Chapter 6

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Hani stood before an umber coloured door, slightly sickened by the smell of fresh paint. A lump started growing in and her palms started sweating. She took a deep breath and hesitantly brought her hand up, balling it into a fist. Her shaky hand moved forward until it was only an inch apart from the wooden surface of the door. Suddenly, she froze.

"I think I wanna see my dad again," Hani stated, earning puzzled looks from the other two in the room.

"Your dad?" Mrs. Jeon asked, "You've met him?"

"Mm," Hani responded, nodding her head.

Mrs. Jeon's lips formed into a straight line, as she seemed to be deep in thought, staring into an empty space. She asked, "Did he tell you everything?"

"No," Hani said, chuckling sadly. "It was actually my mom who told me," she continued. Her stomach turned slightly when she realised that she had said the word 'mom' in front of her other 'mom'.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Jungkook asked.

"Thanks, but I think it'll be better if I go alone," Hani spoke. She felt that she needed time for herself to think without having any distractions.

"Are you sure?" Jungkook asked again with a hint of worry in his tone. "You'll be okay, right, Noona?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Hani assured.


Hani pulled herself back into reality when she heard the door being unlocked. She retracted her hand that she held up earlier and cleared . The door opened and a man appeared, wearing a silver knitted vest with a gray fedora on his head.

"Hani?" he said when he eyed the girl in front of him.

"A-Are you busy?" Hani asked, concerned that she had clashed with her father's plans.

"Well, I was about to go out," Mr. Park said, before giving a look of sympathy towards his daughter. "But I guess I can do that some other time since my daughter came to visit," he said with a warm smile on his face.


"Is it true?" Hani started off, looking down and fiddling with the empty cup in her hands.

"Hm? What is?" Mr. Park asked, leaning forward to reach for the small jug of water on the table.

"I had a chance to talk with Mommy," Hani sighed. Mr. Park paused his movements. "She told me everything."

"Is that so?" the elder said, sitting back against the sofa. Hani kept her eyes on her cup.

"You cheated on her for my real mom and then you had me," she explained before lifting her head to look at her father with hurtful eyes. "That's what she said."

Hani stared at her father, who seemed to have no words to say. He sighed, as if he had already expected that it would turn out like this.

"Is it true?" Hani pressed, earning another sigh from Mr. Park.

"Yes, it's true, but I-"

"Why would you do that?" Hani spoke up before Mr. Park could finish his sentence. "Daddy... Do you know what I've been through?" she paused, "Why did you even keep me in the first place? It would've been better if I had foster parents instead of a mother who loathed me... And she's not even real... Why did you do this to me?"

"Hani," Mr. Park breathed, "I already told you that abandoning you was the biggest mistake that I've made. But keeping you wasn't."

Hani looked up from the cup she was holding and met with her father's eyes.

"Keeping you was no mistake, dear," he continued, "I loved your mother. Your real mother." Hani looked away from him again, unsure to believe him or not. "And I love you," the elder went on, "I never regretted bringing you into this world."

"What about Mommy?" Hani spoke up, "You know, the one you married."

A mellow smile reached her father's face. "I had loved her once," he said, "But people change."

"Why are you still married to her?"

"Initially, I had wanted to file a divorce, right after I've reunited with your real mother," he explained, "But I felt bad for her, my wife. I'm well aware of the pain that I've caused. And other than me, she doesn't have anyone else."

"Is that why you married her in the first place?" Hani asked.

The elder suddenly lowered his gaze to the ground. "I thought it was love," he said, "But it turned out that I was wrong."

A few seconds passed without either of them uttering a word before Hani decided to speak up again.

"What happened to mom?" she asked, "She... died, right?" There was a moment where the light on the elder's face disappeared completely. But it was very short.

"Why don't we talk about this another time, yeah?" he said, putting on a fake smile, "It's almost dusk so you should head home quickly."

Hani eyed her father carefully. "I want to know," she said with a firm tone.

Mr. Park was hesitant. But he sighed when he saw the determination in Hani's eyes. "Very well," he said, "When my wife found out that I had an affair with your mother, she decided to ruin her life. Your mother was very submissive towards her because she felt guilty. She was slapped, cursed at, humiliated and I couldn't do anything. It was all because of the guilt we felt. Until one day, she..."

Hani looked at her father when he suddenly trailed off and noticed the droplets of tears that ran down his face.

"Daddy," she muttered, before scooting closer to him. She brought her hand up hesitantly, clueless of what to do before settling it on her father's back to comfort him. She let her other hand rest on top of the elder's. Mr. Park smiled at her, silently thanking her for her care.

