Life In A Holding Cell

Guilty Of Love I said on "TSHH", I haven't had much time to write. This chapter was pre-wrote up last week, but I haven't had time to revise it. I just thought "What the heck? Might as well post it." It seems good enough, so here it is. This is part two of the last chapter, so it's still kind of the intro. Here, MinJee finally meets Donghae, although they really won't talk much on friendly terms until later. For now, their relationship is strictly lawyer-client. But...hopefully it won't stay that way *hint hint*

Hahahaha. So, I really love this chapter so I hope you'll feel the same way. MinJee definitely is a character. I haven't organized my thoughts for her, but my basis of her character was mature, intelligent, a bit stubborn, independent, yet having a sense of justice, kind, and caring. She's a very different from ym other character as you can see. I'm trying to be a bit diverse here, so please give me feedback on what you think about her so far. She certainly won't be nearly as dense as Nana is, and Dongahe won't either; especially since their not teenagers in this story.

So...thank you for reading, and I hope you'll enjoy. Two updates in one night...whew (One on TSHH, and one of this)

The first thing MinJee noticed as she stepped inside the holding cell, was most likely the man inside the cell. Well, that would be what any other lawyer would notice first, but MinJee, being still fresh to the field shuddered as she entered the room. This had only been her second time in a holding cell, and she already hated it. 
To be confined like they were; she often wondered how it would feel to be in the suspected one's shoes. What if you didn't actually do the crime, yet you still had the world against you as you sat in a lonely cell with nothing but gray walls surrounding you and yourself to talk to? With these suppressed feelings in her chest, she took steady steps to the figure sitting in the center of the room, at one end of a desk. 
She suddenly found herself being reminded of the things a lawyer should absolutely do when meeting with their client. 1. Stay calm and composed; 2. Be in charge; 3. Make the client feel as though you are their friend and are on their side no matter what the world thinks; 4. Only answer vaguely to their questions 
It wasn't until she settled herself into the chair, and had taken the contents of her briefcase out, that she had found that the client had been crying. MinJee felt a sharp twinge of hurt in her heart, feeling sympathetic to the man who sat across from her. After all, everyone deserved a chance didn't they? And as far as she was concerned, as a defense attorney, he was innocent until proven otherwise. 
She stared blankly at the man for a few seconds. Slowly, his head rose. His eyes widened as he caught sight of her, and he quickly turned away, wiping furiously at his eyes. When he turned back to her, the tears were gone, although the tear streaks were still very much evident. As a lawyer not a human, MinJee ignored this and coldly took a quick glance at her papers. 
"Hello." She greeted simply, faking a smile. "I'm Park MinJee. I'll be the one on your side during this case. And you?" 
He just stared at her for a long silent moment, obviously bewildered. After a few seconds, he finally blinked in realization before looking away. 
"Lee Donghae." He murmured softly, avoided her gaze. 
"Nice to meet you." She grinned (although fake), holding her hand out to him. He hesitantly shook it, and attempted to return the smile, but there really wasn't anything to be happy about. After all, he was being suspected of a crime. 
"So...I heard you were convicted of stealing an important historical work of art from the Seoul museum?" She eyed him as he nervously fidgeted in his seat. "Of course, I obviously don't believe that. I'm on your side. So, would you mind telling me the truth?" 
He met her gaze for just a second then looked away. 
"I can't. There's nothing to tell. I did it." He answered quickly in a shaky tone. 
'Aish, this kid...' She mentally cursed to herself. If she could, she would have been pulling at her hair in frustration, but she refrained from doing anything drastic. Why? Simply because that is not what a lawyer would do. It was her job to remain professional, and as a professional attorney, the most she could do right now was pretend she were a robot with no emotions. 
Her expression remained stuck in a cold poker face; her tone steady; her eyes revealing not even a glimpse of emotion. She crossed her arms across her chest, and laid back in her chair. 
"You do know that by pleading guilty, you will be held responsible, and expected to accept full charges against yourself. This includes several years in a national prison, and a fine that can sum up to millions." She spoke calmly without emotion, and found herself quite pleased with her performance. MinJee glanced over towards the client. Donghae, was it? He seemed slightly bothered by her words, as a troubled expression crossed his face and he shivered slightly. He looked slightly uncertain as he ducked his head and nodded silently. 
MinJee's inner grinning ceased. She narrowed her eyes at the boy. She was certain intimidation would work, but instead he just accepted it? Was he really that stupid? She'd made the consequences of failing to show his innocence clear, so why was he accepting this? Even criminals wouldn't admit their guilt. 
"Why won't you tell me anything?" MinJee finally demanded, her patience breaking. "If I don't know anything, then I can't help." 
Donghae turned to face her with an almost desperate expression. His gaze met with the ground, which she'd come to realize was a hint. From this body language, she could conclude that his next words would be lies. 
"I did it. I'm guilty" He confessed in a shaky voice. Her eyes widened. Why would an innocent person lie like this? Why was he trying to make her believe that he was guilty? A sigh left her lips, knowing that this was going to be harder than she originally thought. Yet, she couldn't give up. Not while all those bills and loans threatened her very existence. 
"Listen..." MinJee started again. She leaned closer to Donghae, who was sitting across from her. "I know you didn't do. You don't have to be afraid. I'm on your side, so just trust me." 
"I can't tell you, noona." He spoke quietly, his eyes glued to the floor. "I just can't!" 
She shot him an incredulous look. She'd already tried the serious lawyer role; she played the intimidation card; and she tried to reassure him. What more did he want? How could she convince him? She turned to meet the teary eyes of her client that threatened to fall. 
"Hey, hey. No tears, okay? You've got nothing to worry about as long as you tell me what happened." 
"But I can't tell you, noona. I can't tell anyone, so...can you pretend that I really did steal it?" 
"No." MinJee replied steadily. She massaged her temples, taking in the information. She could feel a slight migraine come on when she thought about how she would solve the case. She needed this case to save her from financial ruin. That much had become evident. She couldn't keep relying on her parent's money. 
MinJee contemplated the many ways she could convince Lee Donghae. Unfortunately, this would be the hardest part. Despite his naive appearance, it seemed as though he were hiding something, and refused to tell her.  
Suddenly, the solutions to her problems hit her like a ton of bricks. If Lee Donghae wouldn't tell her only because he didn't trust her, then if she earned his trust, he'd definitely tell her, right? would she earn a stranger's trust that quickly? She'd never see him outside of the detention center, right? 
MinJee turned to face Donghae with a knowing smile. She folded her hands out in front of her, and glanced over at him. 
"Do you have a place to stay?" 
He shot her a confused look in response, followed by a blank stare. 
"But the security guard said that I have to stay in one of the cells." Donghae responded with confusion. 
"I have my connections." A slight smirk fell upon her lips, as she reached out to pull him up. "Well? Why don't we get out of here?" 
He stared up at her with wide eyes for just a second, before sheepishly directing his attention to the floor. 
"B-but...I have no where to go." 
She glanced up at him with a grin. 
"Well, now you do. But, I do have some conditions..." Donghae slowly directed his hesitant bewildered attention to the girl. 
"Lee Donghae, I swear that one day, I will make you tell me the truth." 

