tone, almost as if they were good friends. She scoffed, knowing that if it were anyone else they would think that; but MinJee knew better than that. Behind that act and simple words, there was an evil, selfish, manipulating, mischievous, rude, ignorant-. She had to calm her herself down, as her own thoughts were now breaking her concentration. She inwardly inhaled before responding. 
"Kyuhyun-ssi." She replied in an emotionless even tone. She wore a poker face that would have fooled anyone if it weren't for the fact that he knew her better than she even knew herself. His smirk grew wider, possibly from seeing how much he affected her. 
'Damn that bastard. Does he think this is funny? Well? Is it funny getting under my skin like this?' 
"So, I heard that you're also on this case too. A coincidence, isn't it? It's a shame the result is already decided." He spoke in a cocky cheeky tone. MinJee's head snapped up at the comment. For the first time in a while, she finally looked in his eyes, but only to check if he was lying. Unfortunately, she couldn't find a trace of anything. Her eyes narrowed, shooting Kyuhyun the coldest glare she could possibly manage. 
"What do you mean?" She hissed angrily. A victorious smirk broke out across his face at her reaction. 
"There's the MinJee we all know and love." 
"Don't you dare." She warned coldly."We all know that the only one you love is yourself, so I'd appreciate if you could refrain from expressions you don't mean. Now what's the meaning of all this?" 
"Nothing much." He shrugged. "But if you're planning to actually waste effort here, then don't bother. All the witnesses are against your client, and there is practically no evidence in your favor." 
"Stop fooling around. You're toying with me again to get me off this case." MinJee growled taking a challenging step towards Kyuhyun. She instantly regretted it, knowing Kyuhyun's full capabilities when being challenged. 
"Now, MinJee..." He started, cupping a hand over her cheek. She felt her heart stop, and she inwardly screamed at it to snap out of her trance. Still, she made no effort to break from his grasp. "You don't honestly believe that I'd be playing at something so simple. My plans are much more complicated, especially when it comes to you." 
"S-Stop it. This may be funny for you, but it isn't for me." She stuttered through her words, her face turning a bright bashful red. She slapped his hand away, glaring coldly at him. She took a few seconds to breath and regain her composure, before she spoke again. This time, her voice was steady and emotionless like when she started. She had built her walls up again, although she cursed herself for allowing him to break them down in the first place. "You may think you know everything, Cho Kyuhyun, but you don't. You only have a fourth of the puzzle, while I have the other portion. After all, I have the suspect, and I know for a fact that he didn't do it, and he is all the evidence has all the evidence I need. What do you have?" Now it was her turn to smirk victoriously. 
"I'd tell you, but this isn't exactly show and tell." He answered lamely after finding nothing else to say. He frowned for an instance. It was only seconds later that that frown turned into a grin; a devious one. MinJee inwardly groaned. Of course, he just had to get the last word in any argument. 
"Hey! I heard that your client won't talk." MinJee's eyebrows furrowed in frustration. She settled her hands on her hips, obviously annoyed at where the conversation was going. 
"Technically that's incorrect. Lee Donghae does, in fact, speak, just not about this matter per se. He only talks to people he wants to." She replied with a loud irritated sigh. 
"I'm guessing you aren't exactly one of those people." Kyuhyun grinned knowingly. She stiffened and stayed silent. Noticing this, Kyuhyun smiled widely. "That's what I thought." 
He glanced over at a large clock hanging over the wall before them, and sighed. With a small smirk, he leaned closer to MinJee, so that his lips were grazing her ear. Kyuhyun smiled as her cheeks tinted pink. 
"I guess we'll both be seeing each other a lot more often now. I'm looking forward to it, MinJee. See you in court." He whispered softly into her ear in a husky tone. He then brushed passed her as he headed for the exit. Leaving behind a bashful MinJee. 
Her cheeks burned a red that she wished so desperately would go away. Her hands balled up into fists,  and she angrily grit her teeth. He was making a fool of her again, and she knew it. She hated his ignorance, his cocky attitude, his arrogance; but what she hated the most, was that even after a year, he had this affect on her, and he was using it to his advantage. He was having fun by making her feel so vulnerable. He found it funny. It annoyed her that she was practically in the palm of his hands. He knew her inside out, and also knew that she wasn't over it, and maybe she'd never be. 
"Damn you." She muttered to herself darkly with a tone full of fury. "Damn you, for making me feel this way."

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New reader -w-
I hope you update soon, even though it's been forever xD
You were in the CYW Challenge? :D I was your judge!
update here too lady :D
@Ami_SuJuElf - I did? so? Ah! Wow, you're really good at guessing. It's something like that. Something close, but not exactly :) Hahahahaha. But that's the suspense of it all, ne?
@Unmei474 - Yes. Knowing Heechul, this has now become a thousand times harder, especially since his testimony is going to be good. <br />
Hehehehe. I think they'll be good friends from a few points on, or at least closer :) I was debating so long on how to make them friends...<br />
Alright. Thank you :) And I look forward to that update too<br />
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@chickenonew - Yeah. It's a little soon for that, as I want them to becoem friends first :)<br />
Hahahahaha. It's going to get hard, having both Kyuhyun and Heechul pitted against him. Donghae is just adorable >.<<br />
Thanks!~ I'll try to update ASAP, although I doubt it'll be some time this week >.<<br />
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@kkhihi - Hahahaha. Yes I am >:) That's because that's the way Donghae is :) Adorable and hot at the same time
God!! You just fooled me!!!<br />
Seriously I thought in the story Donghae was like 17 ~ 19 years old!!<br />
Don't blame me for that, u made him look like his is!!<br />
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and freak! Heechul is the witness? Donghae won't stand a chance! I hope Min Jee will comes out with solution. I believe that someone/something has forced Donghae to did the crime! and yeah, it's killing me to not know the real story...><
OH GOSH! thinking about y kyu and BAM appear donghae shirtless..woman! are u trying to kill me!!! u no wat i u portray donghae as so innocent looking, cute, but then also freakin HOT!!!
ACKJDBNCFIUWFNHC, oh how i wish that him questioning her relationship status was because he was hitting on her XD<br />
BUT, i think its too soon for that >:D<br />
Damn Kyuhyun, he's so cute but he's a jerk in this story! lol.<br />
and Heechul...well, he's always the sharp tongued one XD<br />
poor MinJee..atleast you have Donghae to cheer you up!<br />
please try and update whenever you can~<br />
im sure we are all patient enough, so take your time! :DD
Gah! Heechul... Hmmm... interesting development. Very very. lol<br />
Bahaha, her reaction was soooo great! I thought it was the funnies thing! MinJee, buahahahaha! GREAT! Okay, okay, enough of that.<br />
He already likes her. Na na na nanana~!! Well, from what I think hehe.<br />
Short but sweet, but I really want to know what he's going to show her! Take your time on your updates. I'm sure most of us gets it anyways, being busy and all. I will try updating I Can Only Love You soon too... ;)
@TiaraL - Aww...thanks ^.^ I'm glad you like it. I will! ^.^