"Do you remember the old apartment building where we used to live?" he asked, earning a nod from his daughter. "She jumped."

"W-What?" Hani blurted out.

"She jumped," he repeated, but Hani heard it the first time. She brought her hand up to cover her opened mouth and tried to even out her breathing as she had been holding her breath.

Before either of them could say anything, they heard the front door open and close followed by the tapping of heels which grew louder every second.

"I'm back," said a familiar voice. A few seconds later, the owner of the voice appeared, wearing matching surprised looks with Hani and her father. Hani had no longer pitied her, but the displeasure towards her started growing, especially now that she knew that her mother died because of the lady in front of her.

"Hani yah," her father spoke up, "You should probably go now. It's getting late. I need to have a little chat with my wife."


The train ride home wasn't so interesting, as Hani almost drifted off to sleep several times before realising that she had missed her stop.

"Ah, crap," she muttered when the train started moving again. She tried to keep her eyes open and when the train stopped again, she got off.

She walked up the staircase that lead to the exit of the subway station with a blank look on her face. Her thoughts were fading away with each step she took until she literally thought of nothing once she reached the top of the stairs.

She saw her school right in front of her, which looked less intimidating in the moonlight. If she took the path to the right, there would be a bus stand nearby. Hani felt fatigued once she thought about home. However, as if her legs were opposing her mind, she took the path to the left.


Hani was leaning against a wall on the rooftop of the same building that she had visited a few weeks ago, staring at the night sky above her. It was just like last time, but without any bad intentions. Hani came here just to clear her mind. She sighed, counting the stars that seemed brighter than before. Or maybe she didn't get to see the stars very well the last time, since she was too busy looking at the ground five floors below. She shivered at the thought and discarded it right away. Her mind was already clouded with her family problems and she couldn't handle that much negativity at once.

The peace and quiet was interrupted when the door opened, making Hani's heart jump. She felt relieved when she saw Daehyun walk in with a puzzled expression on his face.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, walking towards her.

"I should be the one to ask you that," Hani said. Daehyun smiled at her before taking a seat next to her.

"But I asked you first," he said, "So you should answer first."

Hani returned his smile before leaning her head back and gazing at the sky again. "I don't know," she sighed, "I had a long day so I came here to clear my thoughts, I guess."

"Long day?" Daehyun asked, "Did something happen?"

"Let's just say I know everything now," Hani said before glancing at the boy to her left. "Everything about my past," she said.

"Oh," Daehyun muttered, "Care to fill me in with the details? I'm still your best friend, right?"

Hani let out a small chuckle. Then she let her gaze rest on her arms that were hugging her folded legs.

"My dad cheated on Mrs. Park," she started, "And when she found out, she bullied his girlfriend until his girlfriend suicided."

"That sounds awful," said Daehyun who had a frown on his face. Then his look turned confused. "But why did you say 'Mrs. Park'? Isn't she your mom?"

"No," Hani said with a sad smile on her face. "Mrs. Park's a stranger to me," she said, "My mom is the one dad had an affair with. My dad said she died after jumping from this building."

There was only silence when Hani ended her sentence. Hani glanced at Daehyun when he didn't say anything, to find him staring at her with his brows furrowed.

"Why? Is that too much to take in?" she spoke up, making Daehyun blink after a long time. But he still sat silently for a few moments.

"I'm sorry," he finally spoke, turning his eyes away from Hani. "I shouldn't have brought that up."

"It's okay," Hani mumbled. She was disappointed by how the mood dropped so quickly.

The two sat in silence, admiring the stars up abo

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exoticyati #1
Chapter 5: Woah her mom's scary...that I could poop in my pants! Lol
SMentFan99 #2
Chapter 6: I didn't really get the "you can meet her now" and "hi, mom" part. So can anyone explain me? Thank you ^_^
Chapter 3: haha i wonder what crazines will happen now ha :P
oohlina #4
Chapter 6: soo cutee ahhh <3
jungkoook & hani omg ;3
chimgotjams #5
Chapter 5: lol that last scene is hilarious! I hope Hani can find her happiness again. Keep it up!
PakouYang536100 #6
Chapter 4: Subscribe Soon Plz :)
Chapter 4: OLOLO Sorry I haven't been commenting :))))) EXAMS EXAMS haha
I lurve it I lurve it
oohlina #8
Chapter 3: omg this is so cute ahh ♥ jungkoook is adoraaable ... so is daehyunn ^~^