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New reader -w-
I hope you update soon, even though it's been forever xD
You were in the CYW Challenge? :D I was your judge!
update here too lady :D
@Ami_SuJuElf - I did? so? Ah! Wow, you're really good at guessing. It's something like that. Something close, but not exactly :) Hahahahaha. But that's the suspense of it all, ne?
@Unmei474 - Yes. Knowing Heechul, this has now become a thousand times harder, especially since his testimony is going to be good. <br />
Hehehehe. I think they'll be good friends from a few points on, or at least closer :) I was debating so long on how to make them friends...<br />
Alright. Thank you :) And I look forward to that update too<br />
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@chickenonew - Yeah. It's a little soon for that, as I want them to becoem friends first :)<br />
Hahahahaha. It's going to get hard, having both Kyuhyun and Heechul pitted against him. Donghae is just adorable >.<<br />
Thanks!~ I'll try to update ASAP, although I doubt it'll be some time this week >.<<br />
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@kkhihi - Hahahaha. Yes I am >:) That's because that's the way Donghae is :) Adorable and hot at the same time
God!! You just fooled me!!!<br />
Seriously I thought in the story Donghae was like 17 ~ 19 years old!!<br />
Don't blame me for that, u made him look like his is!!<br />
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and freak! Heechul is the witness? Donghae won't stand a chance! I hope Min Jee will comes out with solution. I believe that someone/something has forced Donghae to did the crime! and yeah, it's killing me to not know the real story...><
OH GOSH! thinking about y kyu and BAM appear donghae shirtless..woman! are u trying to kill me!!! u no wat i u portray donghae as so innocent looking, cute, but then also freakin HOT!!!
ACKJDBNCFIUWFNHC, oh how i wish that him questioning her relationship status was because he was hitting on her XD<br />
BUT, i think its too soon for that >:D<br />
Damn Kyuhyun, he's so cute but he's a jerk in this story! lol.<br />
and Heechul...well, he's always the sharp tongued one XD<br />
poor MinJee..atleast you have Donghae to cheer you up!<br />
please try and update whenever you can~<br />
im sure we are all patient enough, so take your time! :DD
Gah! Heechul... Hmmm... interesting development. Very very. lol<br />
Bahaha, her reaction was soooo great! I thought it was the funnies thing! MinJee, buahahahaha! GREAT! Okay, okay, enough of that.<br />
He already likes her. Na na na nanana~!! Well, from what I think hehe.<br />
Short but sweet, but I really want to know what he's going to show her! Take your time on your updates. I'm sure most of us gets it anyways, being busy and all. I will try updating I Can Only Love You soon too... ;)
@TiaraL - Aww...thanks ^.^ I'm glad you like it. I will! ^.^